795 research outputs found

    How Does Immigration Impact Output, Employment and Wages? Evidence from United Kingdom

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    This study investigates the impact of immigration on the UK economy using time-series data from 1975 to 2006 and panel data of 12 regions from 2002 to 2006. This study was conducted in 2008 when there was a national debate going on whether the immigration impacted the economy positively or negatively. A rigorous econometric exercise has been done in both time-series and panel models. Results found from various estimation techniques predominantly show immigrants to be contributing to increasing GDP, reducing unemployment and increasing wages. Granger non-causality test confirms immigrants’ role in causing economic growth of this country to rise. Tests do not show any long-run relationship between GDP and immigration share. No significant impulse is created in GDP, wage rate or unemployment rate in response to any shock taking place in the immigration share of this country according to the datasets used in this study

    Weak Mott insulators on the triangular lattice: possibility of a gapless nematic quantum spin liquid

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    We study the energetics of Gutzwiller projected BCS states of various symmetries for the triangular lattice antiferromagnet with a four particle ring exchange using variational Monte Carlo methods. In a range of parameters the energetically favored state is found to be a projected dx2−y2d_{x^2-y^2} paired state which breaks lattice rotational symmetry. We show that the properties of this nematic or orientationally ordered paired spin liquid state as a function of temperature and pressure can account for many of the experiments on organic materials. We also study the ring-exchange model with ferromagnetic Heisenberg exchange and find that amongst the studied ans\"atze, a projected f−f-wave state is the most favorable.Comment: Longer version, 7+ pages, 5 figure

    Recording of Elevated Temperature Fatigue Crack Growth Data by DCPD System

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    The growth of long fatigue cracks, in α-β titanium alloy forging, subjected to cyclic stresses, is studied in this paper. The fatigue crack growth rate (FCGR) data were recorded at room temperature, 350, 450, 550 and 650°F using the Direct Current Potential Difference (DCPD) technique. The DCPD method, used in this investigation, was found to record and correlate the potential difference in terms of crack growth rate (da/dN) and Mode I stress intensity factor range satisfactorily. Various factors related to error minimization and calibration equations for compact tension specimens have been elaborated. Also discussed were the means to enhance the accuracy of the data by the DCPD system for elevated temperature fatigue crack growth rate testing

    High Temperature Fatigue Crack Growth Behavior of Ti-6Al-4V

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    Experimental evaluation of high temperature, Fatigue Crack Growth Rate (FCGR) data for Ti-6A1-4V, a titanium alloy, is presented. The FCGR data were measured at room temperature, 175, 230, 290 and 345°C using the Direct Current Potential Difference (DCPD) technique. Compact Tension (CT) specimens were used in the program and crack growth rates (da/dN) vs. Mode I stress intensity factor ranges (ΔΚ) were plotted as a function of temperature. A temperature rise from 175 to 345°C did not cause a substantial increase in crack growth rates within the Stage II region where a linear relationship describes the behavior. Fonnation of secondary cracks, observed at higher temperatures, may have slowed the crack propagation as observed in the fractography


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    The aim of the present study was to formulate, develop and evaluate ophthalmic solution containing Tafluprost. The selected prostaglandin analogue belongs to BCS - II. So to increase the solubility of the Tafluprost in WFI Beta Cyclodextrin was used by performing various trials variables of the experiments procedure Stirring time and speed were optimized to enhance the solubility. From the experimental procedure with different trails 20mg/mL of Cyclodextrins was fixed for the optimized formula. The product were characterized for appearance, physical state, colour and odour of the drug characteristics. The prepared formulations were evaluated for pH, osmolality and assay and found to be in acceptable ranges. Stability study was carried out for optimized formulation at 40°C±2°C /NMT 25%RH and 30°C ±2°C/ 65%±5% RH for 3 months, were evaluated for pH ,osmolality ,assay found to be within  acceptable limits. Finally it can be concluded that the in house product Tafluprost ophthalmic solution was met with in the specification


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    Acharya Sushruta stated 28 Nasagata rogas. Out of these 28 Nasagata rogas some features of Pootinashya, Dushtha Pratishyaya and Apeenasa are similar to the clinical features of Atrophic Rhinitis (AR). Apeenasa is a Nasagata Roga characterized by nasal obstruction, running nose, Dryness of nose, anosmia, and loss of taste. This condition can be co-related with Atrophic Rhinitis. Though there are many modalities described in modern ENT, still it is not possible to cease the Permanent Impairment. In Ayurved many modalities are being described for Urdhwajatrugata Rogas and for Nasagata Vikara. Among them Nasya (administered of drugs in to nasal cavity) is best. As it is a Kapha Pradhana Vikara, Katu Dhoomapana can also be added to this procedure. The Nashya procedure is explained by Brihatrayees. The complete procedure of Nashya includes Poorva Karma (Snehana and Swedana), mobilizes the Doshas to the site of elimination and causes vasodilatation which helps in elimination of Doshas and provides better channel for absorption of the Oushadhi. Pradhana Karma (Nashya) eliminates the Doshas. Kavala as Paschat Karma eliminates the remaining Doshas and causes better absorption of the Oushadhi which ultimately eliminates the symptoms of the disease. A clinical observation has shown effective result in the treatment of AR with Shadbindu Taila Nasya and Trikatu Dhoomapana. And here we are revalidating the statement of our Acharyas. A case report of a female, aged 38 years with complain of nasal obstruction, foul smell from nose, anosmia, headache, nasal discharge, sneezing and general weakness has been presented here
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