3,524 research outputs found

    Speed of light on rotating platforms

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    It is often taken for granted that on board a rotating disk it is possible to operate a \QTR{it}{global}3+1 splitting of space-time, such that both lengths and time intervals are \QTR{it}{uniquely} defined in terms of measurements performed by real rods and real clocks at rest on the platform. This paper shows that this assumption, although widespread and apparently trivial, leads to an anisotropy of the velocity of two light beams travelling in opposite directions along the rim of the disk; which in turn implies some recently pointed out paradoxical consequences undermining the self-consistency of the Special Theory of Relativity (SRT). A correct application of the SRT solves the problem and recovers complete internal consistency for the theory. As an immediate consequence, it is shown that the Sagnac effect only depends on the non homogeneity of time on the platform and has nothing to do with any anisotropy of the speed of light along the rim of the disk, contrary to an incorrect but widely supported idea.Comment: Latex, 2 figure

    From the elasticity theory to cosmology and vice versa

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    The paper shows how a generalization of the elasticity theory to four dimensions and to space-time allows for a consistent description of the homogeneous and isotropic universe, including the accelerated expansion. The analogy is manifested by the inclusion in the traditional Lagrangian of general relativity of an additional term accounting for the strain induced in the manifold (i.e. in space-time) by the curvature, be it induced by the presence of a texture defect or by a matter/energy distribution. The additional term is sufficient to account for various observed features of the universe and to give a simple interpretation for the so called dark energy. Then, we show how the same approach can be adopted back in three dimensions to obtain the equilibrium configuration of a given solid subject to strain induced by defects or applied forces. Finally, it is shown how concepts coming from the familiar elasticity theory can inspire new approaches to cosmology and in return how methods appropriated to General Relativity can be applied back to classical problems of elastic deformations in three dimensions.Comment: 11 pages, 3 figure

    Gravitomagnetism, clocks and geometry

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    New techniques to evaluate the clock effect using light are described. These are based on the flatness of the cylindrical surface containing the world lines of the rays constrained to move on circular trajectories about a spinning mass. The effect of the angular momentum of the source is manifested in the fact that inertial observers must be replaced by local non rotating observers. Starting from this an exact formula for circular trajectories is found. Numerical estimates for the Earth environment show that light would be a better probe than actual clocks to evidence the angular momentum influence. The advantages of light in connection with some principle experiments are shortly reviewed.Comment: TCI Latex, 12 pages, 2 figures. To appear in European Journal of Physic

    Aging in short-ranged attractive colloids: A numerical study

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    We study the aging dynamics in a model for dense simple liquids, in which particles interact through a hard-core repulsion complemented by a short-ranged attractive potential, of the kind found in colloidal suspensions. In this system, at large packing fractions, kinetically arrested disordered states can be created both on cooling (attractive glass) and on heating (repulsive glass). The possibility of having two distinct glasses, at the same packing fraction, with two different dynamics offers the unique possibility of comparing -- within the same model -- the differences in aging dynamics. We find that, while the aging dynamics of the repulsive glass is similar to the one observed in atomic and molecular systems, the aging dynamics of the attractive glass shows novel unexpected features.Comment: 8 pages, 11 figures, submited to Journal of Chemical Physic

    Mode-Coupling Theory of Colloids with Short-range Attractions

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    Within the framework of the mode-coupling theory of super-cooled liquids, we investigate new phenomena in colloidal systems on approach to their glass transitions. When the inter-particle potential contains an attractive part, besides the usual repulsive hard core, two intersecting liquid-glass transition lines appear, one of which extends to low densities, while the other one, at high densities, shows a re-entrant behaviour. In the glassy region a new type of transition appears between two different types of glasses. The complex phenomenology can be described in terms of higher order glass transition singularities. The various glass phases are characterised by means of their viscoelastic properties. The glass driven by attractions has been associated to particle gels, and the other glass is the well known repulsive colloidal glass. These correspondences, in associations with the new predictions of glassy behaviour mean that such phenomena may be expected in colloidal systems with, for example, strong depletion or other short-ranged attractive potentials.Comment: 17 pages, 8 figure

    Geometric treatment of the gravitomagnetic clock effect

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    We have developed a general geometric treatment of the GCE valid for any stationary axisymmetric metric. The method is based on the remark that the world lines of objects rotating along spacely circular trajectories are in any case, for those kind of metrics, helices drawn on the flat bidimensional surface of a cylinder. Applying the obtained formulas to the special cases of the Kerr and weak field metric for a spinning body, known results for time delays and synchrony defects are recovered.Comment: 14 pages, LATEX, 2 figure

    Prediction of Local Structural Stabilities of Proteins from Their Amino Acid Sequences

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    Hydrogen exchange experiments provide detailed information about the local stability and the solvent accessibility of different regions of the structures of folded proteins, protein complexes, and amyloid fibrils. We introduce an approach to predict protection factors from hydrogen exchange in proteins based on the knowledge of their amino acid sequences without the inclusion of any additional structural information. These results suggest that the propensity of different regions of the structures of globular proteins to undergo local unfolding events can be predicted from their amino acid sequences with an accuracy of 80% or better. © 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved

    Equilibrium cluster phases and low-density arrested disordered states: The role of short-range attraction and long-range repulsion

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    We study a model in which particles interact with short-ranged attractive and long-ranged repulsive interactions, in an attempt to model the equilibrium cluster phase recently discovered in sterically stabilized colloidal systems in the presence of depletion interactions. At low packing fraction particles form stable equilibrium clusters which act as building blocks of a cluster fluid. We study the possibility that cluster fluids generate a low-density disordered arrested phase, a gel, via a glass transition driven by the repulsive interaction. In this model the gel formation is formally described with the same physics of the glass formation.Comment: RevTeX4, 4 pages, 4 eps figure

    A computational approach for the discovery of protein–RNA networks

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    Protein–RNA interactions play important roles in a wide variety of cellular processes, ranging from transcriptional and posttranscriptional regulation of genes to host defense against pathogens. In this chapter we present the computational approach catRAPID to predict protein–RNA interactions and discuss how it could be used to find trends in ribonucleoprotein networks. We envisage that the combination of computational and experimental approaches will be crucial to unravel the role of coding and noncoding RNAs in protein networks

    Calibration of a granular matrix sensor for suction measurements in partially saturated pyroclastic soil

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    Field monitoring of soil moisture and matrix suction is a useful tool for the implementation of a reliable early warning system against rainfall-induced landslide occurrence. Several test fields have been set up in Campania region (southern Italy), frequently affected by flow-like landslides involving pyroclastic soil cover. In particular, at the Mount Faito test site (Lattari Mountains, southeast of Naples), field matric suctions were measured over two years by conventional jet-fill tensiometers and granular matrix sensors (Watermark, Irrometer®) at different depths. Granular matrix sensor is a resistive device that is more and more spread in agriculture applications and that may also be used for geotechnical purposes thanks to a suitable calibration. In order to gain the calibration curve of the Watermark sensor, two small tip tensiometers (STT) and one High Capacity Tensiometer (HCT) were installed at the same depth of the Watermark sensor in the partially saturated pyroclastic soil sampled at the topsoil of the Mount Faito test site. Tests were carried out in the laboratory by performing drying and wetting phases on undisturbed soil sample. By coupling resistance measurements by Watermark and matrix suction provided by the reference tensiometers, it was possible to derive the non-linear relationship between these two quantities. The soil retention curve was also determined thanks to the installation in the soil sample of a decagon probe previously calibrated in the same pyroclastic soil
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