18 research outputs found


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    Filmopoli was called the city in 1914, the same year of the masterpiece of Giovanni Pastrone Cabiria, whit the collaboration of D’Annunzio. Torino was at that time the capital of the cinematographic industry in Italy. Two world wars changed a lot the economy of the country and the relationship between reality and movies: the look of cinema goes directly to the city and the industry of realism production moved to Rome. Torino in the cinematographic imaginary is the city of Fiat but from ninety she is trying to propose a new face: the city of cinema. The Mole, the most important building and the symbol of the city is from 2000 The National Museum of Cinema

    Informal Cape Verdean settlement in Lisbon: Bairro 6 de Maio and the challenge for urban planning

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    Bairro 6 de Maio was built by immigrants from Cape Verde, a former Portuguese colony, in the 1970s and 1980s. It was one of the many informal settlements in the suburbs of Lisbon and is one of the last neighbourhoods left "alive" after the 1993 PER Program demolished most of the spontaneous settlements and relocated their population to public housing. In recent years, the Municipality of Amadora, where Bairro 6 de Maio is located, has begun knocking down houses again under the auspices of the over 20-year-old PER, without creating real alternatives for the displaced population. Based on a critical analysis of this case study, this paper indicates the need for socially sustainable policies and programmes regarding informal settlements in Portugal and other European countries. It proposes a different and challenging approach to planning that is not based on legal rhetoric but comes from both defending people's fundamental right to housing and having a multicultural vision of cities

    A critical perspective on policies for informal settlements in Portugal

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    While informal settlements in Portugal are not a recent phenomenon, planning and housing policy responses and results have been inconsistent. In 2012, the Amadora Municipality, within the Lisbon Metropolitan Area, resurrected the PER (Special Rehousing Programme), which was first launched in 1993 to remove informal settlements and rehouse inhabitants. This paper offers a critical analysis of the objectives, practices and results of the programme in Amadora and, particularly, regarding Bairro 6 de Maio, where most people were evicted without being relocated. It will discuss how informal settlement policies have been applied in Portugal over the past century and assess the New National Housing Policy, showing that integrated, effective policies regarding informal settlements are still lacking. The findings will suggest a change of the approach in addressing the phenomenon in order to guarantee the right to housing and to the city for inhabitants

    Urban exclusion rationales in Portugal : a South-North perspective

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    A exclusão urbana é um fenómeno em crescimento no contexto português da crise e das medidas de austeridade. Apesar disso, as lógicas subjacentes são ainda pouco debatidas e sistematizadas, reduzindo a exclusão urbana ao somatório das exclusões sociais no território. Neste artigo, a autora aponta para o papel do “urbano” na produção e reprodução da exclusão através da identificação de quatro lógicas principais e das relações de interdependência entre elas. Esta formulação conceptual resulta do confronto com a realidade brasileira, na qual o fenómeno se apresenta como estrutural, sendo por isso mais facilmente inteligível.Urban exclusion is a growing phenomenon in Portugal, in a context of economic crisis and austerity. Despite this, the underlying rationales are still hardly debated or systematised, reducing and subsuming urban exclusion to the generalised social exclusions found on the territory. In this paper, the author underlines the role of “the urban” in the production and re-production of exclusion, through the identification of four main rationales and interdependencies among them. This conceptual formulation arises from comparison with Brazilian reality, where urban exclusion is structural and therefore more easily intelligible

    Considerações sobre políticas de requalificação das Zeis com participação dos habitantes: limites e desafios para as áreas metropolitanas no Brasil

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    Resumo A segregação é um fenômeno estrutural da formação da cidade brasileira que depende de razões históricas e dinâmicas econômicas globais. A gestão dos assentamentos informais das metrópoles representa um dos maiores desafios da contemporaneidade. Depois de apresentar algumas análises críticas sobre o processo de formação da cidade informal no Brasil, o artigo descreve os resultados da elaboração do Plano de Bairro para Nova Constituinte na cidade de Salvador da Bahia. Este programa-piloto tinha o objetivo de contribuir ao processo experimental de determinação de políticas públicas para a gestão e requalificação das ZEIS: as considerações sobre limites e desafios são interessantes para toda América Latina

    Una lettura critica degli insediamenti informali dei lavoratori stagionali. Il caso della piana di Gioia Tauro

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    L’articolo indaga le manifestazioni spaziali, a carattere istituzionale e spontanee, legate alla presenza dei lavoratori agricoli nella piana di Gioia Tauro, leggendo il fenomeno criticamente. Le autrici sostengono la necessità di superare i limiti del sistema di accoglienza per restituire alla pianificazione un ruolo centrale nella definizione di strategie di integrazione dei migranti che siano parte di un progetto di sviluppo del territorio e che ne tutelino i diritti di lavoro e cittadinanza.A critical assess of Informal Settlements for seasonal workers: the case of Plain of Gioia Tauro. The paper offers a critical analysis of the institutional and spontaneous spatial manifestations linked to the presence of seasonal agricultural workers in the Plain of Gioia Tauro in Italy. The authors argue for the need to overcome the limits of the reception system in order to return a central role to planning in defining strategies for integrating migrants, as part of a regional development project, which protects their labour and citizenship rights

    Superare il ghetto. Analisi della segregazione abitativa dei lavoratori agricoli nella provincia di Foggia

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    In Italia esistono situazioni di segregazione abitativa che rimandano ad un passato che sembrava definitivamente superato. L’articolo propone una analisi delle conformazioni spaziali, sia spontanee che risultato di interventi pubblici, legate alla presenza di lavoratori agricoli, stagionali e stanziali, di origine straniera nella provincia di Foggia. Il saggio descrive i caratteri spaziali di questi insediamenti, conosciuti come ghetti, la mancanza di servizi e le fragilità sociali dei loro abitanti e propone una analisi delle soluzioni che sono state avanzate in ambito pubblico. Lo studio diventa occasione per proporre delle riflessioni sulle responsabilità e sulle sfide della disciplina urbanistica verso un superamento delle situazioni estreme di segregazione spaziale e sfruttamento che interessano le campagne del Sud Italia e non solo.In Italy still exist areas of residential segregation that refer to a past that seemed definitively overcome. The article proposes an analysis of the spatial conformations, both spontaneous and the result of public interventions, linked to the presence of agricultural workers, seasonal and permanent, of foreign origin in the province of Foggia. The essay describes the spatial characteristics of these settlements, known as ghettos, the lack of services and the social fragility of their inhabitants and proposes an analysis of the public solutions that have been given. The study becomes an opportunity to propose considerations about the responsibilities and challenges of the planning discipline towards overcoming the extreme situations of spatial segregation and exploitation that affect the countryside of Southern Italy and beyond