406 research outputs found

    Uncertainties in lava flow hazard maps derived from numerical simulations: the case study of Mount Etna

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    The procedure for the derivation of a hazard map for lava flows at Mount Etna through lava flow simulations is critically reviewed. The DOWNFLOW code is then used to explore the sensitivity of the hazard map with respect to input settings. Three parameters are varied within ranges close to values recently applied to derive similar hazard maps: (i) the spacing between computational vents; (ii) the spatial probability density function (PDF) for future vent opening; and (iii) the expected length of future lava flows. The effect of increasing the spacing between computational vents tends to be compensated at the lower elevations, and a vent spacing smaller than about 500 m warrants an overall difference with respect to a reference map which is smaller than 6ā€“8%. A random subsampling of the elements used to obtain the input vent opening PDF (āˆ’20%, āˆ’40% and āˆ’60%) originates significant but drastically smaller differences in the obtained map with respect to the reference one (~10%, ~12.5% and ~17% respectively, on average). In contrast, our results show that changes in the expected flow length originate, by far, the highest changes in the obtained hazard map, with overall differences ranging between ~20% and ~65%, and between ~30% and ~95% if computed only over inhabited areas. The simulations collected are further processed to derive maps of the confluence/diffluence index,which quantifies the error introduced, locally, when the position of the vent is misplaced by a given distance

    A Microscopic Information System (MIS) for petrographic analysis

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    The database and visualization facilities of Geographic Information System (GIS) software are employed to support the analysis of rock texture from thin section by image processing. A Microscopic Information System (MIS) is hence obtained. The method is applied to transmitted light images of 137 samples obtained from 8 granitoid rocks. A slide scanner and a mount for crossed polarization are used to acquire the input images. For each thin section 5 collimated RGB images are scanned: 4 under different directions of crossed polarization and 1 without polarization. A grain segmentation procedure, based on two region growing functions is applied. The output is converted to vector format and refined using editing tools in the MIS environment, which enables a straightforward match between the input imagery and the final vectorized texture. GIS software provides optimal management of the MIS database, allowing the cumulative measurement of more than 87 000 grains

    Capturing full resolution perspective and stereo views of large DEMs

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    A custom software to capture still views of images draped on digital surfaces is presented. It is called ViCam (for virtual camera). Unlike off the shelf software packages, our system is completely controlled by the user, allowing the visualization of a scene from an arbitrary viewpoint with an arbitrary (virtual) optic geometry (i.e. field of view angle). This software can work in loop over very large tiled datasets handled by a Geographic Information System (GIS) package, providing in output global views of the entire input area as single and seamless image layers at any desired resolution. Output image layers can be derived also in stereo anaglyph mode, allowing a thorough 3-dimensional perception of the landscape morphology as derived by the input elevation dataset. This method is here applied to two test cases showing the performances of the procedure. A website is also addressed where seamless perspective and stereo views of the landscape of the Italian territory preserving the input 10 m or 5 m resolution can be examined

    Influence of fluctuating supply on the emplacement dynamics of channelized lava flows

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    The evolution of lava flows emplaced on Mount Etna (Italy) in September 2004 is examined in detail through the analysis ofmorphometricmeasurements of flow units. The growth of the main channelized flow is consistent with a layering of lava blankets, which maintains the initial geometry of the channel (although levees are widened and raised), and is here explicitly related to the repeated overflow of lava pulses. A simple analytical model is introduced describing the evolution of the flow level in a channelized flow unit fed by a fluctuating supply. The model, named FLOWPULSE, shows that a fluctuation in the velocity of lava extrusion at the vent triggers the formation of pulses, which become increasingly high the farther they are from the vent, and are invariably destined to overflow within a given distance. The FLOWPULSE simulations are in accordance with the observed morphology, characterized by a very flat initial profile followed by a massive increase in flow unit cross-section area between 600 and 700 m downflow. The modeled emplacement dynamics provides also an explanation for the observed substantial ā€œlossā€ of the original flowing mass with increasing distance from the vent

    A website to explore the TINITALY/01 DEM

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    In 2007, a new digital elevation model (DEM) of the whole Italian territory, named TINITALY/01, was presented by Tarquini et al. [2007]. This DEM was the final result of the DIGITALIA project supported by the Italian Ministero dellā€™Ambiente e della Tutela del Territorio in the framework of a general agreement involving the Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia (INGV). The whole database of this DEM, in the form of a 10 m cell size grid, is available to the INGV research community at the web portal Kharita (http://kharita.rm.ingv.it/dmap/). Tarquini et al. [2007] mentioned in short a dedicated website (http://webgis.pi.ingv.it/), where authorized users were allowed to explore full resolution nadiral or perspective shaded relief images (in stereo or conventional format) obtained from the TINITALY/01 DEM. The navigation of this website is now opened to the public. The present technical report illustrates this website, describing its content and unfolding related technological aspects

    Multiview 3D reconstruction in geosciences

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    Multiview three-dimensional (3D) reconstruction is a technology that allows the creation of 3D models of a given scenario from a series of overlapping pictures taken using consumer-grade digital cameras. This type of 3D reconstruction is facilitated by freely available software, which does not require expert-level skills. This technology provides a 3D working environment, which integrates sample/field data visualization and measurement tools. In this study, we test the potential of this method for 3D reconstruction of decimeter-scale objects of geological interest. We generated 3D models of three different outcrops exposed in a marble quarry and two solids: a volcanic bomb and a stalagmite. Comparison of the models obtained in this study using the presented method with those obtained using a precise laser scanner shows that multiview 3D reconstruction yields models that present a root mean square error/average linear dimensions between 0.11 and 0.68%. Thus this technology turns out to be an extremely promising tool, which can be fruitfully applied in geosciences

    Release of a 10-m-resolution DEM for the Italian territory: Comparison with global-coverage DEMs and anaglyph-mode exploration via the web

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    The 10-m-resolution TINITALY/01 DEM (Tarquini et al., 2007) is compared with the two, coarser-resolution, global-coverage, spaceborne-based SRTM and ASTER DEMs and with a high-resolution, LIDAR-derived DEM. Afterwards, we presented a webGIS which allows to explore a 10-m-resolution anaglyph layer showing the landforms of the whole Italian territory in 3D. The webGIS (http://tinitaly.pi.ingv.it/) is open to the public, and can be used to carry out a preliminary analysis of landforms. The TINITALY/01 DEM is available for scientific purposes on the basis of a research agreement (see the above website or write to [email protected])

    Multianalytical non-invasive characterization of ā€˜Mater Boni Consiliiā€™ iconography oil painting

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    This paper presents the results of non-invasive diagnostic investigations performed on the canvas oil painting depicting the Marian iconography ā€œMater Boni Consiliiā€. The painting, whose author and origin are unknown, was found in an old shop in Florence following the overflowing of the Arno River in 1966. In order to define the importance of the artwork, a multianalytical analysis was performed on the painting, using multispectral imaging, X-ray fluorescence (XRF), and Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (FTIR-ATR) for the definition of materials, with a particular focus on the identification of pigments. The results allowed for the drawing up of a color palette, composed mainly of ochre and earth pigments, cinnabar, lithopone, lead white, and ultramarine pigments. After cross-referencing the acquired information with other findings, it was possible to place the painting in the period between the end of the XIXth and the beginning of the XXth centuries
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