131 research outputs found

    Analysis of a city‐wide COVID‐19 prevention strategy for aged‐care facilities during third and fifth waves of COVID‐19 in Kyoto City, Kyoto, Japan

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    [Background] During the third wave of the COVID-19 pandemic at the end of 2020, clusters occurred frequently in aged-care facilities (ACFs), which put pressure on the medical field in Japan. Based on this experience, Kyoto University and Kyoto City collaborated to promote a citywide COVID-19 prevention strategy to prevent the spread of COVID-19 within ACFs. The aim of this study was to clarify the effect of the prevention strategy among ACFs in Kyoto City during the third and fifth waves of the pandemic. [Methods] During the study period, the following measures were adopted as the prevention strategy in all ACFs: (1) active polymerase chain reaction (PCR) mass testing and facility-wide testing when a single case was identified, (2) implementation of strategies to prevent transmission within a facility, and (3) vaccination program for ACFs. [Results] Of the 1, 144 facilities subjected to the mass testing, 71.0% participated in the whole program including active PCR testing. The remainder participated in the rest of the programs. The prevalence of ACF-related COVID-19 cases among total COVID-19 cases in Kyoto City decreased from 7.9% in the third wave to 4.1% in the fourth wave and 2.1% in the fifth wave. The incidence of clusters and proportion of severe elderly cases also decreased during the study period. [Conclusions] A city-wide multidisciplinary effort including PCR mass testing and a vaccination program in cooperation with a university and local administrative office successfully reduced the clusters and transmission in ACFs in Kyoto City, Japan

    Real-Time 3D Imaging and Inhibition Analysis of Various Amyloid Aggregations Using Quantum Dots

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    Amyloidosis refers to aggregates of protein that accumulate and are deposited as amyloid fibrils into plaques. When these are detected in organs, they are the main hallmark of Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease, and other related diseases. Recent medical advances have shown that many precursors and proteins can induce amyloidosis even though the mechanism of amyloid aggregation and the relationship of these proteins to amyloidosis remains mostly unclear. In this study, we report the real-time 3D-imaging and inhibition analysis of amyloid B (AB ), tau, and a-synuclein aggregation utilizing the a nity between quantum dots (QD) and amyloid aggregates. We successfully visualized these amyloid aggregations in real-time using fluorescence microscopy and confocal microscopy simply by adding commercially available QD. The observation by transmission electron microscopy (TEM) showed that QD particles bound to all amyloid fibrils. The 3D-imaging with QD revealed di erences between amyloid aggregates composed of di erent amyloid peptides that could not be detected by TEM.We were also able to quantify the inhibition activities of these proteins by rosmarinic acid, which has high activity for AB aggregation, from fluorescence micrographs as half-maximal e ective concentrations. These imaging techniques with QD serve as quick, easy, and powerful tools to understand amyloidosis and to discover drugs for therapies

    Comparison of six antibody assays and two combination assays for COVID-19

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    [Introduction] In this work, six SARS-CoV-2-specific antibody assays were evaluated, namely, two pan-immunoglobulin (pan-Ig) assays [Roche Elecsys Anti-SARS-CoV-2 (named "Elecsys" in this study) and the PerkinElmer SuperFlex™ Anti-SARS-CoV-2 Ab Assay (SuperFlex_Ab)], two IgM assays [SuperFlex™ Anti-SARS-CoV-2 IgM Assay (SuperFlex_IgM) and YHLO iFlash-SARS-CoV-2 IgM (iFlash_IgM)], and two IgG assays [SuperFlex™ Anti-SARS-CoV-2 IgG Assay (SuperFlex_IgG) and iFlash-SARS-CoV-2 IgG (iFlash_IgG)]. Combination assays of SuperFlex™ (SuperFlex_any) and iFlash (iFlash_any) were also evaluated. [Methods] A total of 438 residual serum samples from 54 COVID-19 patients in the COVID-19 group and 100 samples from individuals without evidence of SARS-CoV-2 infection in the negative control group were evaluated. [Results] In the early stage of COVID-19 infection, within 14 days of symptom onset, the seropositive rate was lower than that of the late stage 15 days after onset (65.4% vs 99.6%). In the total period, the pan-Ig and IgG assays had higher sensitivity (90.8–95.3%) than the IgM assays (36.5–40.7%). SuperFlex_Ab and SuperFlex_any had higher sensitivity than Elecsys and SuperFlex_IgG (p < 0.05). The specificity of all the assays was 100%, except for SuperFlex_IgM (99.0%). The concordance rate between each assay was higher (96.4–100%) in the late stage than in the early stage (77.4–98.1%). [Conclusion] For the purpose of COVID-19 diagnosis, antibody testing should be performed 15 days after onset. For the purpose of epidemiological surveillance, highly sensitive assays should be used as much as possible, such as SuperFlex_Ab, iFlash_IgG and their combination. IgM assays were not suitable for these purposes

    Affinity-based screening of MDM2/MDMX-p53 interaction inhibitors by chemical array: Identification of novel peptidic inhibitors.

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    MDM2 and MDMX are oncoproteins that negatively regulate the activity and stability of the tumor suppressor protein p53. The inhibitors of protein-protein interactions (PPIs) of MDM2-p53 and MDMX-p53 represent potential anticancer agents. In this study, a novel approach for identifying MDM2-p53 and MDMX-p53 PPI inhibitor candidates by affinity-based screening using a chemical array has been established. A number of compounds from an in-house compound library, which were immobilized onto a chemical array, were screened for interaction with fluorescence-labeled MDM2 and MDMX proteins. The subsequent fluorescent polarization assay identified several compounds that inhibited MDM2-p53 and MDMX-p53 interactions

    Structure–activity relationship study on senktide for development of novel potent neurokinin-3 receptor selective agonists

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    Neurokinin B (NKB) regulates the secretion of gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) in the hypothalamus via activation of the cognate neurokinin-3 receptor (NK3R). The stimulatory effect of NKB and the derivatives on gonadotropin secretion can potentially be used for development of novel regulatory and therapeutic agents for reproductive dysfunctions. Here, we report a comprehensive structure–activity relationship study on the NK3R-selective agonist peptide, senktide. Substitution of the N-terminal succinyl-Asp substructure in senktide with oxalyl-Glu, oxalyl-D-Glu or oxalyl-L-2-aminoadipic acid (Aad) increased receptor binding and NK3R activation. Among these modifications, the oxalyl-D-Glu substructure prevented neutral endopeptidase (NEP) 24.11-mediated degradation, thus providing a novel NK3R agonist peptide with favourable biological and stability properties

    Rapid Nucleotide Exchange Renders Asp-11 Mutant Actins Resistant to Depolymerizing Activity of Cofilin, Leading to Dominant Toxicity in Vivo

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    Conserved Asp-11 of actin is a part of the nucleotide binding pocket, and its mutation to Gln is dominant lethal in yeast, whereas the mutation to Asn in human alpha-actin dominantly causes congenital myopathy. To elucidate the molecular mechanism of those dominant negative effects, we prepared Dictyostelium versions of D11N and D11Q mutant actins and characterized them in vitro. D11N and D11Q actins underwent salt-dependent reversible polymerization, although the resultant polymerization products contained small anomalous structures in addition to filaments of normal appearance. Both monomeric and polymeric D11Q actin released bound nucleotides more rapidly than the wild type, and intriguingly, both monomeric and polymeric D11Q actins hardly bound cofilin. The deficiency in cofilin binding can be explained by rapid exchange of bound nucleotide with ATP in solution, because cofilin does not bind ATP-bound actin. Copolymers of D11Q and wild type actins bound cofilin, but cofilin-induced depolymerization of the copolymers was slower than that of wild type filaments, which may presumably be the primary reason why this mutant actin is dominantly toxic in vivo. Purified D11N actin was unstable, which made its quantitative biochemical characterization difficult. However, monomeric D11N actin released nucleotides even faster than D11Q, and we speculate that D11N actin also exerts its toxic effects in vivo through a defective interaction with cofilin. We have recently found that two other dominant negative actin mutants are also defective in cofilin binding, and we propose that the defective cofilin binder is a major class of dominant negative actin mutants

    Allosteric regulation by cooperative conformational changes of actin filaments drives mutually exclusive binding with cofilin and myosin

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    Heavy meromyosin (HMM) of myosin II and cofilin each binds to actin filaments cooperatively and forms clusters along the filaments, but it is unknown whether the two cooperative bindings are correlated and what physiological roles they have. Fluorescence microscopy demonstrated that HMM-GFP and cofilin-mCherry each bound cooperatively to different parts of actin filaments when they were added simultaneously in 0.2 μM ATP, indicating that the two cooperative bindings are mutually exclusive. In 0.1 mM ATP, the motor domain of myosin (S1) strongly inhibited the formation of cofilin clusters along actin filaments. Under this condition, most actin protomers were unoccupied by S1 at any given moment, suggesting that transiently bound S1 alters the structure of actin filaments cooperatively and/or persistently to inhibit cofilin binding. Consistently, cosedimentation experiments using copolymers of actin and actin-S1 fusion protein demonstrated that the fusion protein affects the neighboring actin protomers, reducing their affinity for cofilin. In reciprocal experiments, cofilin-actin fusion protein reduced the affinity of neighboring actin protomers for S1. Thus, allosteric regulation by cooperative conformational changes of actin filaments contributes to mutually exclusive cooperative binding of myosin II and cofilin to actin filaments, and presumably to the differential localization of both proteins in cells

    Rapid identification of different Escherichia coli sequence type 131 clades

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    Escherichia coli sequence type 131 (ST131) is a pandemic clonal lineage that is responsible for the global increase in fluoroquinolone resistance and extended-spectrum-β-lactamase (ESBL) producers. The members of ST131 clade C, especially subclades C2 and C1-M27, are associated with ESBLs. We developed a multiplex conventional PCR assay with the ability to detect all ST131 clades (A, B, and C), as well as C subclades (C1-M27, C1-nM27 [C1-non-M27], and C2). To validate the assay, we used 80 ST131 global isolates that had been fully sequenced. We then used the assay to define the prevalence of each clade in two Japanese collections consisting of 460 ESBL-producing E. coli ST131 (2001-12) and 329 E. coli isolates from extraintestinal sites (ExPEC) (2014). The assay correctly identified the different clades in all 80 global isolates: clades A (n = 12), B (n = 12), and C, including subclades C1-M27 (n = 16), C1-nM27 (n = 20), C2 (n = 17), and other C (n = 3). The assay also detected all 565 ST131 isolates in both collections without any false positives. Isolates from clades A (n = 54), B (n = 23), and C (n = 483) corresponded to the O serotypes and the fimH types of O16-H41, O25b-H22, and O25b-H30, respectively. Of the 483 clade C isolates, C1-M27 was the most common subclade (36%), followed by C1-nM27 (32%) and C2 (15%). The C1-M27 subclade with blaCTX-M-27 became especially prominent after 2009. Our novel multiplex PCR assay revealed the predominance of the C1-M27 subclade in recent Japanese ESBL-producing E. coli isolates and is a promising tool for epidemiological studies of ST131.http://aac.asm.org2018-02-27hj2017Medical Microbiolog

    Colloidal Synthesis of Air-Stable Alloyed CsSn1–xPbxI3 Perovskite Nanocrystals for Use in Solar Cells

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    Organic–inorganic hybrid perovskite solar cells have demonstrated unprecedented high power conversion efficiencies in the past few years. Now, the universal instability of the perovskites has become the main barrier for this kind of solar cells to realize commercialization. This situation can be even worse for those tin-based perovskites, especially for CsSnI3, because upon exposure to ambient atmosphere the desired black orthorhombic phase CsSnI3 would promptly lose single crystallinity and degrade to the inactive yellow phase, followed by irreversible oxidation into metallic Cs2SnI6. By alloying CsSnI3 with CsPbI3, we herein report the synthesis of alloyed perovskite quantum dot (QD), CsSn1–xPbxI3, which not only can be phase-stable for months in purified colloidal solution but also remains intact even directly exposed to ambient air, far superior to both of its parent CsSnI3 and CsPbI3 QDs. Ultrafast transient absorption spectroscopy studies reveal that the photoexcited electrons in the alloyed QDs can be injected into TiO2 nanocrystals at a fast rate of 1.12 × 1011 s–1, which enables a high photocurrent generation in solar cells

    Quality of care associated with number of cases seen and self-reports of clinical competence for Japanese physicians-in-training in internal medicine

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    BACKGROUND: The extent of clinical exposure needed to ensure quality care has not been well determined during internal medicine training. We aimed to determine the association between clinical exposure (number of cases seen), self- reports of clinical competence, and type of institution (predictor variables) and quality of care (outcome variable) as measured by clinical vignettes. METHODS: Cross-sectional study using univariate and multivariate linear analyses in 11 teaching hospitals in Japan. Participants were physicians-in-training in internal medicine departments. Main outcome measure was standardized t-scores (quality of care) derived from responses to five clinical vignettes. RESULTS: Of the 375 eligible participants, 263 (70.1%) completed the vignettes. Most were in their first (57.8%) and second year (28.5%) of training; on average, the participants were 1.8 years (range = 1–8) after graduation. Two thirds of the participants (68.8%) worked in university-affiliated teaching hospitals. The median number of cases seen was 210 (range = 10–11400). Greater exposure to cases (p = 0.0005), higher self-reports of clinical competence (p = 0.0095), and type of institution (p < 0.0001) were significantly associated with higher quality of care, using a multivariate linear model and adjusting for the remaining factors. Quality of care rapidly increased for the first 100 to 200 cases seen and tapered thereafter. CONCLUSION: The amount of clinical exposure and levels of self-reports of clinical competence, not years after graduation, were positively associated with quality of care, adjusting for the remaining factors. The learning curve tapered after about 200 cases