35 research outputs found

    Prosionek - usłużny heavymetalowiec w biomonitoringu środowiska

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    Równonogi lądowe {Isopoda), do których należy prosionek szorstki (Porcellio scaber) są jedynymi skorupiakami, które opanowały to środowisko; występują niemal we wszystkich ekosystemach i siedliskach lądowych, nawet na pustyniach [SUTTON, 1980; WARBURG, 1995]. Gatunkowe bogactwo Isopoda zależy od typu siedliska ale również w przypadku siedlisk ubogich w gatunki ich liczebność może być znaczna. Dane dotyczące zagęszczenia i biomasy tej grupy zwierząt są bardzo rozbieżne nawet w obrębie jednego gatunku i zależą od warunków klimatycznych, typu siedliska oraz jego przestrzennego zróżnicowania [DAVIS i in., 1977, HORNUNG i WARBURG, 1995]. W przypadku zagrożenia ogólną reakcją obronną równonogów są zachowania agregacyjne. W ciągu dnia ukrywają się pod kamieniami, konarami drzew, warstwą liści, czyli w miejscach o wysokiej wilgotności [HORNUNG, 1991]. Jako że są to zwierzęta o aktywności nocnej, ich naturalnymi wrogami są głównie chrząszcze z rodziny biegaczowatych {Carabidae), aktywnie polujące, nie budujące sieci pająki z rodziny pogońcowatych {Lycosidae), wije, ropuchy i polujące nocą ptaki [SUTTON, 1980]. (Fragment tekstu

    Metabolomic Signature Discriminates Normal Human Cornea from Keratoconus - A Pilot GC/MS Study

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    The molecular etiology of keratoconus (KC), a pathological condition of the human cornea, remains unclear. The aim of this work was to perform profiling of metabolites and identification of features discriminating this pathology from the normal cornea. The combination of gas chromatography and mass spectrometry (GC/MS) techniques has been applied for profiling and identification of metabolites in corneal buttons from 6 healthy controls and 7 KC patients. An untargeted GC/MS-based approach allowed the detection of 377 compounds, including 46 identified unique metabolites, whose levels enabled the separation of compared groups of samples in unsupervised hierarchical cluster analysis. There were 13 identified metabolites whose levels di erentiated between groups of samples. Downregulation of several carboxylic acids, fatty acids, and steroids was observed in KC when compared to the normal cornea. Metabolic pathways associated with compounds that discriminated both groups were involved in energy production, lipid metabolism, and amino acid metabolism. An observed signature may reflect cellular processes involved in the development of KC pathology, including oxidative stress and inflammation

    The glycolytic enzymes activity in the midgut of diabrotica virgifera virgifera (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae) adult and their seasonal changes

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    The western corn rootworm, Diabrotica virgifera virgifera LeConte (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae) is an important pest of maize. The diet of the D. virgifera imago is rich in starch and other polysaccharides present in cereals such as maize. Therefore, knowledge about enzymes involved in digestion of such specific food of this pest seems to be important. The paper shows, for the first time, the activities of main glycolytic enzymes in the midgut of D. virgifera imago: endoglycosidases (a-amylase, cellulase, chitinase, licheninase, laminarinase); exoglycosidases (a- and b-glucosidases, a- and b-galactosidases) and disaccharidases (maltase, isomaltase, sucrase, trehalase, lactase, and cellobiase). Activities of a-amylase, a-glucosidase, and maltase were the highest among assayed endoglycosidases, exoglycosidases, and disaccharidases, respectively. This indicates that in the midgut of D. virgifera imago a-amylase, a-glucosidase and maltase are important enzymes in starch hydrolysis and products of its digestion. These results lead to conclusion that inhibition of most active glycolytic enzymes of D. virgifera imago may be another promising method for chemical control of this pest of maize

    Elemental Distribution in Reproductive and Neural Organs of the Epilachna nylanderi (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae), a Phytophage of Nickel Hyperaccumulator Berkheya coddii (Asterales: Asteraceae) by micro-PIXE

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    The phenomenon of metal hyperaccumulation by plants is often explained by a pathogen or herbivore defense hypothesis. However, some insects feeding on metal hyperaccumulating plants are adapted to the high level of metals in plant tissues. Former studies on species that feed on the leaves of Berkheya coddii Roessler 1958 (Asteraceae), a nickel-hyperaccumulating plant, demonstrated several protective mechanisms involved in internal distribution, immobilization, and elimination of Ni from the midgut and Malpighian tubules. These species are mainly coleopterans, including the lady beetle, Epilachna nylanderi (Mulsant 1850) (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae), collected from the ultramafic ecosystem near Barberton in South Africa. By performing particle-induced X-ray emission microanalysis elemental microanalysis (PIXE), this study examined whether Ni may be harmful to internal body systems that decide on insect reactivity (central nervous system [CNS]), their reproduction, and the relationships between Ni and other micronutrients. Data on elemental distribution of nine selected elements in target organs of E. nylanderi were compared with the existing data for other insect species adapted to the excess of metals. Micro-PIXE maps of seven regions of the CNS showed Ni mainly in the neural connectives, while cerebral ganglia were better protected. Concentrations of other bivalent metals were lower than those of Ni. Testis, compared with other reproductive organs, showed low amounts of Ni. Zn was effectively regulated at physiological dietary levels. In insects exposed to excess dietary Zn, it was also accumulated in the reproductive organs. Comparison of E. nylanderii with other insects that ingest hyperaccumulating plants, especially chrysomelid Chrysolina clathrata (Clark) (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae), showed lower protection of the CNS and reproductive organs

    Relationship between ROS production, MnSOD activation and periods of fasting and re-feeding in freshwater shrimp Neocaridina davidi (Crustacea, Malacostraca)

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    The middle region of the digestive system, the midgut of freshwater shrimp Neocaridina davidi is composed of a tube-shaped intestine and the hepatopancreas formed by numerous caeca. Two types of cells have been distinguished in the intestine, the digestive cells (D-cells) and regenerative cells (R-cells). The hepatopancreatic tubules have three distinct zones distinguished along the length of each tubule-the distal zone with R-cells, the medial zone with differentiating cells, and the proximal zone with F-cells (fibrillar cells) and B-cells (storage cells). Fasting causes activation of cell death, a reduction in the amount of reserve material, and changes in the mitochondrial membrane potential. However, here we present how the concentration of ROS changes according to different periods of fasting and whether re-feeding causes their decrease. In addition, the activation/deactivation of mitochondrial superoxide dismutase (MnSOD) was analyzed. The freshwater shrimps Neocaridina davidi (Crustacea, Malacostraca, Decapoda) were divided into experimental groups: animals starved for 14 days, animals re-fed for 4, 7, and 14 days. The material was examined using the confocal microscope and the flow cytometry. Our studies have shown that long-term starvation increases the concentration of free radicals and MnSOD concentration in the intestine and hepatopancreas, while return to feeding causes their decrease in both organs examined. Therefore, we concluded that a distinct relationship between MnSOD concentration, ROS activation, cell death activation and changes in the mitochondrial membrane potential occurred

    New acetylenic amine derivatives of 5,8-quinolinediones : synthesis, crystal structure and antiproliferative activity

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    Acetylenic amine derivatives of the 5,8-quinolinedione were synthesized and characterized by the1H and13C NMR, IR spectroscopy and MS spectra. Additionally, the 6- and 7-substituted allylamine-5,8-quinolinediones were synthesized for comparison purposes. The crystal structure was determined for the 6-chloro-7-propargylamine-5,8-quinolinedione and 7-chloro-6-propargylamine-5,8-quinolinedione. Additionally, the IR spectral analysis supplemented by the density functional theory (DFT) calculations were carried out. It was found that different positions of the propargylamine side chain had a distinct influence on crystal structure, formation of H-bonds and the carbonyl stretching IR bands. Correlation between the frequency separation Δv of the carbonyl IR bands and the position of the 6- and 7-substituents was found. The 7-substituted derivatives exhibited a higher frequency separation Δv. The observed correlation could provide an opportunity to use the IR spectroscopy to study substitution reactions. Cytotoxic activities against three human cancer cell lines for the 5,8-quinolinedione derivatives with different amine substituents, i.e., propargylamine, N-methylpropargylamine, 1,1-dimethylpropargylamine, allylamine and propylamine were also analysed with respect to their molecular structure

    Cross tolerance in beet armyworm : long-term selection by cadmium broadens tolerance to other stressors

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    Long lasting exposure of animals to stressing factor may lead to the selection of population able to cope with the stressor at lower cost than unexposed individuals. The aim of this study was to assess whether 130- generational selection of a beet armyworm to cadmium in food might have induced tolerance also to other stressors. The potential tolerance was assessed by means of unspecific stress markers: HSP70 concentration, DNA damage level, and energy budget indices in L5 larval instars of beet armyworm. The animals originated from Cd-exposed and control strains exposed additionally in a short-term experiment to high/low temperature or pesticide—spinosad. The application of the additional stressors caused, in general, an increase in the levels of studied parameters, in a straindependent manner. The most significant increase was found in HSP70 level in the individuals from the Cd-strain exposed to various spinosad concentration. Therefore, multigenerational contact with cadmium caused several changes that enable the insect to survive under a chronić stress, preparing the organism to the contact with an additional, new stressor. This relationship may be described as a sort of cross tolerance. This may, possibly, increase the probability of population survivorship and, at the same time, decrease the efficiency of pesticide-based plant protection efforts

    Impact of synthetic polymers on the house cricket (Acheta domesticus) growth and development

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    tekst w j. pol. i ang.Celem eksperymentu było zbadanie potencjalnego oddziaływania polimerów formowanych termicznie w toku procesu drukowania 3D na wzrost, rozwój i przeżywalność świerszcza domowego. Granulat wydrukowany z filamentu akrylonitrylo-butadieno-styrenowego (ABS) w ilości odpowiadającej 0,1, 1 i 10% posłużył do przygotowania odpowiednio zanieczyszczonej wody podawanej następnie owadom (10-dniowe larwy) w trakcie ich rozwoju aż do osiągniecia przez nie stadium imago

    High Fat, High Sugar Diet and DJOS Bariatric Surgery Influence Plasma Levels of Fetuin-B, Growth Differentiation Factor-15, and Pentraxin 3 in Diet- Induced Obese Sprague-Dawley Rats

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    The liver plays a central role in glucose and fatty acid metabolism and acts as an endocrine organ that secretes hepatokines with diverse systemic effects. The study aimed to examine the influence of duodenojejunal omega switch (DJOS) bariatric surgery in combination with different diets on glucose administration parameters and hepatokines levels. After 8 weeks on high fat, high sugar diet (HFS) or control diets (CD), Sprague–Dawley rats underwent DJOS or SHAM (control) surgery. For the next 8 weeks after the surgery, half of DJOS and SHAM-operated animals were kept on the same diet as before, and half had a diet change. The oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT) was performed three times: 8 weeks before and 4 and 8 weeks after surgery. Fetuin-B, growth differentiation factor-15 (GDF-15), pentraxin 3 (PTX3) plasma levels were analyzed. DJOS surgery had a beneficial effect on oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT) results and the area under the curve (AUCOGTT). The OGTT results depended on the time elapsed after the surgery, the type of diet used, the surgery performed, and the interaction between these factors. DJOS bariatric surgery reduced fetuin-B and GDF15 plasma levels. Interaction between the type of surgery performed and diet used influenced the fetuin-B and PTX-3 plasma levels. A dietary regime is essential to achieve therapeutic and clinical goals after bariatric surgery

    Pacjent z niewydolnością serca i obniżoną frakcją wyrzutową lewej komory po wypisie ze szpitala — co dalej?

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    Niewydolność serca (HF) jest chorobą przewlekłą, stanowiącą obecnie jedno z największych wyzwań w codziennej praktyce lekarza, zarówno w opiece ambulatoryjnej, jak i leczeniu szpitalnym. Bywa często określana mianem epidemii XXI wieku. W ostatnich latach w krajach rozwiniętych obserwuje się ciągły wzrost liczby zachorowań. Niewydolność serca jest ogromnym obciążeniem społecznym, ma negatywny długotrwały wpływ na jakość życia i wiąże się ze złym rokowaniem zarówno w perspektywie krótkoterminowej, jak i odległej. Stanowi najczęstszą przyczynę hospitalizacji u pacjentów powyżej 65. roku życia, a także jest jedną z głównych przyczyn niepełnosprawności i śmiertelności w krajach rozwiniętych. Dlatego tak istotne jest, aby pacjenci obciążeni HF byli objęci kompleksową opieką ambulatoryjną. W ramach tej opieki powinni być poddani optymalnej terapii farmakologicznej i niefarmakologicznej w celu zwiększenia skuteczności leczenia, zmniejszenia liczby ponownych hospitalizacji oraz poprawy rokowania, a także jakości życia. W niniejszym artykule przedstawiono aktualne zalecenia dotyczące prawidłowego postępowania niefarmakologicznego i optymalnej farmakoterapii u pacjentów po przebytym epizodzie zaostrzenia HF z obniżoną frakcją wyrzutową lewej komory (HFrEF)