18 research outputs found

    Studi Penggunaan Jenis Elektroda Las Yang Berbeda Terhadap Sifat Mekanik Pengelasan SMAW Baja AISI 1045

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    Dalam aplikasinya baja AISI 1045 digunakan dalam bidang mechanical engineering. Penyambungan material tersebut dilakukan dengan teknik pengelasan sebab baja karbon sedang mempunyai sifat mudah menjadi keras jika ditambah dengan adanya hidrogen difusi menyebabkan baja ini sangat peka terhadap retak las. Untuk mengurangi hidrogen difusi, harus digunakan elektroda hidrogen rendah.Tujuan dari penggunaan elektroda yang tidak sejenis adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh jenis elektroda las terhadap kekuatan tarik dan kekerasan hasil pengelasan SMAW baja karbon AISI 1045. Dimana elektroda las dibedakan menurut jenis dan standarnya, yang dalam hal ini yaitu standar ASTM dan JIS. Elektroda yang digunakan adalah elektroda las LB52, RD 716-G dan RD-80. Penyambungan dilakukan dengan teknik pengelasan SMAW yang merupakan salah satu metode pengelasan umum dalam penyambungan konstruksi teknik.Dari pengujian yang telah dilakukan, Kekuatan tarik yang dihasilkan oleh elektroda LB-52 dan RD 716-G standar ASTM dengan elektroda standar JIS cenderung lebih tinggi. Sebaliknya pada elektroda RD-80 kekuatan tarik yang dihasilkan pada standar ASTM cenderung lebih tinggi dibandingkan standar JIS. Kekuatan tarik maksimum yang diperoleh sebesar 666,667 MPa. Nilai kekerasan yang dihasilkan oleh elektroda LB-52 standar JIS dengan standar ASTM cenderung lebih tinggi. Sebaliknya pada elektroda RD 716-G dan RD-80 standar ASTM menghasilkan nilai kekerasan cenderung lebih tinggi dibandingkan standar JIS. Nilai kekerasan maksimum yang didapat adalah sebesar 277,3 HV. Nilai perpanjangan (elongation) yang dihasilkan oleh elektroda LB-52 standar ASTM dengan standar JIS cenderung lebih tinggi. Sebaliknya pada elektroda RD 716-G dan RD-80 standar JIS menghasilkan perpanjangan cenderung lebih tinggi dibandingkan standar ASTM. Nilai perpanjangan maksimum yang terjadi dari hasil pengelasan sebesar 44,67%

    Studi Kekuatan Sambungan Las Baja AISI 1045 Dengan Berbagai Metode Posisi Pengelasan

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    Lingkup penggunaan teknik pengelasan dalam kontruksi sangat luas, meliputi perkapalan, jembatan, rangka baja, bejana tekan, pipa pesat, pipa saluran, kendaraan rel dan lain sebagainya. Selain untuk pembuatan, proses pengelasan juga digunakan untuk reparasi atau perbaikan. Posisi atau sikap pengelasan yaitu pengaturan posisi atau letak gerakan elektroda las. Posisi pengealasan yang digunakan biasanya tergantung dari letak kampuh-kampuh atau celah-celah benda kerja yang akan dilas.Studi yang dilakukan ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui perbedaan mutu pada setiap posisi pengelasan (down hand position, horizontal position, vertical position, over head position) pada sambungan las butt weld joint, agar dapat memperbaiki kekuatan dari hasil sambungan lasnya.Baja yang digunakan yaitu baja karbon sedang (AISI 1045) dan empat posisi pegelasan yaitu down hand position, horizontal position, vertical position, dan over head position. Pengelasan dilakukan dengan las SMAW dengan menggunakan kampuh single V, single U dan single J serta lapisan las sebanyak 3 lapis (single V, single U dan single J) dan 4 lapis (single V dan single U). Ukuran spesimen uji tarik sesuai standar ASTM E-8 tahun 2004. Dari data hasil pengujian diperoleh nilai rata-rata kekuatan tarik pada semua kampuh las dengan lapisan las sebanyak tiga lapis yang tertinggi yaitu pada pengelasan down hand position kemudian vertical position dan horizontal position dan rata-rata kekuatan tarik terendah yaitu pada pengelasan over head position. Kekuatan tarik dari pengelasan horizontal position dapat diperbaiki dengan memperbanyak lapisan las agar semua kampuh dapat terisi penuh. Sedangkan untuk memperbaiki nilai kekuatan tarik pada pengelasan over head position dapat mengguanakan kampuh las yang lebih luah serta memperbanyak lapisan las agar semua kampuh las terisi penuh

    Pengembangan Modul Dasar-dasar Mesin

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    This study aimed to describe the module before developing, to produce the basics engine module, to analyze the effectiveness of module, to analyze the efficiency of module, and to analyze the attractiveness of modules. Test subject matter  compose of a single expert, one expert instructional design, three students for individual trials, six students for small group testing, and twenty-six students for field testing at SMK Muhammadiyah 2 Metro, twenty-eight students at SMK KP Gajah Mada 2 Metro. The result of this research are teaching materials produced in the learning modules form validated by experts and expert content and instructional design, the effectiveness of the learning module is shown by a mean score of 7.69Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan modul sebelum pengembangan, menghasilkan modul dasar-dasar mesin, menganalisis efektivitas modul, menganalisis efisiensi modul, dan menganalisis daya tarik modul. Subjek ujicoba terdiri dari satu ahli materi, satu ahli desain pembelajaran, tiga siswa untuk uji perorangan, enam siswa untuk uji kelompok kecil, dan dua puluh enam siswa untuk uji lapangan pada SMK Muhammadiyah 2 Metro, dua puluh delapan siswa pada SMK KP Gajah Mada 2 Metro. Hasil penelitian ini adalah bahan ajar yang dihasilkan berupa modul pembelajaran divalidasi oleh ahli materi dan ahli desain pembelajaran, efektivitas modul pembelajaran ditunjukkan dengan rerata skor 7.69

    Analisa Perilaku Mekanik Kompositserat Kapuk Randu Menggunakanmatrik Polyester

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    The background research is the development of science and technology in the field of materials engineering and the demands off indinga new breakthrough in the provision of high quality materials and environmentally friendly. Composite materials of natural fibers that are more light weight, malleable, corrosion resistance, low price andeasy to obtain. This study uses materials such aspolyesterresin, and a catalyst Randu Kapok fiber. Randomly arranged fibers incomposites with various volume fractions of 15%, 25%, 35%. Making way press mold, bending tests were conducted with a reference standard ASTM D790-02, tensile testing standard ASTM D-638. Testing through the process of tensile and bending tests to determine the mechanical properties of the composite. Greatest tension obtained in the composite with 35% volume fractionis equal to 3,8046 MPa while the largest bending strength of the composite obtained from volume fraction 15% at 84MPa. Void formed causing the load can be held by thematrixis reduced due tolack of homogenan specimens

    Studi Sifat Mekanik Komposit Serat Sansevieria Cylindrica Dengan Variasi Fraksi Volume Bermatrik Polyester

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    This study aims to create and analyze the tensile strength of the material matrix composite reinforced polyester resin natural fiber Sansevieria cylindrica leaves that will eventually be in seek of new composite materials which might be expected to be a reference material that is environmentally friendly. The results showed an increase in tensile strength of the composite fiber volume fraction of each additional up to 20%. At 10% fiber volume fraction values obtained 18.459N/mm2, then power up the volume fraction of 20% to reach a value 45.698N/mm2, but declining power back on composite with 30% fiber volume fraction is 32.891N/mm2. From microstructure observations made by SEM photo can be seen in the composite fiber distributionuneven in some parts of the composite fiber reinforcing material contained gaps, so that part hasthe tensile strength values are different

    Pengembangan Bahan Ajar Modul Interaktif Konsep Dasar Kerja Motor

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    This study aims to : 1) analyzing the potential for the school to develop interactive teaching materials, 2) analyzing interactive teaching materials development procedures, 3) analyzing effectiveness the implementation interactive teaching. The results of the research and development proved that: 1) facilities and infrastructure MAN 2 Tanjungkarang be able to support interactive learning, 2) produce interactive teaching materials in pakcet CD learning program. 3) interactive learning more efficiently than conventional learning as the results of t test: t = 1.798> t table = 1.684, 4 ) interactive learning is more efficient by the results ratio of 1, 714 min, 5) more appealing to the results of the questionnaire indicated 83.262% of respondents are very interesting and 17.738% stated interest. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis: 1) potensi sekolah dalam mengembangkan bahan ajar interaktif, 2) prosedur pengembangan bahan ajar interaktif, 3) efektivitas penggunaan bahan ajar interaktif. Hasil dari penelitian dan pengembangan ini adalah ; 1) MAN 2 Tanjungkarang memiliki potensi menggunakan bahan ajar interaktif dalam pelaksanaan pembelajaran, 2) produk bahan ajar interaktif yang dihasilkan dalam paket program CD pembelajaran, 3) pembelajaran interaktif lebih efektif dari pembelajaran konvensional dengan hasil t tes : t hitung =1,798 > t tabel =1,684, 4) pembelajaran interaktif lebih efisien dari pembelajaran konvensional dengan perbandingan 1, 714 menit, 5) pembelajaran interaktif menarik, yang ditunjukan dengan hasil angket 83,262% responden menyatakan program sangat menarik selebihnya 17,738% menyatakan menarik.­­­­­

    Pengaruh Variasi Abu Sekam Dan Bentonit Pada Cetakan Pasir Terhadap Kekerasan Dan Struktur Mikro 2) 1) Hasil Coran Alumunium Aa 1100

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    The aim of this research is to know the physical and mechanical properties of aluminum casting results printed by using sand mold. Variation is made on the formation of mold sand where there happens a difference of the addition of binding substance rice husk ash and bentonite have been blended into a sand mould-forming composition. The Material used in this study is aluminum with purity levels above 99, which melted in the kitchen Dipper Krusible type and printed in sand mold. The tools which are used in testing hardness and micro-structure of tests in a row are: brinell hardness test and olympus metallurgical microscope. Brinell hardness testing uses the test with the standard ASTM E 10-01 and micro testing structure uses standard ASTM E 3 by way of looking at the specimen under a microscope. From this data, it can be obtained that the lowest hardness calculation of test results of 17.7636 HBW for compositions that vary on a mixture of bentonite and ash 6% husk 14%, and the maximum calculation of the hardness is obtained on the composition of the mixture of 10% and 8% bentonite husk ash, where the calculation of the hardness of 22.8100 HBW. In micro structure testing; looks that porosity in aluminum in great numbers when a comparison between bentonite and binding substance grey husk in the levels are quite different, causing the result of casting have much number of porosity, so that it causes the low level of the hardness. While for the comparison of levels of grey husk and bentonite which approach the same levels, When added to the composition of the sand mould-forming, micro structure test results showed that metal casting results have little amount of porosity causing aluminum castings results have a high level of hardness

    Pengaruh Kedalaman Alur Back Chipping Pada Pengelasan Listrik SMAW Baja Karbon Sedang AISI 1045 Terhadap Uji Kekuatan Tarik

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    Medium carbon steel can be assembled in various ways, one of them by welding. On the implementation of welding using SMAW welding type which is one method of welding is used widely in construction grafting techniques. In welding, there\u27s common defects such as imperfections of root penetration, hardened and cracked. Back chipping or welding opponent needs to be done to avoid or fix things that often occur in the root weld. SMAW welding is one method which is widely used in construction grafting techniques. This study aims to determine the different test results with the depth of groove weld seam treatment chipping back to the tensile strength test also to determine micro structure. The depth of groove seam using a variation of 2 mm, 3 mm and 4 mm, then the welding results of each treatment were divided into three tensile test specimens and one photo micro specimen. Upon completion of the test specimens and then tensile test performed and photo micro to acknlowledge changes in mechanical properties. From the testing that has been done, the result from tensile strength at back chipping welding with 3mm depth is higher than treated back chipping welding with 2mm and 4 mm depth. The largest maximum tensile strength were found in the back chipping welding groove with 3mm depth is 683.3 MPa, while the untreated back chipping weld the largest maximum tensile strength is 591.7 MPa. Microstructure of root steel welding was welded without back chipping has dominant ferrite grain area

    Pengaruh Penambahan Abu Sekam Padi Dan Abu Terbang Batubara Terhadap Kekuatan Tekan Dan Porositas Genteng Tanah Liat Kabupaten Pringsewu

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    Rice husk ash and prosperous coal fly ash silica (SiO2). Silica-term construction, concrete technology has been used primarily as an additive. Husk ash and coal fly ash is used as an additive clay roof tile manufacturing process. It is made by compounding of clay, sand, water and husk ash. Then, they are mashed by extruder machine and forming of kuweh and then, airing for three days before the process of stamping. The roof tile is dried for four days then there is fumigation for twelve days and continued by combustion for also twelve days. The examination which used is press and porosity examination with the aim of knowing whether there is additional impact of rice\u27 husk ash\u27 existence or not into clay roof tile in Kabupaten Pringsewu. The research\u27s results showed that there is conversion of press and porosity power compared with roof tile rice\u27s husk ash composition. The optimum value for the press and examination of porosity obtained from the tile with a composition of 5% rice husk ash and 5% coal fly ash \u27with an average of 12.253 KPa press strength and porosity values average value of 18.06%. The minimum value for the press obtained from the tile with a composition of 5% rice husk ash and 2,5% coal fly ash with the press power\u27s average value 9.757 KPa. The minimum value for porosity from the tile with a composition of 5% rice husk ash and 7,5% coal fly ash with the porosity average value 23.78%