301 research outputs found


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui jenis-jenis metafora peribahasa dalam bahasa karo. Metodologi penelitian ini menggunakan analisis deskriptif. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa dari 17 peribahasa terdapat 4 jenis metafora, yaitu metafora simbolisme, fenonmenalistik, mati, dan subyektif, dan jenis yang dominan adalah metafora simbolisme. Artinya Suku Karo jelas lebih menyukai bahasa kiasan, yang menggambarkan sesuatu dengan menggunakan benda, hewan, atau tumbuhan sebagai simbol atau simbol tertentu yang dapat menggantikan kata-kata yang ingin diucapkan.

    Analisis Yuridis Tanggung Jawab Para Pihak Dalam Perjanjian Jual Beli Tanah Dengan Angsuran Yang Dibuat Di Bawah Tangan

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    A contract on the acquisition of land with buildings on it is made underhandedly, this kind of contract is basically unrecognized in the Indonesian agrarian system and in the Civil Code. The research used descriptive analytic and judicial normative method. The conclusions of the research were as follows: a contract on the acquisition of land for constructing buildings on it is a standard contract, the responsibility which will be taken by the buyer when he is default is fine and time limit, while the seller is responsible for limitation, and the acquisition of land with buildings on it only has legal force of material evidence. It is recommended that the parties concerned pay specific attention to the right buying and selling of land, it should be signed by a Subdistrict head and village heads, and should be a firm regulation and controllers on standard contracts which have specific clauses

    Sistem Pendukung Keputusan Penentuan Dosen Terbaik pada STMIK Kristen Neumann Indonesia dengan Metode Simple Additive Weighting (Saw)

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    Sistem pendukung keputusan bertujuan untuk membantu manajer atau pimpinan untuk menentukan dosen terbaik dengan mempertimbangkan beberapa aspek serta dengan memberikan nilai kepentingan pada setiap aspek yang dinilai. Berdasarkan hal ini untuk menentukan dosen terbaik maka digunakan metode. Metode yang digunakan adalah Simple Additive Weighting(SAW). Penelitian dilakukan dengan mencari nilai bobot setiap kriteria, dan kemudian melakukan normalisasi matriks keputusan ke suatu skala yang dapat diperbandingkan dengan semua rating alternatif yang ada. Hasil dari perhitungan metode ini adalah berupa hasil perangkingan. Kata Kunci : Sistem Pendukung Keputusan, Bobot, Perangkingan, Dosen, SA

    Analisis Pertumbuhan Moda Transportasi Dan Infrastruktur Jalan Di Kabupaten Sleman Dan Kota YOGYAKARTA Tahun 2000-2010

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    Hingga saat ini transportasi di Kabupaten Sleman dan Kota Yogyakarta telah mengalamiperkembangan yang pesat baik secara kualitas maupun kuantitas. Penambahan jumlah transportasitidak seimbang dengan pertambahan ruas jalan Metode yang digunakan adalah Analisa statisticKorelasi Product Moment Dengan mengetahui derajat hubungan moda transportasi (kendaraanbermotor) dengan infrastrukturmelalui penskalaan, ANOVA, dan korelasi antar kedua variabel yangditeliti dan analisis Hasil penelitian 1) pertumbuhan moda transportasi cukup signifikan di kedualokasi penelitian yang didominasi oleh kendaraan jenis sepeda motor. Pertumbuhan infrastrukturjalan baik dari jenis dan kondisi jalan hampir stagnan bahkan mengalami penurunan dibeberapatahun penelitian. 2) jumlah kendaraan, PDRB, jumlah penduduk, jumlah universitas, jumlahwisatawan dan jumlah penduduk yang bekerja adalah variabel yang menyebabkan pertumbuhanmoda transportasi. 3) Analisis varians (ANOVA) untuk pertumbuhan kendaraan bermotor daninfrastruktur jalan tidak mengalami perbedaan yang nyata/signifikan. Berdasarkan analisis korelasi,maka diketahui bahwa tidak terdapat hubungan yang kuat dan signifikan antara pertumbuhantransportasi dengan infrastruktur jalan


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    In writing process the students have to compose their writing by using their own choice of sentence structure and organize their own ideas in such a way that the reader can understand them. The aim of this study is to describe the students’ response after having been taught by using self-monitoring attention technique. The data in this study is use descriptive data. The results of this study were 57.10% students strongly agree, 35.05% students agree, 6.35% students quite agree, 0.30% students disagree, and 1.30% students strongly disagree. Most of the students were more active and enthusiastic during the process of teaching and learning through self-monitoring attention techniqu

    Analisis Kesesuaian Klaim dengan Realitas Pembayaran Ppk Rujukan dalam Jaminan Kesehatan Masyarakat Miskin

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    The main goal of health development in lndonesia is providing quality health care and assuring community access to equal health services for all citizen (universal coverage). In assuring the access to health services for the poor. Ministry of Health has launched special health insurance program for the poor (Askeskin). PT Askes was assigned by MOH to manage this program. Therefore, it is very important to improve facilities and management capabilities of health insurance administering bodies and health care providers. These include, improvement in case management, hospital accounting system, medical record, etc. This will be very useful for verification process and reducing the fraud and abuse. This study was conducted in order to provide valuable input for the Improvement of financing mechanism and payment system of referral providers in health insurance program for the poor (Askeskin). The objectives of this study are to calculate hospital claim on case management of Askeskin members and its real payment by PT Askes and to calculate the differences between claim and reimbursement (real payment) based on hospital components. The study design is cross-sectional. A Stratified Random Sampling method was conducted to select the study sites based on Human Development Index (HOI) and Fiscal Capacity (refers to Ministry of Finance Data) of district and city. Districts and cities were then classified into high, middle, or low level. The 3 selected study sites were: Kampar District (HPI 34,1) in Riau Province which represent high HOI; North Bengkulu District (HPI: 30.4) in Bengkulu province which represent middle HOI, and Pontianak City (HPI: 27.7) in West Kalimantan Province which represent low HOI. The results show that tariff agreement of case management for Askeskin members was not in accordance with local real condition. Therefore, clear operational and technical Askeskin guidelines are needed to gain similar perception between PT Askes and health care providers· beside Improvement of socialization activities to the community. The amount of differences between claim and reimbursement varied among study sites. The difference was influenced by following factors: (1) existed guidelines that were not suitable with local specific real demand and (2) disparity among hospital facilities. Hospital with limited facility has difficulty to refer patient to another closed hospital which doesn't have contract with PT Askes. Furthermore, in some cases hospital with good facility cannot optimalize using their advanced equipment for treatment, because not stated in the contract with PT Askes. Contract review, tariff adjustment, and re-negotiation between hospitals and PT Askes should be encouraged to provide better services for Askeskin members
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