24 research outputs found

    The Propagation of Laser Light in Skin by Monte Carlo- Diffusion Method: A Fast and Accurate Method to Simulate Photon Migration in Biological Tissues

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    INTRODUCTION: Due to the importance of laser light penetration and propagation in biological tissues, many researchers have proposed several numerical methods such as Monte Carlo, finite element and green function methods. Among them, the Monte Carlo method is an accurate method which can be applied for different tissues. However, because of its statistical nature, Monte Carlo simulation requires a large number of photon pockets to be traced, so it is computationally expensive and time- consuming. Although other numerical methods based on the diffusion method are fast, they have two important limitations: first, they are not valid near the bounder of sample and source, and second, their accuracy is less than Monte Carlo method.METHODS: In this study, we combine the accuracy of Monte Carlo method and speed of the diffusion method. This hybrid method is faster than Monte Carlo Method and its accuracy is higher than the diffusion method.RESULTS: We first evaluate this hybrid model and the reflectance of a biological phantom is calculated by Monte Carlo method and this hybrid model. Then the propagation of laser light in the skin tissue has been studied.CONCLUSION: In this study, a combined method based on the Monte Carlo method and the diffuse equation is introduced. This hybrid method is five times faster than Monte Carlo Method, and its accuracy is higher than the diffusion method. The propagation of laser light in skin has also been studied by this hybrid method and its accuracy shows that it can be applied for laser penetration in biological tissues. It seems that this method is good for photo dynamic therapy (PDT) and optical imagin

    Sperimentazione di un metodo di analisi geometrica dei sistemi di linee dell'Astrolabium Catoptricum-Gnomonicum

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    Il capitolo fa parte di un volume che indaga sugli artifici di Palazzo Spada voluti da Bernardino Spada ed inseriti all'interno di un intervento secentesco di progettazione e di adeguamento degli spazi del Palazzo Capodiferro. Lo studio dell'Astrolabium Catoptrico Gnomonicum di E. Maignan prende avvio da un processo di indagine sulle macchine matematiche intese come momento di interazione teorica applicativa tra la disciplina del disegno e della matematica

    The sustainability of tikanga practice and values within toi raranga

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    This research project is made up of two distinct but related components; an exegesis and an artefact (whāriki). The art of whāriki weaving is distinctively Māori and is the legacy of an evolving traditional knowledge that spans the Pacific and the peopling of this vast region. The evidence clearly supports the theory that the art of toi rāranga (art of weaving) is clearly rooted in Polynesia. The theory and practice of whāriki weaving connects Māori philosophy and the practices of tikanga (Māori customs, obligations) to toi rāranga and the kairāranga (weaver). To link the ideology to practice requires a detailed explanation of all aspects of the weaving of an actual whāriki. Additionally the whāriki was designed as a koha to the University because this gesture is an integral aspect of the traditions associated with the weaving of whāriki. Most importantly underpinning the research is the importance of the preservation of a culturally viable living art form ensuring the sustainability of toi rāranga

    The Renewed Existence in AR of Max Brückner’s Lost Paper Polyhedra

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    Lo studio propone la realizzazione di un museo in Realtà Aumentata dei modelli fisici matematici, concepiti con finalità spiccatamente didattiche e capaci di esplicitare principi matematici e geometrici. La Realtà Aumentata, in questo ambito, consente di renderli fruibili e interagire con essi senza compromettere la conservazione degli originali, inoltre ne aumenta la comprensione tramite l’aggiunta di contenuti esplicativi. Seguendo il percorso educativo proposto da questa esperienza è possibile costruire la propria replica dei modelli di carta, in questo modo si restituisce ai modelli matematici il valore pedagogico che gli è precluso se musealizzati dietro una vetrina o, peggio, se conservati in un magazzino per mancanza di spazio espositivo. La prima sperimentazione riguarda la raccolta di modelli dei poliedri di Max Brückner, pubblicata nel 1900 in "Vielecke und Vielflache: Theorie und Geschichte", la quale offre anche la possibilità di valutare le potenzialità della Realtà Aumentata di ridare esistenza ad una collezione ormai perduta.This study proposes the realization of an Augmented Reality museum of mathematical-physical models for distinctly educational purposes and capable of explaining mathematical and geometric principles. Augmented Reality, in this context, would render them accessible while interacting with their digital twins would not endanger the preservation of the originals, and furthermore, comprehension would be enhanced thanks to the inclusion of explanatory contents. Following the teaching course proposed from our experience, it is possible to build the replica of one’s paper mock-up, thus giving pedagogical value back to the mathematical models otherwise precluded when musealized in a showcase or, worse, safeguarded in storerooms due to limited exhibition space. The first trials concern Max Brückner’s collection of polyhedra models, published in 1900 in "Vielecke und Vielflache: Theorie und Geschichte", which offers the opportunity to evaluate the potentials of Augmented Reality to renew existence to a collection that is now lost