1,209 research outputs found

    Instantaneous Transitions in Esterel

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    Esterel is an imperative synchronous programming language for the specification of deterministic concurrent reactive systems. While providing the usual control-flow constructs—sequences, loops, conditionals, and exceptions—its lack of a goto instruction makes the programming of arbitrary finite state machines awkward and hinders the design of source-to-source program transformations. We previously introduced to Esterel a non-instantaneous gotopause instruction, which prevents the synchronous execution of code before and code after the transition. Here, we tackle instantaneous transitions. Concurrency demands we assign scopes and priorities to gotos, so we extend Esterel's exception handling mechanism to allow exception handlers in arbitrary locations. We advocate for and formalize the resulting language. We observe that instantaneous gotos complement but do not replace non-instantaneous gotopauses

    Optimizing Sequential Cycles Through Shannon Decomposition and Retiming

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    Optimizing sequential cycles is essential for many types of high-performance circuits, such as pipelines for packet processing. Retiming is a powerful technique for speeding pipelines, but it is stymied by tight sequential cycles. Designers usually attack such cycles by manually combining Shannon decomposition with retiming-effectively a form of speculation-but such manual decomposition is error prone. We propose an efficient algorithm that simultaneously applies Shannon decomposition and retiming to optimize circuits with tight sequential cycles. While the algorithm is only able to improve certain circuits (roughly half of the benchmarks we tried), the performance increase can be dramatic (7%-61%) with only a modest increase in area (1%-12%). The algorithm is also fast, making it a practical addition to a synthesis flow

    Approximate Reachability for Dead Code Elimination in Esterel*

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    Esterel is an imperative synchronous programming language for the design of reactive systems. Esterel* extends Esterel with a non-instantaneous jump instruction (compatible with concurrency, preemption, etc.) so as to enable powerful source-to-source program transformations, amenable to formal verification. In this work, we propose an approximate reachability algorithm for Esterel* and use its output to remove dead code. We prove the correctness of our techniques
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