3 research outputs found

    Language, Irony, and Resistance - Internet spoofing in China today

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    This essay investigates the background as well as the present and potential functions of egao, Chinese Internet spoofing. It focuses on the forms egao assumes in writing and analyzes how its practice of playing with and inventing words influences the Chinese society. Discussing the emergence of new expressions in text-based egao, this essay concludes that this kind of spoofing pushes the boundaries of accepted language but should be seen as an indicator rather than a cause of political change, as it takes advantage of the relative freedom of speech provided by the Internet while remaining at least partially tolerated by the government. The main impact exercised by egao is that its ridiculing of official phrases forces the authorities to change their language.Uppsatsen undersöker hur nya ord och uttryck uppkommer i kinesiska InternetskĂ€mt, egao, samt vilka funktioner den hĂ€r typen av skĂ€mt fyller i dagens Kina. Uppsatsen behandlar frĂ€mst skriftliga former av egao (sĂ„som ordlekar, dikter och pĂ„hittade ord och tecken) och försöker ta reda pĂ„ hur dessa pĂ„verkar det kinesiska samhĂ€llet och vilka funktioner de kan tĂ€nkas fylla. Slutsatserna blir att Ă€ven om egao tĂ€njer pĂ„ grĂ€nserna för accepterat sprĂ„k bör det betraktas som en indikator pĂ„ snarare Ă€n som en orsak till politisk förĂ€ndring, dĂ„ fenomenet utnyttjar den relativa yttrandefrihet som Internet erbjuder samt Ă„tminstone delvis tolereras av regeringen. Dock kan det viktigaste inflytandet som egao utövar sĂ€gas vara att fenomenet genom att driva med de officiella fraserna tvingar myndigheterna att förĂ€ndra sitt sprĂ„k.èźș文介绍äș†ç€ŸäŒšçŽ°è±Ąâ€œæ¶æžâ€ïŒŒèźšèźșäș†ćźƒçš„杄æșäžŽç›žć…łèƒŒæ™ŻïŒŒæ˜ŽçĄźäș†ćźƒäž»èŠçš„ç€ŸäŒšäžŽæ”żæČ»ćŠŸèƒœă€‚æ¶æžäœœäžșæ°‘é—ŽèŻ­èš€æŒ‘æˆ˜ćź˜æ–čèŻ­èš€çš„ćŠ›é‡æ˜Żć·šć€§çš„

    Euro-Asia Collaboration for Enhancing STEM Education

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    International audienceEASTEM is a capacity-building project funded by Erasmus+ with the aim of improving employability of STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) graduates from partner universities by ensuring students acquire skills needed in the workplace. EASTEM uses approaches from student-centred STEM education to develop the competence of lecturers and bridge the gap between industry and universities. Over the course of three full years (2019-2022) the project brought together ten universities from Asia and three universities from Europe to work together on improving STEM education, creating a platform for partner universities to exchange best practices on student-centred STEM education. Two associate partners, the Ministry of Education and Training of Vietnam and Vietnam Electronics Industries Association are supporting EASTEM activities

    Euro-Asian Collaboration for Enhancing STEM Education: EASTEM WP4: Industry engagement and competence integration into STEM educational programs. Deliverable D4

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    EASTEM is a capacity-building project funded by Erasmus+ (KA2) with the aim of improving employability of STEM graduates from partner universities by ensuring students acquire skills needed in the workplace. Over the course of 3 years (2019-2022) and with a budget of 999.000 EUR, the project brings together 3 universities from Europe and 10 from Asia, creating a platform for partner universities to exchange best practices on student-centered and competency-based STEM education. The EASTEM project is co-funded with support from the European Commission, project (number 598915-EPP-1-2018-1-SE-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP) under the Erasmus+ program. This document reflects only the views of the authors. The Commission is not responsible for any use that may be made of the information contained therein. This document and its annexes in their latest versions are available from the EASTEM website (www.eastemproject.eu). EASTEM Work Package 4 (WP4) is to facilitate industry engagement and competence integration into educational programs. Building on good case practises from all partner institutions, IMT Atlantique guided partners on how to integrate competence development for students into STEM education programmes and university strategies