6 research outputs found

    Prevalence of overweight, obesity and underweight among 3rd grade students of primary schools taking into account regional differences

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    WSTĘP. Zarówno nadmiar, jak i niedobór masy ciała wpływa negatywnie nie tylko na zdrowie i rozwój dzieci i młodzieży, ale również na zdrowie w życiu dorosłym, zwiększając ryzyko wystąpienia przewlekłych chorób niezakaźnych i niesprawności. Na stan odżywienia wpływa wiele czynników, a częstość występowania zaburzeń stanu odżywienia u dzieci i młodzieży narasta w wielu krajach na świecie i w Europie, w tym także w Polsce. MATERIAŁ I METODY. Badaniem przeprowadzonym w 2010 roku objęto łącznie 1255 uczniów w wieku 9 lat (627 dziewcząt i 628 chłopców) z terenu pięciu województw: mazowieckiego, podkarpackiego, opolskiego, pomorskiego i wielkopolskiego. Na podstawie pomiarów wysokości i masy ciała dzieci obliczono wskaźnik masy ciała (BMI). Stan odżywienia oceniono według kryteriów Cole’a i wsp. WYNIKI. Niedobór masy ciała stwierdzono u 11,5% dziewcząt i 8% chłopców, nadwagę u 18,7% dziewcząt i 17,2% chłopców, zaś otyłość u 4,1% dziewcząt i 6,5% chłopców. Największy odsetek otyłych dzieci występował w województwach mazowieckim i pomorskim, zaś dzieci z nadwagą — w województwach mazowieckim i opolskim. Najniższy odsetek dzieci z nadwagą i otyłością odnotowano w województwie podkarpackim. Nie zaobserwowano znaczących różnic w występowaniu niedoboru masy ciała między województwami. WNIOSKI. Stopień występowania nadwagi i otyłości u dzieci w poszczególnych regionach kraju był zróżnicowany. Największą częstotliwość występowania nadwagi i otyłości stwierdzono w województwie mazowieckim, a najniższą — w podkarpackim. We wszystkich objętych badaniem województwach częstość występowania nadmiernej masy ciała była wyższa niż występowania niedoboru masy ciała. Analiza regionalnych różnic w zakresie częstości występowania otyłości, nadwagi i niedoboru masy ciała u dzieci i młodzieży może wskazać kierunek ogólnopolskich i lokalnych działań mających na celu zmniejszenie rozbieżności wynikających ze stanu odżywienia.INTRODUCTION. Obesity, overweight and underweight affects not only health and development of children and adolescents, but also affects health in adulthood by increasing the risk of chronic noncommunicable diseases and disability. The nutritional status is affected by many factors and the incidence of nutritional disorders in children and adolescents is growing in many countries around the world and Europe, including Poland. Material and methods. The study conducted in 2010 covered a total of 1255 students aged 9 years (627 girls and 628 boys) from the area of five provinces of Poland: Masovian, Subcarpathian, Opole, Pomeranian and Greater Poland. Based on measurements of high and weight of children the body mass index was calculated. Nutritional status was assessed according to criteria of Cole et al. RESULTS. Underweight was found in 11.5% of girls and 8% of boys, overweight in 18.7% of girls and 17.2% of boys, obesity in 4.1% of girls and 6.5% of boys. The highest percentage of obese children has appeared in Masovian and Pomeranian provinces, while overweight children in Masovian and Opole provinces. The lowest percentage of children with overweight and obesity was observed in Subcarpathian province. There were no significant differences in the prevalence of weight deficiency among regions. CONCLUSIONS. The degree of overweight and obesity among children in different regions of Poland was varied. The highest incidence of overweight and obesity were found in Masovian province and the lowest in the Subcarpathian province. In all provinces surveyed, the incidence of excessive body weight was higher than the prevalence of underweight. Analysis of regional differences in the prevalence of obesity, overweight and underweight in children and adolescents may indicate the direction of national and local actions to reduce inequalities resulting from nutritional status

    Mutations in the von Hippel-Lindau Tumour Suppressor Gene in Central Nervous System Hemangioblastomas

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    Central nervous system hemangioblastomas (cHAB) are rare tumours which most commonly arise in the cerebellum. Most tumours are sporadic, but as many as one third of cHABs occur in the course of the hereditary disorder - von Hippel-Lindau disease (VHL). In order to diagnose new VHL families in Poland we performed sequencing of the entire VHL gene in archival material (paraffin embedded hemangioblastoma tissues) in a large series of 203 unselected patients with cHAB. VHL gene mutations were detected in 70 (41%) of 171 tumour samples from which DNA of relatively good quality was isolated. We were able to obtain blood samples from 19 of mutation positive cases. Eight (42%) of these harboured germline mutations in persons from distinct undiagnosed VHL families

    Differences in the prevalence of overweight, obesity and underweight among children from primary schools in rural and urban areas

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    Introduction Overweight adversely affects not only the health and development of children and adolescents but also their health in adulthood, increasing the risk of chronic non-communicable diseases and disabilities. The frequency of nutritional disorders among children and adolescents is increasing in many countries worldwide, including Poland. Objective To demonstrate differences in the nutritional well-being of school-age children depending on the school location: rural and urban areas. Material and Methods The study conducted in 2010 covered a total of 1,255 pupils, 627 girls and 628 boys, aged nine, from the area of five provinces of Poland: Pomorskie, Opolskie, Wielkopolskie, Podkarpackie and Masovian, representing the northern, southern, western, eastern and central regions of the country. Based on the height and weight measurements of children, the body mass index was calculated. The nutritional status was assessed according to the criteria of Cole et al. Results The prevalence of overweight and obesity in girls and boys in separate regions of the country (villages, cities with less than 100,000 residents and cities with more than 100,000 residents) did not differ significantly. Conclusions The prevalence of overweight and obesity among children from rural and urban areas of Poland is similar. Analysis of regional differences in the prevalence of obesity, overweight and underweight among children and adolescents may indicate the direction of national and local activities aiming to reduce the inequalities resulting from nutritional well-being

    Differences in the prevalence of overweight, obesity and underweight among children from primary schools in rural and urban areas

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    Introduction Overweight adversely affects not only the health and development of children and adolescents but also their health in adulthood, increasing the risk of chronic non-communicable diseases and disabilities. The frequency of nutritional disorders among children and adolescents is increasing in many countries worldwide, including Poland. Objective To demonstrate differences in the nutritional well-being of school-age children depending on the school location: rural and urban areas. Material and Methods The study conducted in 2010 covered a total of 1,255 pupils, 627 girls and 628 boys, aged nine, from the area of five provinces of Poland: Pomorskie, Opolskie, Wielkopolskie, Podkarpackie and Masovian, representing the northern, southern, western, eastern and central regions of the country. Based on the height and weight measurements of children, the body mass index was calculated. The nutritional status was assessed according to the criteria of Cole et al. Results The prevalence of overweight and obesity in girls and boys in separate regions of the country (villages, cities with less than 100,000 residents and cities with more than 100,000 residents) did not differ significantly. Conclusions The prevalence of overweight and obesity among children from rural and urban areas of Poland is similar. Analysis of regional differences in the prevalence of obesity, overweight and underweight among children and adolescents may indicate the direction of national and local activities aiming to reduce the inequalities resulting from nutritional well-being

    Nanofiber mat spinal cord dressing-released glutamate impairs blood-spinal cord barrier

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    An excessive glutamate level can result in excitotoxic damage and death of central nervous system (CNS) cells, and is involved in the pathogenesis of many CNS diseases. It may also be related to a failure of the blood-spinal cord barrier (BSCB). This study was aimed at examining the effects of extended administration of monosodium glutamate on the BSCB and spinal cord cells in adult male Wistar rats. The glutamate was delivered by subarachnoidal application of glutamate-carrying electrospun nanofiber mat dressing at the lumbar enlargement level. Half of the rats with the glutamate-loaded mat application were treated systemically with the histone deacetylase inhibitor valproic acid. A group of intact rats and a rat group with subarachnoidal application of an ‘empty’ (i.e., carrying no glutamate) nanofiber mat dressing served as controls. All the rats were euthanized three weeks later and lumbar fragments of their spinal cords were harvested for histological, immunohistochemical and ultrastructural studies. The samples from controls revealed normal parenchyma and BSCB morphology, whereas those from rats with the glutamate-loaded nanofiber mat dressing showed many intraparenchymal microhemorrhages of variable sizes. The capillaries in the vicinity of the glutamate-carrying dressing (in the meninges and white matter alike) were edematous and leaky, and their endothelial cells showed degenerative changes: extensive swelling, enhanced vacuo­lization and the presence of vascular intraluminal projections. However, endothelial tight junctions were generally well preserved. Some endothelial cells were dying by necrosis or apoptosis. The adjacent parenchyma showed astrogliosis with astrocytic hypertrophy and swelling of perivascular astrocytic feet. Neurons in the parenchyma revealed multiple symptoms of degeneration, including, inter alia, perikaryal, dendritic and axonal swelling, and destruction of organelles. All the damage symptoms were slightly less severe in the rats given valproic acid treatment, and were absent from both the intact rats and the rats with ‘empty’ nanofiber mat dressing. These results demonstrate that glutamate-loaded nanofiber mat dressing can locally create glutamate levels capable of damaging BSCB and that the resulting damage can be mitigated with concurrent systemic valproate treatment