7 research outputs found

    Trace element concentrations in lichens collected in the Beskidy Mountains, the Outer Western Carpathians

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    The aim of the study was to assess trace metal air pollution in the Beskidy Mountains, the Outer Western Carpathians, Poland, with a widely used bioaccumulating organism, a lichen, Hypogymnia physodes. Lichens were collected at five stands (mountains) in parallel transect and analyzed for cadmium (Cd), copper (Cu), nickel (Ni), lead (Pb) and zinc (Zn) content. Concentrations of Cd, Pb and Zn in lichens were elevated, indicating moderate air pollution. The studied sites grouped in two clusters, with the three more contaminated sites being at the west end of the transect, and the two less polluted sites being situated more eastward. Such a pattern can be explained by the location of industrial centers and prevailing wind direction in southern Poland. The strongest correlation was noticed between Zn and Pb, which are known to occur jointly in ore deposits and are being processed in nearby Polish and Czech industrial regions

    The relationship between soil bacteria substrate utilisation patterns and the vegetation structure in temperate forests

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    The aim of the study was to explore the relationship between the functional diversity pattern of soil bacteria and the vegetation diversity and structure in temperate forests (Poland). Pine-dominated forests occur on soils with lower pH, fewer nutrient contents (P, Na, Mg, Mn and K) and higher C/N and C/P ratios than beech-dominated forests and mixed broadleaved forest with hornbeam and ash. Both forest type and soil horizon (O and A) strongly influenced bacterial catabolic activity and the number of substrates decayed on Biolog庐 ECO plates. Pine forest soil bacteria were less active and less functionally diverse than those in deciduous forest soils. The community-level physiological profiles (CLPPs) were dissimilar (one-way analysis of similarities) between pine and mixed deciduous forests, but only in the O soil horizon. Carboxylic acids primarily contributed to the average dissimilarity in CLPP between forests (the similarity percentage procedure); these substrates are preferentially used by pine forest soil bacteria. The canonical correspondence analysis indicated that soil pH, nitrogen and organic matter contents and plant diversity index H鈥瞤lant were related to bacterial CLPP in the O soil horizon. Only for the soil O horizon, the Mantel test showed a clear relationship between vegetation structure and bacterial CLPP

    Heavy metals effect on the activity and functional diversity of soil microbial communities in Miasteczko 艢l膮skie area

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    Effects of heavy metals on soil microbial activity and diversity is a subject of numerous studies. However, toxic effect of metals is not necessarily a direct result of their elevated concentrations and can be modified by other environmental parameters such as soil pH, organic matter and clay minerals content. Microbial activity depends also on soil nutrient status. The aim of this study was to determine which factors mostly affect activity and diversity of soil microbial communities in the area of Miasteczko 艢l膮skie. The results indicate that respiration rate, microbial biomass and metabolic quotient qCO2 depended mainly on soil pollution but also on Mg and (in case of respiration and qCO2) on sulfur concentrations. Activity and diversity measured on BIOLOG庐 GN2 plates was not related to pollution but was limited by lack of Mn and unfavourable C:N ratio.Wp艂yw metali ci臋偶kich na aktywno艣膰 i r贸偶norodno艣膰 mikroorganizm贸w glebowych jest przedmiotem wielu bada艅. Toksyczne dzia艂anie metali nie zawsze jest wy艂膮cznie rezultatem ich podwy偶szonych st臋偶e艅 i mo偶e by膰 modyfikowane przez inne parametry 艣rodowiska, takie jak na przyk艂ad pH gleby, zawarto艣膰 materii organicznej i聽minera艂贸w ilastych. Aktywno艣膰 mikroorganizm贸w jest tak偶e zale偶na od obecno艣ci lub braku sk艂adnik贸w od偶ywczych. Niniejsza praca mia艂a na celu zbadanie kt贸re czynniki maj膮 decyduj膮cy wp艂yw na aktywno艣膰 i r贸偶norodno艣膰 mikroorganizm贸w glebowych w rejonie Miasteczka 艢l膮skiego. Wykazano, 偶e tempo respiracji, biomasa mikroorganizm贸w oraz wsp贸艂czynnik metaboliczny qCO2 by艂y limitowane przede wszystkim przez ska偶enie gleby metalami ci臋偶kimi, ale tak偶e zale偶a艂y od st臋偶e艅 Mg oraz (w przypadku respiracji聽qCO2) siarki. Aktywno艣膰 i r贸偶norodno艣膰 bakterii gramujemnych mierzona za pomoc膮 p艂ytek Biolog庐 GN2 by艂a niezale偶na od zanieczyszczenia metalami. Parametry te by艂y limitowane przez niedobory Mn i聽niekorzystne stosunki C:N