26 research outputs found

    The Conflict Of “SAD” With Plantation Company And Its Implication: A Study In 5 Villages In The Muara Jambi Regence

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    The purpose of this research was to explain Suku Anak Dalam (SAD) conflict with plantation companies by involving NGOs and local elites. This conflict of natural resources has implications for the loss of SAD livelihoods, which has led to social inequality between SAD and the community of migrant workers and plantation company workers. The research was used ethnography method, focusing on community’s effort in organizing its social, economy,politics and cultural livelihood, and apply such pattern culture in the inhabitants’ daily lives. Data analysis was conducted through interactive approach combined with participative analysis technique. With this approach,the result of data collection during the research is analyzed interpretatively. The results of these studied were: the most crucial conflit issue is land dispute between SAD community with the company, specifically in Tanjung Lebar, and Bukit Makmur villages. Both villages have plan and organized the occupation of company’s property and have been given permission by the government and security. There is the tendency that SAD as an ethnic identity have been ‘sold’ by the village elites and SAD’s own public figure, be it to maintain the relationship with the government and the company. The involvement of groups of interests (NGOs) assisting SAD in the conflict against the company. SAD conflict has involved numerous of people, including local transmigrants,and it doesn’t seem to stop since uncontrolled land occupation will not solve any problem. There is the tendency that the government has difficulties in abridging the conflict and to look for solutions


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    Penelitian ini membahas mengenai kontrol sosial Unit Pelaksana Teknis Dinas (UPTD) Liwa terhadap perambahan hutan lindung Bukit Palakiah Reg 48 B Wilayah Tanjung Raya Kabupaten Lampung Barat. Penelitian ini akan membahas isu penelitian melalui teori kontrol sosial Soekanto. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah kualitatif dengan pendekatan deskriptif. Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan adalah observasi, wawancara mendalam dan dokumentasi. Peneliti menggunakan strategi penelitian studi kasus untuk menggali kasus kontrol sosial UPTD Lima terhadap perambah hutan lindung. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan ada lima bentuk kontrol sosial UPTD KPH Liwa, yaitu (1) feedforwad control melalui citra satelit, (2) Penyuluhan terhadap masyarakat perambah hutan lindung, (3) Patroli dalam kawasan hutan lindung, (4) Mitra UPTD KPH Liwa dan, (5) Pemberian sanksi pidana. Ada lima hambatan kontrol sosial UPTD KPH Liwa, seperti (1) status lahan, (2) perbedaan kepentingan antar kelompok, (3) keterbatasan sarana dan prasarana, (4) keterbatasan dana oprasional, serta (5) kurangnya pegawai profesional. Dalam melakukan kontrol sosial UPTD KPH Liwa perlu untuk lebih terorganisir lagi tertutama jadwal waktu pelaksanaan kegiatan-kegiatan kontrol sosial serta mekanisme kegiatan kontrol sosial

    Konstruksi Komunitas Kampus Terhadap Mahasiswi Bercadar Di Universitas Sriwijaya Indralaya

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    This study examines the process of the formation of campus community construction of veiled female students by using a social construction approach from Peter L. Berger and Thomas Luckmann. The method used is qualitative with data collection techniques such as observation, interviews, and documentation. The research informants were selected purposively as many as eleven people, consisting of two lecturers, two employees, and seven students of Sriwijaya University. The results of this study indicate that the campus community construction of veiled female students can be known through three stages. First, externalisation is the process by which individuals in the campus community capture outside influences related to the use of the veil. Secondly, objectivation,  individuals in the campus community view the use of the veil as a form of respecting human rights. Third, internalisation takes the form of a subjective dimension of the campus community as meaning. Through primary and secondary socialisation, this study obtained four-campus community constructions of veiled female students, namely freedom in democracy, a form of servant obedience to God, religious bigotry, and violation of communication ethics

    Sosialisasi Nilai-Nilai Pendidikan Karakter Bangsa Siswa di Sekolah Menengah Atas Negeri 19 Palembang

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    This research aims to analyse the ways in sosializing values of national character building for the students. The study described the ways of the teachers of senior high school 19 in sosializing the values of national character building. The research used qualitative method and the data collected by primary and second data. The analysis of data used by descriptive technique, interviewing conducted with the teachers of each subjects. Observing carried out in the clases when the teachers were teaching. From this research, it could conclude that the ways of teacher to socialize the values of national character building in teaching and learning were presenting repeatly, discussing, giving tasks, giving examples, and doing habit. Of course, in sosializing the values of national character building, the teachers faced any bars, but finally, they could solved the bars by doing cooperating among the teachers in the school.


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    Penelitian ini dilakukan di sekolah anak usia dini, Raudhatul Atfhal (RA) Puri Fathonah Kota Bandar Lampung. Penelitian dilakukan untuk menganalisis peran guru dalam mengembangkan sikap peduli lingkungan pada anak usia dini di RA Puri Fathonah. Robert Linton menyatakan bahwa teori peran memberikan gambaran interaksi sosial dalam terminologi aktor-aktor yang bermain sesuai dengan apa yang ditetapkan oleh budaya. Fokus penelitian adalah untuk mengungkap harapan masyarakat terhadap peran sosial guru dalam mengembangkan sikap peduli lingkungan anak serta bagaimana guru memerankan peran sosialnya di RA Puri Fathonah. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan cara wawancara dan observasi. Hasil penelitian adalah bahwa terdapat empat peran yang diharapkan oleh masyarakat terhadap guru dalam rangka mengembangkan sikap peduli lingkungan anak usia dini yaitu: peran sebagai motivator, pemberi teladan, pemberi sanksi, dan pemberi apresiasi. Aktualisasi peran guru RA Puri Fathonah diketahui memenuhi seluruh harapan masyarakat dan kebudayaan. Dengan demikian dapat dikatakan bahwa guru RA Puri Fathonah melakukan perannya dengan baik, baik secara personal maupun penilaian dari masyarakat dan kebudayaan disekitarnya

    How Does Social Capital Help Achieve High-Quality Education?

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    The purpose of this study is to examine how social capital is used to achieve high-quality education at SMAN Sumatra Selatan. This was a descriptive qualitative study with data collected through participant observation. The researcher was involved directly as well as witnessing the research process and conducting in-depth interviews with ten informants. The Miles and Huberman's were applied in the data analysis. The study's findings revealed the presence of social capital in SMAN Sumatra Selatan in the form of trust, networks, and social norms. Cooperation between the Government of the Province of South Sumatra and the Putera Sampoerna Foundation, as well as cooperation with companies, shown trust. The social network formed as a result of the partnership between SMAN Sumatra Selatan and the mass media, as well as education supporting companies. The social norms in the school were represented by four exceptional programs: academic programs, lifetime learning programs, the pathway to leadership programs, and boarding education programs. This school's social capital components included communicating with one another, working together, influencing one another, and being related to one another. They resulted in a structure of social relations that culminated in a high-quality school

    Perubahan Strategi Petani Dalam Memanfaatkan Lahan Pertanian

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    oai:ojs.journalempirika.fisip.unsri.ac.id:article/11This thesis entitled "Changes in Farmer Strategies Utilizing Agricultural Land in Gumawang District of Belitang Ogan Komering Ulu Timur". This study reviewing the strategies of farmers in utilizing of agricultural land, farmers strategy changes that occurred in Gumawang, then the cause of the source of change strategies of farmer and forms of peasant farmers in utilizing the strategy of agricultural land in Gumawang District  of  Belitang  Ogan  Komering  Ulu  Timur.  This study is a qualitative descriptive study. Determination of the informants in this study conducted in a "purposive". The technique of data analysis in this study was using Life History Analysis with used Construction of Day approaches. The results of this study indicate that (1) strategies or ways in which farmers in utilizing of agricultural land by making use of agricultural land to plant rice, then were using the tenuous to keep fish and plant crops. (2) there are two kinds of the changes in the strategy of farmers in agricultural utilize the land, namely the permanent changes and the temporary changes. (3) the source of the farmers’ strategy changes caused by factors of  education,  science  and  technology,  economy, population growth, and the strategic location of the rice fields. (4) The forms of the strategy changes is a change that leads farmers to non-agricultural sectors or lead to the development of the city. Then in doing the study, researchers found some terms or the field findings, including: ngluku / mbajak, rendeng-gadu, tandur, ndaot, and legowo. The terms that finding in the field is a term contained in the terms used by the agricultural society of Java  that  was  around  in  Gumawang  District  Belitang Ogan Komering Ulu Timur it self

    Tari Tanggai dan Habitus Masyarakat Palembang

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    Culture is a phenomenon that will always exist in every layer of society . people tend conceptualization of values and norms that exist in society into cultural forms that exist . One element of culture that always exist in society , namely art . Every region in Indonesia there are a variety - variety type of art ranging from being blown up the limb as demonstrated . one culture there is the art of dance . In Indonesia , there are various protean dance that spread from Sabang to marauke , one of which is tanggai dance contained in Palembang of South Sumatra Province . Tanggai dance hidden inside habitus that exist in society Palembang . Habitus is used as the basis for Palembang people to act and interpret the world in their daily reality . The habitus is in tanggai dance : first , the dance represents the orientation of life and values of the people of Palembang . Secondly , dance as a picture kinship systems Palembang society

    Pola Kekuasaan Pendisiplinan dalam Membina Perilaku Peserta Didik di SMA Negeri Olahraga Sriwijaya

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    The research was conducted at Sriwijaya Sports State High School, a special school for students who have talent in the field of sports. The aim is to know the pattern of discipline and the form of disciplinary techniques applied in fostering student behavior. The method used is descriptive qualitative with a case study approach that explores important information about the pattern of application and the form of disciplinary techniques. The data analysis is done by processing and preparing data, reflecting on meaning, processing information, data coding, and making narrative writings. The results of the study show that disciplinary patterns are applied through two mechanisms: first is through supervision (panapticon). This form of supervision takes the form of a point system that has the power to oversee the behavior of students. Other forms of supervision are raids on behavior that violates school rules. Second is the normalization, which is done by applying and enforcing punishment and reward. Disciplinary techniques that are carried out including the use of democratic discipline, permissive discipline, and the application of punishment that is educational in value, but does not lead to a form of violence.The research was conducted at Sriwijaya Sports State High School, a special school for students who have talent in the field of sports. The aim is to know the pattern of discipline and the form of disciplinary techniques applied in fostering student behavior. The method used is descriptive qualitative with a case study approach that explores important information about the pattern of application and the form of disciplinary techniques. The data analysis is done by processing and preparing data, reflecting on meaning, processing information, data coding, and making narrative writings. The results of the study show that disciplinary patterns are applied through two mechanisms: first is through supervision (panapticon). This form of supervision takes the form of a point system that has the power to oversee the behavior of students. Other forms of supervision are raids on behavior that violates school rules. Second is the normalization, which is done by applying and enforcing punishment and reward. Disciplinary techniques that are carried out including the use of democratic discipline, permissive discipline, and the application of punishment that is educational in value, but does not lead to a form of violence

    Fenomena Migran Wanita Sebagai Pedagang di Pasar Inpres Muara Enim

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    The purpose of this study was to analyze the reasons of female migrant traders to Muara Enim and to trade in the Muara Enim Inpres Market. This research use qualitative approach with descriptive analysis method. Data collection of interview methods. The results of this study show why migrant women migrated to Muara Enim because of: economic reasons, social reasons and communication reasons. While the reasons for female migrant traders are trading in Muara Enim Inpres Market because of: family / kinship, income, close to residence and located in City Center. The limited income of women migrant traders in the area of origin makes them have to decide to migrate to Muara Enim, which they think is able to provide better income. Female migrant traders choose to trade in the Muara Enim Inpres Market due to family reasons that have been previously traded, better income, close to the residence of female migrant traders making it easier for trading activities and the reason for being in the City Center which is the reason migrant traders are trading in the Inpres Market Muara Enim