2 research outputs found

    Review of urine formation in Ayurveda

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    Urinary system (Mutravaha samsthana) of human body is explained in several Ayurveda text books and is meant for the formation and excretion of Mutra (Urine). Urine formation has major role in human physiology. Though there was no availability of microscope, the vision of Apta jana is so clear that the Mutra Nirrman Vidhi is highly appreciable. Ahara is said as Upstambha which after digestion is transformed into nutritive part (Ahara Rasa) and waste product (Urine and feces). The process of Mutra Nirman in Ayurveda is very controversial, so author have tried to prove that Ayurvedic concept of Mutra Nirman is how much scientific

    Diagnostic aid in Ayurveda - Nadi Pariksha

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    Nadi Pariksha is the ancient art and science of detecting the existing status of a person’s body, mind, soul and spirit. It is used as diagnostic, prognostic tool and determine the Prakruti (body constitution), Vikruti, status of Dosha in each organ and effect on Dhatus, Manas and Sukshma Sharir. It is a noninvasive science that helps to reach root cause of disease and not just the symptoms. There are very few ancient texts which have been completely dedicated to the above topic. Concept of Nadi Pariksha found in various ancient Ayurved Samhitas like, Bhavprakash, Sharangdhar Samhita, Yogratnakara, Nadi Pariksha by Ravansamhita, Nadivigyan by Kanad. Pulse diagnosis was initially identified in the books of Sharangdhar Samhita in the 13th century highlighting the correlation between Nadi and Tridosha. Later, in the 16th century it was again mentioned in ‘Bhavprakash’ scripted by Shri Bhav Mishrji. However, Nadi Pariksha gained its significance during the 17th century in Yogratnakara through 48 shlokas, detailing the science of Nadi. The examinations of Nadi Pariksha (Pulse examination) are evidence of many diseases as per Yogratnakara. In Charaka and Sushruta Samhita information about Nadi is not found separately. Nadi Parikshan requires expertise who has long experience and skill of reading the pulses for any disease diagnosis. They were popular diagnostic tools in the past but nowadays not specifically used, so there is need to re-establish their results so that they can be used in future. Several problems that remain undiagnosed even with the aid of sophisticated diagnostic tests can be accurately judged by examining the pulse