51 research outputs found

    Vortex Mass in a Superfluid

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    We consider the inertial mass of a vortex in a superfluid. We obtain a vortex mass that is well defined and is determined microscopically and self-consistently by the elementary excitation energy of the kelvon quasiparticle localised within the vortex core. The obtained result for the vortex mass is found to be consistent with experimental observations on superfluid quantum gases and vortex rings in water. We propose a method to measure the inertial rest mass and Berry phase of a vortex in superfluid Bose and Fermi gases.Comment: 12 pages, 1 figur

    Introduction to topological quantum computation with non-Abelian anyons

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    Topological quantum computers promise a fault tolerant means to perform quantum computation. Topological quantum computers use particles with exotic exchange statistics called non-Abelian anyons, and the simplest anyon model which allows for universal quantum computation by particle exchange or braiding alone is the Fibonacci anyon model. One classically hard problem that can be solved efficiently using quantum computation is finding the value of the Jones polynomial of knots at roots of unity. We aim to provide a pedagogical, self-contained, review of topological quantum computation with Fibonacci anyons, from the braiding statistics and matrices to the layout of such a computer and the compiling of braids to perform specific operations. Then we use a simulation of a topological quantum computer to explicitly demonstrate a quantum computation using Fibonacci anyons, evaluating the Jones polynomial of a selection of simple knots. In addition to simulating a modular circuit-style quantum algorithm, we also show how the magnitude of the Jones polynomial at specific points could be obtained exactly using Fibonacci or Ising anyons. Such an exact algorithm seems ideally suited for a proof of concept demonstration of a topological quantum computer.Comment: 51 pages, 51 figure

    Emergence of order from turbulence in an isolated planar superfluid

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    We study the relaxation dynamics of an isolated zero temperature quasi-two-dimensional superfluid Bose-Einstein condensate (BEC) that is imprinted with a spatially random distribution of quantum vortices. Following a period of vortex annihilation, we find that the remaining vortices self-organise into two macroscopic coherent `Onsager vortex' clusters that are stable indefinitely. We demonstrate that this occurs due to a novel physical mechanism --- the evaporative heating of the vortices --- that results in a negative temperature phase transition in the vortex degrees of freedom. At the end of our simulations the system is trapped in a non-thermal state. Our computational results provide a pathway to observing Onsager vortex states in a superfluid Bose gas.Comment: 10 pages, 7 figure

    Hong-Ou-Mandel-like two-droplet correlations

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    We present a numerical study of two-droplet pair correlations for in-phase droplets walking on a vibrating bath. Two such walkers are launched towards a common origin. As they approach, their carrier waves may overlap and the droplets have a non-zero probability of forming a two-droplet bound state. The likelihood of such pairing is quantified by measuring the probability of finding the droplets in a bound state at late times. Three generic types of two-droplet correlations are observed: promenading, orbiting and chasing pair of walkers. For certain parameters, the droplets may become correlated for certain initial path differences and remain uncorrelated for others, while in other cases the droplets may never produce droplet pairs. These observations pave the way for further studies of strongly correlated many-droplet behaviors in the hydrodynamical quantum analogs of bouncing and walking droplets.Comment: 8 pages, 5 figure

    Braiding and fusion of non-Abelian vortex anyons

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    We demonstrate that certain vortices in spinor Bose-Einstein condensates are non-Abelian anyons and may be useful for topological quantum computation. We perform numerical experiments of controllable braiding and fusion of such vortices, implementing the actions required for manipulating topological qubits. Our results suggest that a new platform for topological quantum information processing could potentially be developed by harnessing non-Abelian vortex anyons in spinor Bose-Einstein condensates.Comment: 16 pages, 3 figures, 6 supplementary figures; added details of the H-charge, J. K. Slingerland added to author lis

    Atomic diffraction in counter-propagating Gaussian pulses of laser light

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    We present an analysis of atomic diffraction due to the interaction of an atomic beam with a pair of Gaussian light pulses. We derive a simple analytical expression for the populations in different diffraction orders. The validity of the obtained solution extends beyond the Raman-Nath regime, where the kinetic energy associated with different diffraction peaks is neglected, into the so-called channeling regime where accurate analytical expressions have not previously been available for the diffraction. Comparison with experimental results and exact numerical solutions demonstrate the validity of our analytical formula.Comment: 6 pages, 5 figure
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