4 research outputs found


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    Diabetes related Quality of Life (QoL) and treatment satisfaction data is very scarce from India. The ayurpharmacoepidemiology study design was assumed to explore the definite situation of perceived QoL among Indian diabetics and to understand the possibilities of interventions provided in Ayurveda hospitals against diabetes by assessing treatment satisfaction among diabetics. Cross-sectional study involving 203 type 2 diabetes patients aged ≥ 25 years were assessed by self-administered Audit of Diabetes Dependent Quality of Life (ADDQoL-19) and Diabetes Treatment Satisfaction Questionnaire (DTSQc). Participants represented both male (68%) and female (32%) with mean age 55.31 (± 10.505 SD) years having age range of 56 years. Family history of diabetes revealed 20.68% paternal and 18.72% maternal diabetes. Mean duration of diabetes was 5.9384 (± 4.0148 SD) years with range of 6 months to 23.5 years. The mean ADDQoL [Average Weighted Impact (AWI)] score of the total participants were (-) 2.7753 where 98.03% participants perceived diabetes to impact negatively on their QoL. Mean DTSQ score was 28.0697. Association between ADDQoL (AWI) score and duration of diabetes showed no significant relationship (p=0.208) but strong evidence of diabetes complications was found significantly (p=0.017) related to ADDQoL (AWI) score. Negatively impact of Diabetes on QoL among Indians highlight lack of structured education, information programs and integrated diabetes health care model. The study widens the scope for future research opportunities involving ayurpharmacoepidemiological approach for monitoring psychosocial wellbeing and QoL with integrated therapeutic advances involving Ayurveda

    Effect of Gomutra Bhavita Bakuchi Churna Lepa on Shwitra - A Case Study

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    Shwitra is considered in Kushta. It is not painful and trouble some. In society it is very dreadful and hating state. One percent population is suffering in world. It produces mental discomfort. A 25 year year old girl had being suffering from white patches over forehead area. Gomutra Bhavita Bakuchi Churna Lepa mixed with Gomutra, is adviced to apply on the affected area in morning 9am and evening 4pm with exposure to sunlight for one month daily. The assessement criteria were size and colour of the patches. The effect of Gomutra Bhavita Bakuchi Churna Lepa is to enhance the proliferation of melanocytes. The content of Gomutra Bhavita Bakuchi Churna Lepa along with sunlight is very effective. The colour of the skin of effected area become red and sizes diminishes

    Ayurvedic management of Kitibha Kushta - A Case Report

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    Skin being the largest organ of the body is the reason behind the beauty and the cause for confidence. WHO has classified skin diseases a Psycho-cutaneous disease. This emphasizes on the relation between skin and psyche. Hence skin ailments are given high priority by any victim. 10 - 15% of the OPD patients for any practitioner will comprise of cosmetology related patients. Skin diseases are commonly observed due to altered lifestyle; lack of physical exercise, poor hygiene, mental stress and improper food habits. All the skin disorders in Ayurveda have been discussed under the broad heading of Kushta. Kushta is being further divided into Maha Kushta and Kshudra Kushta. Kitibha Kushta is one of the Kshudra Kushta, disorder which is commonly encountered in today’s clinical practice. Here, Tridoshas, Rasa, Rakta and Mamsa Dhatu are affected. Kitibha Kushta is a disease mainly affecting the beauty of the subject, thus its management would be challenging task


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    A community based cross-sectional study in the age group 25 years and above conducted at the field area of primary health centre Chakenahalli, Hassan district, Karnataka, India. The population was similar in characteristics regarding occupation, socio-economic status and food habits. Total of 626 subjects were included by multi-stage sampling. Information collected by the interviewers through face to face interview, after informed consent. The individuals were assessed on anthropometric parameters and screening was done by Random Blood Glucose (RBG) with a standardized technique; diagnosis of type 2 diabetes done by WHO criteria. Prevalence of diabetes was found in 11.3% males and 15% females, altogether the total prevalence was 13.09% with 8.79% self reported cases of diabetes . Hypertension was associated with 25.6% diabetic subjects. It was also observed that 28.1% of study population had BMI ≥ 25