427 research outputs found

    De champignonmarkt : een middellange termijnanalyse

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    LEI-publicaties 1940-2000

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    De IJsbergslamarkt : een middellange termijnanalyse

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    Prijsvormingsanalyses van opengrondsgroenten

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    Het onderzoek omvat de resultaten van 27 prijsanalyses, gedurende de periode 1965-'84, van 18 vollegrondsgroenten: andijvie, bloemkool, boerenkool, broccoli, sperziebonen, Chinese-, rode-, savooie-, spits-, spruit- en wittekool, knolvenkel, koolrabi, peen, prei, sla, ijsbergsla en witlof. Via multiple regressie-analyse zijn prijsfluctuaties van het aanbod, het concurrerend aanbod in West-Duitsland, het aanbod van een eventueel substitutieprodukt e.d. bereken

    De consumentenvraag naar snijbloemen en potplanten in Nederland : studie aan de hand van panelgegevens van 1973 t/m 1980

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    Met behulp van multiple regressieanalyse zijn een aantal kengetallen voor de Nederlandse markt berekend. De reele bestedingen aan sierteeltprodukten zijn over de jaren 1973 t/m 1980 vrij constant geweest. In 1978 heeft er binnen het assortiment een sterke verschuiving plaatsgevonden van potplanten naar snijbloemen, die vooral ten koste is gegaan van de groep bladplanten, waarvan de vraag in 1978 ruim 40% lager lag dan gemiddeld. De vraag naar snijbloemen vertoonde tegelijk een schoksgewijze verhoging van ongeveer 5% van de gemiddelde jaarvraag. In het algemeen bleek de prijs van sierteeltprodukten een geringe invloed te hebben op de grootte van de vraa

    A novel stepwise integrative analysis pipeline reveals distinct microbiota-host interactions and link to symptoms in irritable bowel syndrome

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    Although incompletely understood, microbiota-host interactions are assumed to be altered in irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). We, therefore, aimed to develop a novel analysis pipeline tailored for the integrative analysis of microbiota-host interactions and association to symptoms and prove its utility in a pilot cohort. A multilayer stepwise integrative analysis pipeline was developed to visualize complex variable associations. Application of the pipeline was demonstrated on a dataset of IBS patients and healthy controls (HC), using the R software package to analyze colonic host mRNA and mucosal microbiota (16S rRNA gene sequencing), as well as gastrointestinal (GI) and psychological symptoms. In total, 42 IBS patients (57% female, mean age 33.6 (range 18–58)) and 20 HC (60% female, mean age 26.8 (range 23–41)) were included. Only in IBS patients, mRNA expression of Toll-like receptor 4 and genes associated with barrier function (PAR2, OCLN, TJP1) intercorrelated closely, suggesting potential functional relationships. This host genes-based “permeability cluster” was associated to mucosa-adjacent Chlamydiae and Lentisphaerae, and furthermore associated to satiety as well as to anxiety, depression and fatigue. In both IBS patients and HC, chromogranins, secretogranins and TLRs clustered together. In IBS patients, this host genes-based “immune-enteroendocrine cluster” was associated to specific members of Firmicutes, and to depression and fatigue, whereas in HC no significant association to microbiota was identified. We have developed a stepwise integrative analysis pipeline that allowed identification of unique host-microbiota intercorrelation patterns and association to symptoms in IBS patients. This analysis pipeline may aid in advancing the understanding of complex variable associations in health and disease

    Heat transfer model to predict human skin temperature under comfort levels by using bioheat equation

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    Thermal comfort is the human subject perceived satisfaction to the environmental condition. The human comfort level is affected by skin temperature. Currently to determine the human skin temperature by using human experiment in a controlled environment. However, the experiment is very rigorous and exhaustive. This study was conducted to predict human skin temperature under comfort level with using the finite element method and the bioheat equation. The bioheat equation is used to predict the initial value of human skin temperature with the influence of the metabolic heat generation and the blood perfusion. It is discovered the skin temperature of the human subject experiment fluctuates. However, the result obtained from the model remains unchanged until the simulation ends. The predicted results from the model were well in agreement with the experimental results with an acceptable error of 1.05%

    An inventory model for a perishable and recoverable product

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    Some perishable products are recoverable. This type of products is further constraint by its nature which quality and acceptability degrade with time. Insufficient inventory problem leads to inventory management problem which increased inventory cost. An inventory model is developed in order to optimize inventory cost. By investigating recent development and performance in inventory of perishable product, this model introduces the concept of recoverable behavior of perishable product. The model is developed in three stages which started with conceptual model, followed by mathematical model and represented in software-based model. The final result determined whether to wait for next stock replenishment or to assign other resources to fulfill demand