39 research outputs found

    A Mixed Blessing: Market-Mediated Religious Authority in Neopaganism

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    This research explores how marketplace dynamics affect religious authority in the context of Neopagan religion. Drawing on an interpretivist study of Wiccan practitioners in Italy, we reveal that engagement with the market may cause considerable, ongoing tensions, based on the inherent contradictions that are perceived to exist between spirituality and commercial gain. As a result, market success is a mixed blessing that can increase religious authority and influence, but is just as likely to decrease authority and credibility. Using an extended case study method, we propose a theoretical framework that depicts the links between our informants’ situated experiences and the macro-level factors affecting religious authority as it interacts with market-mediated dynamics at the global level. Overall, our study extends previous work in macromarketing that has looked at religious authority in the marketplace) and how the processes of globalization are affecting religion

    An Uncertain Dominion: Irish Psychiatry, Methadone, and the Treatment of Opiate Abuse

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    This paper investigates some productive ambiguities around the medical administration of methadone in the Republic of Ireland. The tensions surrounding methadone maintenance therapy (MMT) are outlined, as well as the sociohistorical context in which a serious heroin addiction problem in Ireland developed. Irish psychiatry intervened in this situation, during a time of institutional change, debates concerning the nature of addiction, moral panics concerning heroin addiction in Irish society and the recent boom in the Irish economy, known popularly as the Celtic Tiger. A particular history of this sort illuminates how technologies like MMT become cosmopolitan, settling into, while changing, local contexts

    Persuasive Ritual : the Role of the Imagination in occult Witchcraft / Les Rites de persuasion : le rĂŽle de l'imagination dans la magie noire

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    Luhrmann Tanya M. Persuasive Ritual : the Role of the Imagination in occult Witchcraft / Les Rites de persuasion : le rÎle de l'imagination dans la magie noire. In: Archives de sciences sociales des religions, n°60/1, 1985. pp. 151-170

    Kindling God

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    The article shows that spiritual experiences, whether sensory or supernatural, are not just triggered or learnt, they occur as part of a “kindling” pattern: events are habituated for individuals and depend on people’s reactivity as well as on social expectations. Supernatural experiences are events that not everyone has, they do not behave as discrete phenomena; instead they tend to occur more in relation to one another, like syndromes. Although constrained, some of these events are habituated for the group as well as for the individual. Cultural learning is not sufficient to explain the patterning of spiritual experience

    What anthropology should learn from G. E. R. Lloyd

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    Allumer le Dieu

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    L’article montre que les expĂ©riences spirituelles, qu’elles soient de type sensoriel ou paranormal, ne sont pas simplement dĂ©clenchĂ©es ou apprises, mais qu’elles participent d’un « embrasement » : les Ă©vĂ©nements font l’objet d’une habituation qui dĂ©pend Ă  la fois de la rĂ©activitĂ© de l’individu et de l’importance que leur accorde la sociĂ©tĂ©. Tout le monde ne fait pas d’expĂ©riences paranormales. Les Ă©vĂ©nements en question ne sont pas des phĂ©nomĂšnes discrets : ils ont tendance Ă  survenir en lien les uns avec les autres. Certains d’entre eux font l’objet d’une habituation tant au niveau du groupe que de l’individu, tout en Ă©tant contraints. L’apprentissage social ne suffit pas Ă  expliquer la configuration de ces expĂ©riences


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    Il semble dĂ©sormais que naĂźtre ne suffise plus, qu’il faille renaĂźtre de maniĂšre rĂ©pĂ©tĂ©e, comme si Ă  la vieille quĂȘte de l’immortalitĂ© avait succĂ©dĂ© celle d’un sentiment perpĂ©tuel de nouveau dĂ©part. Cette obsession se traduit par un marchĂ© du rebirth, des diffĂ©rentes chapelles de la ritualitĂ© New Age, de la thĂ©rapie ou du dĂ©veloppement personnel Ă  l’extraordinaire succĂšs des Ă©glises Ă©vangĂ©liques proposant, aux quatre coins du globe, de devenir born again. Ce dossier Ă©claire le dĂ©sir contemporain de renaĂźtre Ă  la lumiĂšre de ses avatars passĂ©s et prĂ©sents, de l’initiation Ă  la rĂ©incarnation, en passant par le spiritisme ou la rĂ©surrection