23 research outputs found

    Simultaneous <i>C. neoformans</i> pneumonia and paradoxical <i>M. tuberculosis</i> Immune Reconstitution Inflammatory Syndrome (IRIS).

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    <p>At the time of death, this patient (E33) had been on anti-tuberculosis therapy for pulmonary tuberculosis for 5 months (with good response to treatment) and antiretroviral therapy for 1 month. Histologic sections demonstrate (a) suppurative consolidation of the lungs with (b) cryptococcal organisms apparent on Grocott’s Methanamine Silver (GMS) stain. Kidney (c) and spleen (d) demonstrate well formed necrotizing granulomatous inflammation, with negative Ziehl-Neelsen and GMS stains for organisms; these were thought to represent an exuberant inflammatory response due to paradoxical TB IRIS.</p

    Pre-mortem characteristics of the study population.

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    <p>Categorized by duration of antiretroviral therapy (ART) at the time of death. Pre-ART deaths occurred in subjects who were HIV-positive and eligible for ART but had not yet received it (CD4 cell count <200 cells/mm<sup>3</sup>) or those who had received <7 days of ART. Early ART deaths occurred between 7–90 days of ART. Late ART deaths occurred after >90 days of ART.</p>a<p>CD4 count measured most recently prior to death.</p

    The yield of needle autopsy by site and investigation.

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    a<p>Lymph nodes were biopsied in patients with palpable lymphadenopathy on post-mortem exam.</p>b<p>Skin biopsy was performed in patients with rash on post-mortem exam.</p>c<p>Heart was biopsied if pre-mortem history was suggestive of cardiac cause of death.</p

    Immediate and contributing cause(s) of death with supporting clinical, microbiologic and histologic findings.

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    <p><b>Symbols</b>: ∧pre-mortem culture;</p>∼<p>post-mortem culture;</p>&<p>detected by PCR;</p>%<p>Ziehl-Neelson stain positive;</p>*<p>unsuspected at time of death;</p>#<p>not satisfactorily explained by post-mortem technique.</p><p><b>Abbreviations</b>: <b>AFB</b> – acid fast bacilli; <b>ag</b> – antigen; <b>ART</b> – antiretroviral therapy; <b>ATN</b> – acute tuberular necrosis; <b>BM</b> – bone marrow; <b>CN</b> – cranial nerve; <b>CSF</b> – cerebrospinal fluid; <b>CMV</b> – cytomegalovirus, <b>CVA</b> – cerebrovascular accident; <b>DIC</b> – disseminated intravascular coagulation;<b>ESRD</b> – end stage renal disease; <b>GI</b> – gastrointestingal; <b>gran.</b> – granulmonatous; <b>HA</b> – headache; <b>HSM</b> – hepatosplenomegaly; <b>HTN</b> – hypertension; <b>ICH</b> – intracerebral hemorrhage; <b>inflam. –</b> inflammation; <b>IRIS –</b> immune reconstitution inflammatory syndrome; <b>KS –</b> Kaposi sarcoma; <b>LAD –</b> lymphadenopathy; <b>LN –</b> lymph node; <b>MAC –</b> Mycobacterium avium complex; <b>MTB –</b> Mycobacterium tuberculosis; <b>nec. –</b> necrotizing; <b>NHL</b> – non-Hodgkins lymhoma; <b>PCR –</b> polymerase chain reaction; <b>PJP –</b> Pneumocystis iroveci pneumonia; <b>PNA –</b> pneumonia; <b>pulm –</b> pulmonary; <b>TBT –</b> tuberculosis therapy; <b>vol. –</b> volume.</p

    Causes of death by category.

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    <p>Categorized by duration of antiretroviral therapy (ART) at the time of death. Pre-ART deaths occurred in subjects who were HIV-positive and eligible for ART but had not yet received it (CD4 cell count <200 cells/mm<sup>3</sup>) or those who had received <7 days of ART. Early ART deaths occured between 7–90 days of ART. Late ART deaths occurred after >90 days of ART.</p>a<p>All causes of death (immediate and contributing) are included and each subject may have multiple causes of death.</p>b<p>Non-infectious organ dysfunction, ie. pulmonary embolus or end stage renal disease.</p>c<p>At least one cause of death was revealed only through the post-mortem investigations.</p