42 research outputs found

    Sistem Informasi Estimasi Potensi Tenaga Air Perncanaan Pembangkit Listrik di Kiayo Kalimantan Barat

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    Planning is the beginning of an activity. One of the activities of planning is to estimate the potential of hydropower in electricity generation planning. Because there is still any facility or information system tools that can assist in the calculation, calculations performed with the help of Excel tools. Planners must design and create a formula, the formula used manual input, print all the data and combine the print is to be able to meet the desired report. Gumbel method used in calculating the maximum rainfall perperiode, while for Melchior, Weduwen, and Hasper method used in the calculation of the maximum flood discharge perperiode. Alternative power generated is calculated based on water availability. The calculation is done to assist in the analysis of power plant construction location

    Analisis dan Perancangan Sistem Informasi Penggajian di PT. BIG SURABAYA

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    PT. BIG Surabaya is a multi-company that has the department include Banquet and Restaurant, T-Bar, Office Park, and Regency. PT. BIG Surabaya in the development of his company faced several problems in the payroll system. Analysis and design of payroll information system at PT. BIG Surabaya can give a result of employee payroll information system design and to help devise a system for the accurate calculation of employee payroll. With the use of computerized systems is expected to address the problem in the PT. BIG Surabaya, which can help speed up the calculation of payroll and tax calculations in PT. BIG Surabaya

    Rancang Bangun Sistem Informasi Penilaian Kinerja Badan Usaha Milik Negara pada PT. SUCOFINDO

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    PT. SUCOFINDO is one of the state-owned company engaged in the inspection, supervision, assessment and testing of the first in Indonesia. At this time for assessment of performance at PT. SUCOFINDO guided by the Ministerial Decree No. KEP-100 / MBU / 2002 which consisted of an assessment of financial and non-financial aspects however, the company still difficulties in applying the guidelines of this Decree, as long as the company's performance measurement is focused on the financial aspect alone, for measurement of non-financial aspects are difficulties in implementing data collection operations, due to the lack of parts that run it. As a result, less measurable results reflect the achievement of actual results of company performance. In addition, assessment of performance running now is end-system or system will end by issuing a single value, the system is not able to provide details of assessment that contains information about the condition of the company now. Therefore, it is expected by the information system of performance appraisal can help PT. SUCOFINDO in assessing the performance and non-financial aspects of finance in accordance with Government requirements listed in the Ministry of State-Owned Enterprise

    Rancang Bangun Aplikasi Simpan Pinjam pada Koperasi Sumber Rejeki Surabaya

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    Koperasi Sumber Rejeki Surabaya is the type of Credit Unions which aims to provide storage services and loan capital for the community and surrounding surabaya area. All this time transaction in Koperasi Sumber Rejeki Surabaya done manually. With these processes have a problems such as piling files, recording the activity of deposit and loan transactions to be slow and spend a lot of time and susceptible to errors in preparing reports. Therefore we need tools that can simplify the process of savings and loans. With these problems Koperasi Sumber Rejeki Surabaya wanted to create an application that can backup deposit and loan transaction documents, storing data and displays all deposit and loan transaction documents, assist employees in managing deposits and loans well and useful for its users. Applications savings and credit cooperatives can improve employee performance so that they can save time and speed up the work. With the application of savings and loan is expected all problems can be overcome and cooperatives can improve the performance of cooperative employees so as to save time and speed up the work

    Rancang Bangun Aplikasi Penjualan dan Pembelian pada UD. TIRTA SAMUDRA

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    UD. Tirta Samudra merupakan distributor penjualan air mineral dalam kemasan yang berada di kota Lamongan. Kegiatan Perusahaan tersebut saat ini meliputi penjualan, pembelian, retur penjualan, dan retur pembelian. Setiap kegiatan Perusahaan terdapat proses penambahan stok maupun pengurangan stok barang. Akibat dari tingginya kegiatan yang terdapat pada Perusahaan, stok barang pada gudang sering terjadi kehabisan stok. Stok barang yang habis pada gudang dapat mengganggu jalannya kegiatan Perusahaan.Solusi untuk mengatasi masalah tersebut, dibuat sistem yang dapat digunakan untuk menyimpan dan mengolah data penjualan dan pembelian Perusahaan. Solusi tersebut berupa aplikasi penjualan dan pembelian. aplikasi yang dibuat disesuaikan dengan kebutuhan Perusahaan. Data penjualan dan pembelian yang disimpan dan diproses oleh sistem untuk menghasilkan laporan yang sesuai dengan kebutuhan Perusahaan.Kesimpulan hasil uji coba yang telah dilakukan, aplikasi penjualan dan pembelian ini dapat menghasilkan lima (5) laporan yang dapat digunakan pimpinan untuk sebagai evaluasi. Pada aplikasi ini terdapat pengingat stok barang yang akan habis ketika terjadi transaksi penjualan pada barang yang memiliki stok kritis