5 research outputs found

    Online Workshop with Service Learning Method to Meet the Needs of Tinkercad Users from the Engineering Field

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    The COVID-19 pandemic has greatly affected the learning process in practice, especially for people in the engineering field. Activities stopped and learning activities become very obstructed for a long time. Tinkercad is a simulator application that could be used as a learning tool or medium in engineering. The service learning method is used as a way of teaching and learning that links positive and meaningful action in society. Service learning uses demonstrations and experiments are used to transfer knowledge to society. A workshop elaborating the use of Tinkercad based on the service learning method was carried out online through community service activities to meet community needs in the engineering field. The workshop results showed that the service learning method was sufficient to help the community to meet the learning needs of engineering practices. A thorough demonstrations by instructors and experiments done by participants guided by assistants, produced a satisfactory result for more than 90% of the workshop participants. Periodic literacy provision was a follow-up to improve the abilities of all participants who have take part in workshop activities

    Pelatihan Teknik Pengambilan Gambar Video Kebaktian Secara Daring Di Vihara Buddha Gaya Bandung

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    Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, some houses of worship have to carry out worship activities online. The obstacle is the human resources in a house of worship who do not yet have the ability or are accustomed to conducting online services. One of the materials that can be taught is the direction of taking online devotional videos. Through this training, it is hoped that the youth at the Vihara Gaya Buddha Bandung organization can add insight and expertise in the creation of online devotional video content. The method used is to combine online and offline training. The online method is used when viewing and learning the needs needed for training activities. The offline method provides hands-on training on how to take videos properly and correctly. The result of the training is an online service production at Vihara Buddha Gaya, Bandung. The training materials are divided into two categories, namely shooting techniques and sound systems. The success of this training was measured by conducting practical tests to assess the results of the two categories. The results of the practical test assessment showed that the training participants had 100% success in making online devotional videos properly and correctly.Dengan adanya kondisi pandemi Covid-19 maka sebagian rumah ibadah harus melaksanakan kegiatan kebaktian secara daring. Kendala yang ada adalah sumberdaya manusia dalam suatu rumah ibadah yang belum memiliki kemampuan atau terbiasa membuat kebaktian secara daring. Salah satu materi yang dapat diajarkan adalah arahan pengambilan gambar video kebaktian secara daring.  pelatihan-pelatihan diharapkan pemuda pada organisasi Vihara Buddha Gaya Bandung dapat menambah wawasan dan keahlian dalam pembuatan konten video kebaktian daring. yang digunakan adalah dengan menggabungkan pelatihan secara daring dan luring. Cara daring digunakan pada saat melihat dan mempelajari kebutuhan yang diperlukan untuk kegiatan pelatihan. Cara luring digunakan untuk memberikan secara langsung pelatihan bagaimana cara mengambil video dengan baik dan benar. Tujuan dari pelatihan ini untuk menghasilkan Hasil dari penilaian tes praktek didapatkan bahwa para peserta pelatihan telah berhasil 100% membuat video kebaktian daring dengan baik dan benar

    Pelatihan Pembuatan Materi Pengajaran dan Penggunaan Aplikasi Perpustakaan bagi Guru SMP Swadaya Karya Cibuni Desa Indragiri Bandung

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    Swadaya Karya Cibuni Junior High School, Indragiri Village, Bandung Regency, feels the need for a better learning system. One of them is the creation of learning materials that can be used online and offline. Therefore, it will be taught how to make teaching materials using PowerPoint accompanied by videos. Apart from that, it is necessary to use computer applications to make the process of borrowing books in the SMP Swadaya Karya Cibuni library more well-organized. The method used in this training is a direct training system in schools. Maranatha Christian University prepared the training materials and also created a library application that Swadaya Karya Middle School can use. Training is given to teachers at Swadaya Karya Junior High School directly at school. The results of this training were considered suitable by the training participants based on the survey results. The training participants felt that the materials for making these teaching materials were beneficial. In addition, the participants also thought that the library application was easy to use and very useful.SMP Swadaya Karya Cibuni Desa Indragiri Kabupaten Bandung merasakan adanya kebutuhkan sistem pembelajaran yang yang lebih baik. Salah satunya adalah pembuatan materi pembelajaran yang dapat digunakan secara daring dan luring. Oleh karena itu akan diajarkan pembuatan materi pengajaran menggunakan power point yang disertai dengan video. Selain itu pula dalam rangka membuat proses peminjaman buku diperpustakaan SMP Swadaya Karya Cibuni lebih terorganisasi dengan baik, maka perlu adanya penggunakan aplikasi komputer. Metode yang digunakan dalam pelatihan ini adalah sistem pelatihan secara langsung di sekolah. Universitas Kristen Maranatha mempersiapkan materi pelatihan tersebut dan juga membuat aplikasi perpustakaan yang dapat digunakan oleh SMP Swadaya Karya. Pelatihan diberikan bagi guru-guru di SMP Swadaya Karya secara langsung di sekolah. Hasil pelatihan ini dinilai baik oleh para peserta pelatihan berdasarkan hasil survei. Para peserta pelatihan merasa bahwa materi pembuatan bahan pengajaran ini sangat berguna. Selain itu juga para peserta merasa bahwa aplikasi perpustakaan mudah dipakai dan sangat berguna

    Community Assistance to Improve the Ability to Use Basic Unity and Virtual Reality

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    During the pandemic of Corona Virus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) that hit Indonesia, all activities were very limited. Electrical Engineering Study Program of Universitas Kristen Maranatha was motivated  to share knowledge especially in the field of science about "Basic Unity and Virtual Reality (VR)" to the public. This has been realized through community service activities pursued by students and lecturers. VR refers to computer simulations that create images of the world that appear in human senses, in the same way as humans perceive the real world in reality. This community service used the Participatory Action Research (PAR) approach. From the results of a survey of community service activities that have been carried out, it is concluded that the success in providing mentoring to improve the ability of the community to use Basic Unity and VR online, is shown by the results of an increase in the score from an average of 5.85 before the activity, to 7.58 (from a total score of 10) after the activity. The community service committee team's service during the activity was also considered very good and worthy of being maintained in subsequent activities. Meanwhile, the implementation of providing teaching materials, the readiness of the trainers, and the implementation of organizing activities online, still need to be re-evaluated and improved in the future for better results

    Pengenalan Komputer Disertai Pelatihan Mengetik bagi Anak Remaja Pusat Pengembangan Anak 434 Gloria Genyem Kelurahan Tabri Provinsi Papua

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    Knowledge in the computer field is needed by everyone nowadays. In Papua Province, there is a Child Development Center (PPA 434) which aims to train and teach children in various fields of knowledge. Despite limited computer and internet facilities, training was provided to children to improve their computer skills. The material provided in this training is knowledge in the field of computer hardware, software and the ability to type using a computer. The training is provided using a distance learning system regularly every week for four meetings. The training results were measured using pre-test and post-test, which showed an increase in literacy skills in the computer field after participating in this training.Pengetahuan di bidang komputer diperlukan oleh setiap orang saat ini. Di Provinsi Papua terdapat Pusat Pengembangan Anak (PPA 434) yang bertujuan untuk melatih dan mengajar anak-anak dalam berbagai bidang ilmu. Meskipun fasilitas komputer dan internet yang terbatas, pelatihan diberikan kepada anak-anak untuk meningkatkan kemampuan di bidang komputer. Materi yang diberikan dalam pelatihan ini adalah pengetahuan di bidang perangkat keras komputer, perangkat lunak dan kemampuan mengetik menggunakan komputer. Tujuan dari pelatihan ini adalah memberikan literasi di bidang komputer seperti pengetahuan perangkat keras dan perangkat lunak serta pelatihan mengetik. Metoda pelatihan diberikan menggunakan sistem belajar jarak jauh secara berkala setiap minggu sebanyak empat kali pertemuan. Peserta pelatihan dan instruktur melakukan pelatihan di tempat masing masing (Papua dan Bandung) menggunakan aplikasi zoom. Hasil pelatihan diukur menggunakan pre-test dan post-test yang memperlihatkan peningkatan kemampuan literasi di bidang komputer setelah mengikuti pelatihan ini. Para peserta pelatihan juga diberikan pengetesan kecepatan mengetik. Pada akhir pelatihan berdasarkan dari hasil pengukuran pre-test dan post-test didapatkan bahwa pengetahuan para peserta pelatihan telah meningkat. Selain itu juga kemampuan mengetik para peserta pelatihan telah meningkat dari 17 kata per menit menjadi 29 kata per menit