28 research outputs found

    Geomorphological and Morphometric Analyses of the Catanzaro Trough (Central Calabrian Arc, Southern Italy): Seismotectonic Implications

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    In this work, we investigated the landscape response to the recent activity of the faults affecting the Catanzaro Trough, a seismically active structural basin that developed transversally to the Calabrian Arc (Southern Italy) during the Neogene-Quaternary. We carried out a geomorphological and morphometric study of the drainage networks and basins intercepted by the Quaternary faults that were previously mapped through remote and field analyses. The study confirms the occurrence north of the Catanzaro Trough of a WNW-ESE-oriented left-lateral strike-slip fault system (here named the South Sila Piccola Fault System), which accommodates the differential SE-ward migration of the upper crustal sectors of the Calabrian Arc, and of a south-dipping WNW-ESE-oriented oblique fault system (the Lamezia-Catanzaro Fault System), characterized by a predominant normal component of movement. The latter delimits the Catanzaro Trough and accommodates the transition from a strike-slip regime to an extensional regime in the south. Inside the Catanzaro Trough, we detected for the first time a NNE-SSW-trending, WNW-dipping fault system (here named the Caraffa Fault System). This system contributes to accommodate the extension that occurs orthogonally to the southern sector of the Calabrian Arc. The geomorphological and morphometric analysis revealed the recent activity of these fault systems. In particular, the activity of the Caraffa Fault System is evidenced by the differential uplift and tilting of discrete areas inside the basin. Given its location, geometry, and kinematics, the Caraffa Fault System could be responsible for the occurrence of large historical earthquakes

    Mass movements related to tectonics in the Aspromonte massif (southern Italy)

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    Geomorphic and structural studies have been carried out on the headwaters of Vallone Colella Torrent, in an area intensely affected by mass-movement phenomena on the Aspromonte massif of southern Italy. Rock types outcropping in the area are mostly gneiss and granitoids, with subordinate presence of metarenites, phyllites, and biotite schists; all lithologies experienced low-grade metamorphism, as indicated by petrographic analysis. Structural surveys, performed at macroscopic and mesoscopic scale, allowed recognition of several sets of discontinuities related to different deformation events. The upper reaches of Vallone Colella Torrent present a large, active landslide zone, the debris materials of which feed the debris flows along the drainage system towards the main valley. Mass-movement phenomena are both shallow and deep-seated; the latter are limited to a sector of the study area, while shallow processes are present throughout the landslide zone. Some considerations of the relationship between tectonics and mass movement are presented, with particular reference to the presence of a large-scale downthrown wedge (bounded by structural surfaces on both sides of the valley), located in the same area affected by deep-seated phenomena

    Civil protection and Damaging Hydrogeological Events: comparative analysis of the 2000 and 2015 events in Calabria (southern Italy)

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    Calabria (southern Italy) is a flood prone region, due to both its rough orography and fast hydrologic response of most watersheds. During the rainy season, intense rain affects the region, triggering floods and mass movements that cause economic damage and fatalities. This work presents a methodological approach to perform the comparative analysis of two events affecting the same area at a distance of 15 years, by collecting all the qualitative and quantitative features useful to describe both rain and damage. The aim is to understand if similar meteorological events affecting the same area can have different outcomes in terms of damage. The first event occurred between 8 and 10 September 2000, damaged 109 out of 409 municipalities of the region and killed 13 people in a campsite due to a flood. The second event, which occurred between 30 October and 1 November 2015, damaged 79 municipalities, and killed a man due to a flood. The comparative analysis highlights that, despite the exceptionality of triggering daily rain was higher in the 2015 event, the damage caused by the 2000 event to both infrastructures and belongings was higher, and it was strongly increased due to the 13 flood victims. We concluded that, in the 2015 event, the management of pre-event phases, with the issuing of meteorological alert, and the emergency management, with the preventive evacuation of people in hazardous situations due to landslides or floods, contributed to reduce the number of victims

    Seismotectonics and landslides of the Crati Graben (Calabrian Arc, Southern Italy)

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    The Crati Graben is a depression of Plio-Holocene age mainly controlled by extensional N–S striking faults and WNW–ESE transcurrent faults, in its northern and southern extremity. It is characterized by high landslide susceptibility due to the particular geo-structural pattern and seismotectonic characters. Landslides involve many villages, infrastructure and food crops, bringing serious economic and social damage. The seismotectonic and landslides Main Map of the Crati Graben, described in this paper, represents an update in detail of the framework of landslide risk areas and shows the main active and recent faults of the Crati Graben. The landslides and the faults, have been identified and classified, originally at detail scale (1:5000) and, then, represented at 1:50,000 scale. The geo-structural and geomorphological data were analysed in a geographic information system. The work has revealed a correlation between the trend of faults with respect to the distribution of landslides and of the historical and instrumental seismicity. The work presents an updated knowledge framework of risk conditions of the study zone, where risk areas related to slope instability are hierarchically classified according to the destructive potential of landslides. This document may be therefore a useful reference in planning and prioritising in the design of interventions for the safety of slopes and waterways