18 research outputs found

    Dietary restriction of amino acids other than methionine prevents oxidative damage during aging: Involvement of telomerase activity and telomere length

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    Aims: It has been suggested that variations in the proportions of some dietary amino acids can slow down aging. In this study, the influence of amino acids other than methionine on aging was investigated

    Serum chymase levels in obese individuals: the relationship with inflammation and hypertension

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    WOS: 000582566800010Background: Inflammation related hypertension is reported in obesity due to synthesis of angiotensinII (Ang-II) and proinflammatory compounds in obese adipose tissue. Mast cell chymase (MC) also stimulate Ang-II synthesis, and activate transforming growth factor beta-1 (TGF-beta 1) and matrix metalloproteinase-9 (MMP-9). the aim of our study is to evaluate the relation of serum chymase levels, a serine protease enzyme secreted from mast cells, in obese patients with hypertension and cytokines that lead to cell damage. Materials and methods: Three study groups are composed of individuals aged between 19 and 63 with following characteristics; (1) control (n=30): healthy subjects with body mass index (BMI) 30; (3) obese+ HT (n=20): patients BMI >30 and hypertension. Serum Ang-II, MC, TGF-beta 1 and MMP-9 are determined by commercial ELISA. Angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE) activity is determined with enzymatic colorimetric assay. Results: Serum chymase levels did not vary between groups. Chymase levels showed significant negative correlation with ACE activity (r = -0.278, p= 0.013) and positive correlation with Ang-II levels (r=0.251, p=0.024). No correlation was evident between chymase levels and hsCRP, TGF-beta 1 and MMP-9. Conclusion: Serum chymase, Ang-II, TGF-beta 1 and MMP-9 levels did not change in obese and hypertensive-obese patients despite evident hyperinsulinemia, increased insulin resistance and elevated hsCRP levels.Research Fund of Istanbul UniversityIstanbul University [21867]This work was supported by the Research Fund of Istanbul University; Project Number: 21867. This study originates of master of science thesis of the corresponding author, Erdal Topparmak. Patients are recruited and ELISA tests are run by Kocak, TanrikuluKucuk and Topparmak while other tests are run in Istanbul University by Oner-Iyidogan and Topparmak. the address of the corresponding author has changed since the conduction of the study, and the current address is Department of Biochemistry, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Istanbul University, Avcilar, Istanbul

    Age-related changes in the activity and expression of manganese superoxide dismutase, and mitochondrial oxidant generation in female and male rats

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    Amaç: Çalışmamızda, 12 ve 24 aylık Wistar cinsi sıçanların karaciğer mitokondrilerinde yaş ve cinsiyet ile ilişkili olarak peroksit üretimi, mangan süperoksit dismutaz (MnSOD) aktivitesi ve ekspresyonundaki ortaya çıkan değişikliklerin incelenmesi amaçlanmıştır. Yöntemler: Peroksit üretimi kemilümünometrik, malondialdehit (MDA) düzeyi florometrik, glutatyon peroksidaz (GPx) kümen hidroperoksit, MnSOD aktivitesi nitroblue tetrazolium yöntemleri ile MnSOD ekspresyonu ise western blotting yöntemi ile ölçülmüştür. Bulgular: Her iki cinsiyette de yaş ilerledikçe SOD ve GPx aktivitelerinde anlamlı bir değişiklik oluşmadığı, mitokondriyal peroksit üretiminin ise anlamlı şekilde arttığı ve bu artışın dişi sıçanlarda daha belirgin olduğu saptanmıştır. MnSOD ekspresyonun da yaş ve cinsiyete bağlı olarak değişiklikler gösterdiği (p<0.01) ve eksprese edilen enzim proteini başına düşen enzim aktivitesinin 24 aylık sıçanlarda her iki cinsiyette de anlamlı olarak azalmakla birlikte (p<0.01) bu azalmanın dişi sıçanlarda erkek sıçanlara göre daha belirgin (p<0.05) olduğu görülmüştür. Erkek sıçanlarda MnSOD aktivitesi ile ekspresyonu arasında pozitif bir korelasyon (r=0.573, p=0.001) olduğu saptanmış, dişi sıçanlarda ise böyle bir ilişki saptanmamıştır. Sonuç: 12 ve 24 aylık sıçanlar karşılaştırıldığında dişi sıçanların MnSOD ekspresyonunun akranı olan erkek sıçanlara göre anlamlı olarak yüksek olduğu, karaciğer mitokondrilerinin oksidatif strese duyarlılığının ise daha az olduğu görülmüştür. Yaş ilerledikçe iki cinsiyet arasında MnSOD aktivitesi ve ekspresyon paterninde ortaya çıkan bu değişikliklerin sadece östrojen etkisi ile açıklanamayacağı, başka faktörlerin de katkısının olduğu sonucuna varılmıştırObjective: The aim of this study was to examine the age- and gender-related differences in peroxide production, manganese superoxide dismutase (MnSOD) activity and expression in liver mitochondria of Wistar rats at 12 and 24 months of age. Methods: The chemiluminometric method for peroxide production, fluorometric method for malondialdehyde (MDA) levels, cumene hydroperoxide assay for glutathione peroxidase (GPx), the nitroblue tetrazolium assay for MnSOD activity, and Western-blotting for MnSOD expression were used. Results: Mitochondrial peroxides are increased significantly in both genders as aging proceeded, and females exhibited more profound increment than the males. Mitochondrial SOD and GPx activities remained unaltered between 12 and 24 months of age, with no difference between two genders. The gender- and age-related differences were observed in MnSOD expression (p<0.01). The SOD activity per expressed enzyme protein was significantly decreased in 24-month-old animals of both genders (p<0.01). Female rats had a significantly lower ratio than their male counterparts (p<0.05). In females, the expression was not associated with the activity of MnSOD, while a positive correlation existed between these parameters in males (r=0.573, p=0.001). Enzyme expression was found to be significantly higher in female rats as compared to their male counterparts. Liver mitochondria are less prone to oxidative damage in female rats compared to males as observed at 12 and 24 months of age Conclusions: An involvement of factors other than estrogen seems to be relevant for the difference in the MnSOD activity and expression pattern between two gender

    Gingival Inflammation and Interleukin-1 beta and Tumor Necrosis Factor-Alpha Levels in Gingival Crevicular Fluid During the Menstrual Cycle

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    Background: Hormonal changes during puberty, pregnancy, and menopause may impact periodontal tissues by altering the host response. There are only a few studies that examined gingival changes during the menstrual cycle. This longitudinal and prospective study aims to investigate clinical and laboratory markers of gingival inflammation in women at different phases during their menstrual cycles


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    WOS: 000548277100011Objective: High fat diet (HFD) induced oxidative stress is known to adversely affect testicular functions. Curcumin, which is an active ingredient of turmeric spice, has been shown to reduce lipid peroxidation and stimulate cellular antioxidant enzymes. the aim of this study is to investigate the effect of dietary curcumin on the testicular oxidant-antioxidant status in rats fed on a HFD. Material and Method: Male Sprague-Dawley rats were divided into four groups. Group 1 was fed with a control diet (10% of total calories from fat). Group 2 was fed with a HFD (60% of total calories from fat). Groups 3 and 4 received a HFD and a control diet with curcumin (1g/kg diet; w/w) respectively for 16 weeks. the testis tissue was homogenized and divided into postmitochondrial and mitochondrial fractions and the reactive oxygen species (ROS) levels were measured with the fluorometric method. the malondialdehyde (MDA) and glutathione (GSH) levels and glutathione peroxidase (GPx), superoxide dismutase (SOD) and glutathione transferase (GST) activities were measured with spectrophotometric methods. Results: HFD supplementation increased postmitochondrial and mitochondrial MDA levels and decreased cytosolic GSH levels in testis. MDA levels decreased with curcumin supplementation. Moreover, GSH levels and GST activity increased. However, curcumin supplementation alone did not affect oxidant-antioxidant status. ROS levels, SOD and GPx activities did not change significantly between the groups. Conclusion: Our data has shown that curcumin supplementation with HFD may prevent testicular oxidant damage. However, further studies are needed to investigate the underlying molecular mechanisms

    Cholesteryl Ester Transfer Protein Taq1B Polymorphism in an Angiographically Assessed Turkish Population: No Effects on Coronary Artery Disease Risk

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    Background: Taq1B polymorphism of cholesteryl ester transfer protein (CETP) is believed to associate with high-density lipoprotein-cholesterol (HDL-C) levels and may alter the susceptibility to atherosclerosis. Aim of the Study: This study investigated the effects of Taq1B polymorphism on HDL-C and coronary artery disease (CAD) risk in angiographically defined CAD patients. Methods: One hundred thirty-five CAD patients and 112 healthy controls were screened for the CETP Taq1B genotype and plasma lipids. Results: The genotype frequency of CAD patients and controls were similar. The HDL-C levels of all genotypes in the CAD group were significantly lower than the corresponding controls. Smoking and plasma triglycerides were the predictors of the HDL-C level in B1B1 bearers, whereas the subjects with a polymorphic B2 allele were affected by smoking and sex. Conclusion: CETP Taq1B polymorphism neither plays a role in determining HDL-C levels nor is a useful predictor of the risk of CAD

    Serum fetuin-A and arginase-1 in human obesity model: Is there any interaction between inflammatory status and arginine metabolism?

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    WOS: 000353654200004PubMed ID: 25723054Obesity is a major risk factor for many chronic metabolic diseases such as inflammation, insulin resistance (IR) and fatty liver injury. It was reported that obesity causes some variations on the serum levels of fetuin-A and is associated with arginine metabolism, especially arginase-1 levels. The aim of our study was to evaluate, the interaction and possible changes of these liver over produced proteins, fetuin-A and arginase-1 levels in obesity-related inflammatory status. Study groups were composed of individuals aged between 19 and 63 (n = 62). The control group included healthy subjects with BMI 30 and with no other chronic disease. Biochemical markers were determined by an auto-analyzer. Adiponectin, fetuin-A, arginase-1, asymmetric dimethylarginine (ADMA), arginine, Hexanoyllysine (HEL) and leptin levels were measured with commercial ELISA immunoassay kits. Nitrite and nitrate were determined with colorimetric assay kit in serum samples. High sensitive C-reactive protein (hsCRP) levels and liver function enzymes activities were higher in the obese group in respect to the control group. Serum fetuin-A, arginase-1 and leptin levels were increased but adiponectin levels were decreased in obese subjects. Fetuin-A levels showed significant correlations with arginase-1 and HOMA-IR. Consequently, we carried out an investigation about higher serum fetuin-A and arginase-1 levels may have an important role in obesity and obesity-related liver damage.Research Funds of Istanbul Bilim University [201301-11]This study was supported by the Research Funds of Istanbul Bilim University (201301-11). The authors thank Omer Uysal, PhD, Department of Public Health, for his contribution to the statistical analyses

    The effect of dietary curcumin on hepatic chymase activity and serum fetuin-A levels in rats fed on a high-fat diet

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    WOS: 000403269800007The effects of curcumin on mast cell chymase activity in fatty liver and serum fetuin-A levels in rats fed a high-fat diet (HFD) were investigated. Male Sprague-Dawley rats received HFD (60% of total calories from fat) and 1 g curcumin/kg HFD for 16 weeks. Hepatic chymase activity was determined using spectrophotometric analysis while liver lipid levels were measured using colorimetric methods and serum fetuin-A, insulin, leptin, and adiponectin levels were detected using commercial enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay kits. Hepatic fat accumulation and fibrotic changes were ameliorated with curcumin treatment. Curcumin significantly reduced hepatic lipids, chymase activity, and serum fetuin-A levels. Decreased serum leptin and augmented adiponectin levels were also observed. These findings suggest that curcumin attenuated hepatic fat accumulation and regulated adipokine levels. The reduction of liver chymase activity and serum fetuin-A levels may also contribute to the beneficial effects of curcumin in fatty liver disease induced inflammatory status. Practical applicationsCurcumin (diferuloylmethane), which is extracted from the dried root of the rhizome Curcuma longa, is a popular dietary spice (turmeric) in Asia and used in curry. Turmeric is widely used as food component, flavoring agent, and colorant. This research revealed that dietary curcumin treatment reduces hepatic fat accumulation, ameliorates liver damage, and inflammation related to fat storage. Therefore, curcumin may be a potential protective agent in the prevention of fatty liver disease and the anti-inflammatory capacity of curcumin may reveal a beneficial application in medicine and also food technology.Istanbul University [33981]Istanbul University, Grant/Award/Project Number: 3398

    The effect of dietary curcumin and capsaicin on hepatic fetuin-A expression and fat accumulation in rats fed on a high-fat diet

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    WOS: 000373476600008PubMed ID: 26706937Effects of curcumin (turmeric) and capsaicin (red pepper) on hepatic fat accumulation and fetuin-A expression in rats fed high-fat diet (HFD) is aimed to be investigated. Male Sprague-Dawley rats received HFD (60% of total calories from fat) and 0.15g capsaicin/kg HFD and/or 1.5g curcumin/kg HFD for 16 weeks. Hepatic AMPK, p-AMPK and fetuin-A expressions were determined by western blotting, liver lipid levels were measured with colorimetric methods and serum fetuin-A, insulin, leptin and adiponectin levels were detected using commercial ELISA kits. HFD increased hepatic lipid levels, fetuin-A expression and serum leptin, insulin and fetuin-A levels. Curcumin and capsaicin treatments significantly reduced hepatic fat accumulation and leptin levels; liver fetuin-A expression was decreased significantly by the curcumin treatment. Curcumin and capsaicin treatments attenuated hepatic fat accumulation and increased leptin levels related to inflammation. The suppression of hepatic fetuin-A expression is observed to be especially sensitive to curcumin.Istanbul University [39642]This work was supported by the Research Fund of Istanbul University. Project Number: 39642