8 research outputs found

    A Multi-centre Study to Evaluate the Long-Term Efficacy and Safety of Biosimilar Infliximab (Infimabℱ) in Ankylosing Spondylitis in Real-world Clinical Settings - A perspective from Eastern India

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    Introduction: Owing to dearth of data on infliximab biosimilars in Indian patients, a pan-India case database-based study with infliximab biosimilar BOW015 (Infimabℱ) was carried out to capture its efficacy and safety in real world clinical settings in India. Here, we assessed its efficacy and safety in ankylosing spondylitis (AS) among patients in the East India cohort. Materials and methods: Data were collected from multiple centers across the eastern region of India. Patients diagnosed with AS, within the preceding 4-6 months during the preceding one year were included in the study. Patients who were given BOW015 for other indications, prior innovator infliximab or other biologics were excluded from the study. Primary variable was Ankylosing Spondylitis Disease Activity Scale (ASDAS) response defined as change of > 2 in the ASDAS score from the baseline by 4-6 months of follow up. Results: The cohort consisted of 149 patients, predominantly male (69.8%), with mean (±SD) age of 36.75 (±11.11) years and mean (±SD) body weight of 58.26 (±15.4) kgs. Of the treated patients, 91 (61.1%) patients were administered four doses, 10 (6.7%) patients were administered three doses, 37 (24.8%) patients were administered two doses and 11 (7.4%) patients were administered only a single dose of BOW015. In the final analysis set, 81 patients had data at baseline and 4th visit. Among the 81 patients, 74 (91%) patients achieved major improvement, 5 (6%) patients achieved clinically important improvement and 2 (3%) were non-responders at 4th visit. Secondarily, cross categorization of the cohort into disease activity categories by number of infusions administered from baseline to 4th visit and assessment of trends in Bath Ankylosing Spondylitis Disease Activity Index (BASDAI) scores were also carried out and these too confirmed the efficacy of BOW015. Conclusion: Infimabℱ (BOW015) showed significant improvement in ASDAS and BASDAI in patients with AS at the end of 4-6 months of follow up with its clinical benefits being apparent as early as first dose of BOW015

    Changing landscape configuration demands ecological planning: Retrospect and prospect for megaherbivores of North Bengal.

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    The Gorumara National Park (GNP) is an important conservation area located in the northern region of West Bengal State, India, as it provides habitat for three megaherbivores: Indian One-horned rhinoceros (Rhinoceros unicornis), Asian elephants (Elephas maximus) and Gaurs (Bos gaurus). It harbours one of the last population of the one-horned rhino. In the present study, landscape change and configuration were investigated by comparing three Landsat images, from 1998, 2008 and 2018. The images were classified into six different landcover classes following standard methodology. The present study also involves evaluation of landscape and anthropogenic predictors influence on the megaherbivores of GNP, followed by future landcover simulation for the year 2028. The result shows a significant decrease in the grassland cover from 18.87 km2 to 8.27 km2 from 1998 to 2018, whereas the woodland cover has increased from 50.14 km2 to 62.09 km2 between 1998 and 2018. The landscape configuration indices such as Number of Patches (NP), Patch Density (PD), Interspersion and Juxtaposition (IJI), Aggregation Index (AI) and Mean Shape Index (SHAPE AM) indicated that the landscapes has lost complexity in the spatial placement of patches of different Land Use and Land Cover (LULC) classes. Also, the landscape over the three decades has become uniform in terms of diversity of patches, because of earlier plantation activities by the forest managers. Result also indicated that grassland, along with its class metrics are the top predictors contributing 43.6% in explaining the spatial distribution of megaherbivores in GNP. Results from the simulated landcover of 2028 suggest a possible decline in overall grassland by 6.23% and a subsequent upsurge in woodland by 6.09% from 2018. The present result will be useful in guiding the forest management in developing habitat improvement strategies for the long- term viability of megaherbivore populations of rhino, gaur and elephant in the GNP

    Mitochondrial DNA and Distribution Modelling Evidenced the Lost Genetic Diversity and Wild-Residence of Star Tortoise, <i>Geochelone elegans</i> (Testudines: Testudinidae) in India

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    The Indian star tortoise (Geochelone elegans) is a massively traded animal in South Asia. To mitigate this risk, the conservation agencies recommended guidelines to safeguard this charismatic species in nature. We adopted mitochondrial DNA-based investigation and performed species distribution modeling of G. elegans throughout its distribution range in the Indian subcontinent. The genetic analyses revealed weak genetic landscape shape interpolations, low intraspecific distances (0% to 1.5%) with mixed haplotype diversity, and a single molecular operational taxonomic unit (MOTU) in the cytochrome b gene dataset. The star tortoise, G. elegans, and its sister species Geochelone platynota showed a monophyletic clustering in the Bayesian (BA) phylogeny. We also attempt to understand the habitat suitability and quality of G. elegans in its distribution range. Our results suggest that, out of the extant area, only 56,495 km2 (9.90%) is suitable for this species, with regions of highest suitability in Sri Lanka. Comparative habitat quality estimation suggests the patch shape complexity and habitat fragmentation are greater in the western and southern ranges of India, which have been greatly influenced by an increased level of urbanization and agriculture practices. We have also provided a retrospect on the potential threat to G. elegans related to the wildlife trade on the regional and international spectrum. Our results detected multiple trading hubs and junctions overlying within the suitable ranges which need special attention in the vicinity. The present study calls for a proper conservation strategy to combat the fragmented distribution and explicitly recommends intensive genetic screening of founder individuals or isolated adult colonies, implementing scientific breeding, and subsequent wild release to restore the lost genetic diversity of star tortoises

    Matrilineal phylogeny and habitat suitability of the endangered spotted pond turtle (Geoclemys hamiltonii; Testudines: Geoemydidae): a two-dimensional approach to forecasting future conservation consequences

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    The spotted pond turtle (Geoclemys hamiltonii) is a threatened and less explored species endemic to Bangladesh, India, Nepal, and Pakistan. To infer structural variation and matrilineal phylogenetic interpretation, the present research decoded the mitogenome of G. hamiltonii (16,509 bp) using next-generation sequencing technology. The mitogenome comprises 13 protein-coding genes (PCGs), 22 transfer RNAs (tRNAs), two ribosomal RNAs (rRNAs), and one AT-rich control region (CR) with similar strand symmetry in vertebrates. The ATG was identified as a start codon in most of the PCGs except Cytochrome oxidase subunit 1 (cox1), which started with the GTG codon. The non-coding CR of G. hamiltonii was determined to have a unique structure and variation in different domains and stem-loop secondary structure as compared with other Batagurinae species. The PCGs-based Bayesian phylogeny inferred strong monophyletic support for all Batagurinae species and confirmed the sister relationship of G. hamiltonii with Pangshura and Batagur taxa. We recommend generating more mitogenomic data for other Batagurinae species to confirm their population structure and evolutionary relationships. In addition, the present study aims to infer the habitat suitability and habitat quality of G. hamiltonii in its global distribution, both in the present and future climatic scenarios. We identify that only 58,542 km2 (7.16%) of the total range extent (817,341 km2) is suitable for this species, along with the fragmented habitats in both the eastern and western ranges. Comparative habitat quality assessment suggests the level of patch shape in the western range is higher (71.3%) compared to the eastern range. Our results suggest a massive decline of approximately 65.73% to 70.31% and 70.53% to 75.30% under ssp245 and ssp585 future scenarios, respectively, for the years between 2021–2040 and 2061–2080 compared with the current distribution. The present study indicates that proper conservation management requires greater attention to the causes and solutions to the fragmented distribution and safeguarding of this endangered species in the Indus, Ganges, and Brahmaputra (IGB) river basins

    Distribution Model Reveals Rapid Decline in Habitat Extent for Endangered Hispid Hare: Implications for Wildlife Management and Conservation Planning in Future Climate Change Scenarios

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    The hispid hare, Caprolagus hispidus, belonging to the family Leporidae is a small grassland mammal found in the southern foothills of the Himalayas, in India, Nepal, and Bhutan. Despite having an endangered status according to the IUCN Red List, it lacks studies on its distribution and is threatened by habitat loss and land cover changes. Thus, the present study attempted to assess the habitat suitability using the species distribution model approach for the first time and projected its future in response to climate change, habitat, and urbanization factors. The results revealed that out of the total geographical extent of 188,316 km2, only 11,374 km2 (6.03%) were identified as suitable habitat for this species. The results also revealed that habitat significantly declined across its range (>60%) under certain climate change scenarios. Moreover, in the present climate scenario protected areas such as Shuklaphanta National Park (0.837) in Nepal exhibited the highest mean extent of habitat whereas, in India, Dibru-Saikhowa National Park (0.631) is found to be the most suitable habitat. Notably, two protected areas in Uttarakhand, India, specifically Corbett National Park (0.530) and Sonanandi Wildlife Sanctuary (0.423), have also demonstrated suitable habitats for C. hispidus. Given that protected areas showing a future rise in habitat suitability might also be regarded as potential sites for species translocation, this study underscores the importance of implementing proactive conservation strategies to mitigate the adverse impacts of climate change on this species. It is essential to prioritize habitat restoration, focused protection measures, and further species-level ecological exploration to address these challenges effectively. Furthermore, fostering transboundary collaboration and coordinated conservation actions between nations is crucial to safeguarding the long-term survival of the species throughout its distribution range

    Living with a large predator: Assessing the root causes of Human–brown bear conflict and their spatial patterns in Lahaul valley, Himachal Pradesh

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    Abstract Brown bear‐mediated conflicts have caused immense economic loss to the local people living across the distribution range. In India, limited knowledge is available on the Himalayan brown bear (HBB), making human–brown bear conflict (HBC) mitigation more challenging. In this study, we studied HBC in the Lahaul valley using a semi‐structured questionnaire survey by interviewing 398 respondents from 37 villages. About 64.8% of respondents reported conflict in two major groups—crop damage (30.6%) and livestock depredations (6.2%), while 28% reported both. Conflict incidences were relatively high in summer and frequently occurred in areas closer to the forest (<500 m) and between the elevations range of 2700 m to 3000 m above sea level (asl). The dependency of locals on forest resources (70%) for their livelihood makes them vulnerable to HBC. The “upper lower” class respondents were most impacted among the various socioeconomic classes. Two of the four clusters were identified as HBC hot spots in Lahaul valley using SaTscan analysis. We also obtained high HBC in cluster II with a 14.35 km radius. We found that anthropogenic food provisioning for HBB, livestock grazing in bear habitats, and poor knowledge of animal behavior among the communities were the major causes of HBC. We suggest horticulture crop waste management, controlled and supervised grazing, ecotourism, the constitution of community watch groups, and others to mitigate HBC. We also recommend notifying a few HBB abundant sites in the valley as protected areas for the long‐term viability of the HBB in the landscape

    Indian Grey Wolf and Striped Hyaena sharing from the same bowl: High niche overlap between top predators in a human-dominated landscape

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    The Semi-arid wildlands of the West Bengal state of India are known habitats of Indian Grey Wolf (Canis lupus pallipes) and Striped Hyaena (Hyaena hyaena) in India. However, increasing anthropogenic pressure in these regions is one major factor behind habitat loss and rising carnivore-human conflict. We mapped the suitable habitat and estimated the niche overlap of both species in the study landscape. Further, we assessed the habitat quality, identified corridors and quantified land sharing by both species. The anthropogenic disturbance (human settlements) was found to be one of the most significant contributors for both species. The higher Schoener’s D (0.612) and Hellinger’s based I value (0.858) indicates a considerable niche overlap of about 3529 km2. We observed a high level of fragmentation in suitable patches of Grey Wolf compared to the Striped Hyaena. For both Striped Hyaena and Grey Wolf, connectivity exists among the large patch of western and southern Purulia and Bankura. The Grey Wolf corridors in the Jhargram district were also found connected with other areas. We found that both the species, which are generally known rivals showing tolerance towards each other, which is an strong evidence of land sharing among the species. We recommend that the suitable patches and corridors identified in the study may be prioritized for conservation and management