838 research outputs found

    Mutant Study of Sinorhizobium meliloti Proline Utilization A (PutA)

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    The purpose of this project is to purify and characterize the reaction kinetics of mutant versions the enzyme Proline Utilization A (PutA) in Sinorhizobium meliloti. The enzyme catalyzes the first step in proline metabolism. It has two active sites. The first is proline dehydrogenase (PRODH) which converts proline to pyrroline-5-carboxylate (P5C). The second is P5C dehydrogenase (P5CDH) which converts P5C to glutamate. Although many bacterial organisms have PutA, there are still significant interspecies variations, resulting in an entire family of PutA enzymes. The main difference is the length of the amino acid sequence. This affects the protein’s structure or its shape, and the protein’s kinetics or how it behaves in reactions. In order to have a complete understanding of proline metabolism, all the variations of PutA must be characterized both structurally and kinetically. The version of PutA found in S. meliloti (SmPutA) has been categorized structurally but not kinetically. This project aims to fill this gap in our knowledge of proline metabolism and PutA from S. meliloti

    First Evidence for Substrate Channeling between Proline Catabolic Enzymes \u3ci\u3eA VALIDATION OF DOMAIN FUSION ANALYSIS FOR PREDICTING PROTEIN-PROTEIN INTERACTIONS\u3c/i\u3e

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    Background: PRODH and P5CDH from Thermus thermophilus are monofunctional enzymes in proline catabolism. Results: Steady-state kinetics and intermediate trapping data show the PRODH and P5CDH reactions are coupled by a channeling step. Conclusion: Substrate channeling in monofunctional enzymes is achieved via weak interactions. Significance: Evidence for substrate channeling between monofunctional proline catabolic enzymes is shown and confirms the Rosetta Stone hypothesis

    Evidence for Hysteretic Substrate Channeling in the Proline Dehydrogenaseand ∆\u3csup\u3e1\u3c/sup\u3e-Pyrroline-5-carboxylate Dehydrogenase Coupled Reaction of Proline UtilizationA(PutA)

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    Background: PutA from Escherichia coli is a bifunctional enzyme and transcriptional repressor in proline catabolism. Results: Steady-state and transient kinetic data revealed a mechanism in which the two enzymatic reactions are coupled by an activation step. Conclusion: Substrate channeling in PutA exhibits hysteretic behavior. Significance: This is the first kinetic model of bi-enzyme activity in PutA and reveals a novel mechanism of channeling activation

    Small-angle X-ray Scattering Studies of the Oligomeric State and Quaternary Structure of the Trifunctional Proline Utilization A (PutA) Flavoprotein from \u3ci\u3eEscherichia coli\u3c/i\u3e

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    Background: Trifunctional proline utilization A (PutA) proteins are multifunctional flavoproteins that catalyze two reactions and repress transcription of the put regulon. Results: PutA from Escherichia coli is a V-shaped dimer, with the DNA-binding domain mediating dimerization. Conclusion: Oligomeric state and quaternary structures are not conserved by PutAs. Significance: The first three-dimensional structural information for any trifunctional PutA is reported

    Small-angle X-ray Scattering Studies of the Oligomeric State and Quaternary Structure of the Trifunctional Proline Utilization A (PutA) Flavoprotein from \u3ci\u3eEscherichia coli\u3c/i\u3e

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    Background: Trifunctional proline utilization A (PutA) proteins are multifunctional flavoproteins that catalyze two reactions and repress transcription of the put regulon. Results: PutA from Escherichia coli is a V-shaped dimer, with the DNA-binding domain mediating dimerization. Conclusion: Oligomeric state and quaternary structures are not conserved by PutAs. Significance: The first three-dimensional structural information for any trifunctional PutA is reported

    Functional Impact of a Cancer-Related Variant in Human Δ\u3csup\u3e1\u3c/sup\u3e‑Pyrroline-5-Carboxylate Reductase 1

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    Pyrroline-5-carboxylate reductase (PYCR) is a proline biosynthetic enzyme that catalyzes the NAD(P)H-dependent reduction of Δ1-pyrroline-5-carboxylate (P5C) to proline. Humans have three PYCR isoforms, with PYCR1 often upregulated in different types of cancers. Here, we studied the biochemical and structural properties of the Thr171Met variant of PYCR1, which is found in patients with malignant melanoma and lung adenocarcinoma. Although PYCR1 is strongly associated with cancer progression, characterization of a PYCR1 variant in cancer patients has not yet been reported. Thr171 is conserved in all three PYCR isozymes and is located near the P5C substrate binding site. We found that the amino acid replacement does not affect thermostability but has a profound effect on PYCR1 catalytic activity. The kcat of the PYCR1 variant T171M is 100- to 200-fold lower than wild-type PYCR1 when P5C is the variable substrate, and 10- to 25-fold lower when NAD(P)H is varied. A 1.84 Å resolution X-ray crystal structure of T171M reveals that the Met side chain invades the P5C substrate binding site, suggesting that the catalytic defect is due to steric clash preventing P5C from achieving the optimal pose for hydride transfer from NAD(P)H. These results suggest that any impact on PYCR1 function associated with T171M in cancer does not derive from increased catalytic activity

    Charge transfer and Fermi level shift in p-doped single-walled carbon nanotubes

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    The electronic properties of p-doped single-walled carbon nanotube (SWNT) bulk samples were studied by temperature-dependent resistivity and thermopower, optical reflectivity and Raman spectroscopy. These all give consistent results for the Fermi level downshift (δ EF) induced by doping. We find δ EF ≈ 0.35 eV and 0.50 eV for concentrated nitric and sulfuric acid doping respectively. With these values, the evolution of Raman spectra can be explained by variations in the resonance condition as EF moves down into the valence band. Furthermore, we find no evidence for diameter-selective doping, nor any distinction between doping responses of metallic and semiconducting tubes

    Structure of the Proline Utilization A Proline Dehydrogenase Domain Inactivated by \u3ci\u3eN\u3c/i\u3e-propargylglycine Provides Insight into Conformational Changes Induced by Substrate Binding and Flavin Reduction

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    Proline utilization A (PutA) from Escherichia coli is a flavoprotein that has mutually exclusive roles as a transcriptional repressor of the put regulon and a membrane-associated enzyme that catalyzes the oxidation of proline to glutamate. Previous studies have shown that the binding of proline in the proline dehydrogenase (PRODH) active site and subsequent reduction of the FAD trigger global conformational changes that enhance PutA-membrane affinity. These events cause PutA to switch from its repressor to enzymatic role, but the mechanism by which this signal is propagated from the active site to the distal membrane-binding domain is largely unknown. Here, it is shown that N-propargylglycine irreversibly inactivates PutA by covalently linking the flavin N(5) atom to the ε-amino of Lys329. Furthermore, inactivation locks PutA into a conformation that may mimic the proline reduced, membrane-associated form. The 2.15 Å resolution structure of the inactivated PRODH domain suggests that the initial events involved in broadcasting the reduced flavin state to the distal membrane binding domain include major reorganization of the flavin ribityl chain, severe (35 degree) butterfly bending of the isoalloxazine ring, and disruption of an electrostatic network involving the flavin N(5), Arg431, and Asp370. The structure also provides information about conformational changes associated with substrate binding. This analysis suggests that the active site is incompletely assembled in the absence of the substrate, and the binding of proline draws together conserved residues in helix 8 and the β1-αl loop to complete the active site

    Human Rickettsial Pathogen Modulates Arthropod Organic Anion Transporting Polypeptide and Tryptophan Pathway for Its Survival in Ticks

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    The black-legged tick Ixodes scapularis transmits the human anaplasmosis agent, Anaplasma phagocytophilum. In this study, we show that A. phagocytophilum specifically up-regulates I. scapularis organic anion transporting polypeptide, isoatp4056 and kynurenine amino transferase (kat), a gene involved in the production of tryptophan metabolite xanthurenic acid (XA), for its survival in ticks. RNAi analysis revealed that knockdown of isoatp4056 expression had no effect on A. phagocytophilum acquisition from the murine host but affected the bacterial survival in tick cells. Knockdown of the expression of kat mRNA alone or in combination with isoatp4056 mRNA significantly affected A. phagocytophilum survival and isoatp4056 expression in tick cells. Exogenous addition of XA induces isoatp4056 expression and A. phagocytophilum burden in both tick salivary glands and tick cells. Electrophoretic mobility shift assays provide further evidence that A. phagocytophilum and XA influences isoatp4056 expression. Collectively, this study provides important novel information in understanding the interplay between molecular pathways manipulated by a rickettsial pathogen to survive in its arthropod vector
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