3 research outputs found

    Aptitude de terre et risque d'érosion en culture irriguée de pois mange-tout (Pisum sativum) sur un andosol des hauts plateaux de l'Ouest Cameroun

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    Land Suitability and Risk of Erosion of an Andosol with Irrigated Garden Peas (Pisum sativum) in Western Highlands of Cameroon. In order to help increase the productivity of Pisum sativum (garden peas) as green beans and to minimize soil degradation, a trial was carried out on irrigated farms in the western highlands of Cameroon during the off - season (January - March). This study showed that : An andosol at an altitude of 1285 m cultivated with large ridges at 2 % slope was moderately suitable for this irrigated crop from November to March. However, the crop cycle between November and January would be preferable so as to take advantage of the last rains. Erosion measured under three cultural systems (terraces, large and small ridges) indicated that the magnitude was comparable and acceptable between terraces and large ridges while that of small ridges was considerably higher. These results indicate that, the large ridges perpendicular to the slope, commonly used by the local farmers of the area, are not necessarily inferior to terraces and small ridges which were considered for introduction in the irrigation of this crop

    Contraintes socio-économiques de répartition des terres et impacts sur la conservation des sols dans les hauts plateaux de l'Ouest du Cameroun

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    Socio-economic Constraints of Land Distribution and Impacts on Soil Conservation in the Western Highlands of Cameroon. This article combines the data of a social survey on access to land and those regarding the adoption of tied ridging as soil conservation technique to help better understanding the management of erosion and runoff by farmers in the Western Highlands of Cameroon, specifically in the hills of Fongo-Tongo villages' group. The study focused on 230 plots owned by 157 respondents among 158 people inventoried. Five main modes of access to land were listed as: inheritance, purchase, temporary transfers, donations and rental. The owners and operators of the hills with gentle slopes (between 11% and 17%) and of steep slopes (between 22% and 29%) were inventoried. Two main social ranks were identified: the dignitaries (Chiefs, Notables, Elites, and Heirs) and other (Non-heirs son, and Women). The study showed that the agronomic abilities of plots as recognized by farmers are a key factor in the implementation of soil conservation techniques. The peasant approach of soil fertility has been scientifically proven by physicochemical analysis of soil samples taken under indicator plant species (Pennisetum spp on fertile soils, and Imperata cylindrica and Melinis minutiflora on poor soils). The study showed that access to land, adoption of tied ridging, and cultivation on the slopes were significantly influenced by socio- economic status of farmers (p<0.05)

    Rainfall Variability along the Southern Flank of the Bambouto Mountain (West-Cameroon)

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    This paper presents the rainfall variability along the southern flank of the Bambouto mountain. Data were collected from rain gauges, while spatial variability was estimated through daily recorded data. Monthly and annual data were used to draw isohyetes via the triangular method, with linear interpolations between observation points. Results show that rainfall is highly variable along the slope. Daily rainfall amounts range from 0.1 mm to 120 mm. Mean yearly rainfall is 1918.1 mm. Rainfall amount doesnot have a linear relationship with altitude. Dschang is characterised by abnormally high rainfall. Following a North-South direction, rainfall decreases from Dschang to a Melang-Loung-Djuttitsa axis. From this axis, the gradient reverses as rainfall increases rapidly towards the Mélétan mountain. The existence of the relatively dry zone within the hillside seems to be due to the influence of two air masses. The first is cold and very wet which moves from the Mamfe basin to the summit zone whereit starts to warm up as it flows towards Melang and Loung where temperature increases. The second comes from the south to south-east monsoon which is also impoverished during the ascension to higher altitudes. It is also likely that a third air mass from the dry harmattan is involved depending on the position of the ITCZ.Key words: rainfall, spatial variability, gradient, slope, mountai