34 research outputs found

    SIRT1 is regulated by a PPARĪ³ā€“SIRT1 negative feedback loop associated with senescence

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    Human Silent Information Regulator Type 1 (SIRT1) is an NAD+-dependent deacetylase protein which is an intermediary of cellular metabolism in gene silencing and aging. SIRT1 has been extensively investigated and shown to delay senescence; however, less is known about the regulation of SIRT1 during aging. In this study, we show that the peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor-Ī³ (PPARĪ³), which is a ligand-regulated modular nuclear receptor that governs adipocyte differentiation and inhibits cellular proliferation, inhibits SIRT1 expression at the transcriptional level. Moreover, both PPARĪ³ and SIRT1 can bind the SIRT1 promoter. PPARĪ³ directly interacts with SIRT1 and inhibits SIRT1 activity, forming a negative feedback and self-regulation loop. In addition, our data show that acetylation of PPARĪ³ increased with increasing cell passage number. We propose that PPARĪ³ is subject to regulation by acetylation and deacetylation via p300 and SIRT1 in cellular senescence. These results demonstrate a mutual regulation between PPARĪ³ and SIRT1 and identify a new posttranslational modification that affects cellular senescence

    Sp1 Is Essential for p16(INK4a) Expression in Human Diploid Fibroblasts during Senescence

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    BACKGROUND: p16 (INK4a) tumor suppressor protein has been widely proposed to mediate entrance of the cells into the senescent stage. Promoter of p16 (INK4a) gene contains at least five putative GC boxes, named GC-I to V, respectively. Our previous data showed that a potential Sp1 binding site, within the promoter region from āˆ’466 to āˆ’451, acts as a positive transcription regulatory element. These results led us to examine how Sp1 and/or Sp3 act on these GC boxes during aging in cultured human diploid fibroblasts. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: Mutagenesis studies revealed that GC-I, II and IV, especially GC-II, are essential for p16 (INK4a) gene expression in senescent cells. Electrophoretic mobility shift assays (EMSA) and ChIP assays demonstrated that both Sp1 and Sp3 bind to these elements and the binding activity is enhanced in senescent cells. Ectopic overexpression of Sp1, but not Sp3, induced the transcription of p16 (INK4a). Both Sp1 RNAi and Mithramycin, a DNA intercalating agent that interferes with Sp1 and Sp3 binding activities, reduced p16 (INK4a) gene expression. In addition, the enhanced binding of Sp1 to p16 (INK4a) promoter during cellular senescence appeared to be the result of increased Sp1 binding affinity, not an alteration in Sp1 protein level. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: All these results suggest that GC- II is the key site for Sp1 binding and increase of Sp1 binding activity rather than protein levels contributes to the induction of p16 (INK4a) expression during cell aging

    A Mutation in Intracellular Loop 4 Affects the Drug-Efflux Activity of the Yeast Multidrug Resistance ABC Transporter Pdr5p

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    Multidrug resistance protein Pdr5p is a yeast ATP-binding cassette (ABC) transporter in the plasma membrane. It confers multidrug resistance by active efflux of intracellular drugs. However, the highly polymorphic Pdr5p from clinical strain YJM789 loses its ability to expel azole and cyclohexmide. To investigate the role of amino acid changes in this functional change, PDR5 chimeras were constructed by segmental replacement of homologous BY4741 PDR5 fragments. Functions of PDR5 chimeras were evaluated by fluconazole and cycloheximide resistance assays. Their expression, ATPase activity, and efflux efficiency for other substrates were also analyzed. Using multiple lines of evidence, we show that an alanine-to-methionine mutation at position 1352 located in the predicted short intracellular loop 4 significantly contributes to the observed transport deficiency. The degree of impairment is likely correlated to the size of the mutant residue

    SIRT1 Overexpression Antagonizes Cellular Senescence with Activated ERK/S6k1 Signaling in Human Diploid Fibroblasts

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    Sir2, a NAD-dependent deacetylase, modulates lifespan in yeasts, worms and flies. The SIRT1, mammalian homologue of Sir2, regulates signaling for favoring survival in stress. But whether SIRT1 has the function to influence cell viability and senescence under non-stressed conditions in human diploid fibroblasts is far from unknown. Our data showed that enforced SIRT1 expression promoted cell proliferation and antagonized cellular senescence with the characteristic features of delayed Senescence-Associated Ī²-galactosidase (SA-Ī²-gal) staining, reduced Senescence-Associated Heterochromatic Foci (SAHF) formation and G1 phase arrest, increased cell growth rate and extended cellular lifespan in human fibroblasts, while dominant-negative SIRT1 allele (H363Y) did not significantly affect cell growth and senescence but displayed a bit decreased lifespan.. Western blot results showed that SIRT1 reduced the expression of p16INK4A and promoted phosphorylation of Rb. Our data also exposed that overexpression of SIRT1 was accompanied by enhanced activation of ERK and S6K1 signaling. These effects were mimicked in both WI38 cells and 2BS cells by concentration-dependent resveratrol, a SIRT1 activator. It was noted that treatment of SIRT1-.transfected cells with Rapamycin, a mTOR inhibitor, reduced the phosphorylation of S6K1 and the expression of Id1, implying that SIRT1-induced phosphorylation of S6K1 may be partly for the decreased expression of p16INK4A and promoted phosphorylation of Rb in 2BS. It was also observed that the expression of SIRT1 and phosphorylation of ERK and S6K1 was declined in senescent 2BS. These findings suggested that SIRT1-promoted cell proliferation and antagonized cellular senescence in human diploid fibroblasts may be, in part, via the activation of ERK/ S6K1 signaling

    CSIG Inhibits PTEN Translation in Replicative Senescenceā–æ

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    Using a suppressive subtractive hybridization system, we identified CSIG (cellular senescence-inhibited gene protein; RSL1D1) that was abundant in young human diploid fibroblast cells but declined upon replicative senescence. Overexpression or knockdown of CSIG did not influence p21Cip1 and p16INK4a expressions. Instead, CSIG negatively regulated PTEN and p27Kip1 expressions, in turn promoting cell proliferation. In PTEN-silenced HEK 293 cells and PTEN-deficient human glioblastoma U87MG cells, the effect of CSIG on p27Kip1 expression and cell division was abolished, suggesting that PTEN was required for the role of CSIG on p27Kip1 regulation and cell cycle progression. Investigation into the underlying mechanism revealed that the regulation of PTEN by CSIG was achieved through a translational suppression mechanism. Further study showed that CSIG interacted with PTEN mRNA in the 5ā€² untranslated region (UTR) and that knockdown of CSIG led to increased luciferase activity of a PTEN 5ā€² UTR-luciferase reporter. Moreover, overexpression of CSIG significantly delayed the progression of replicative senescence, while knockdown of CSIG expression accelerated replicative senescence. Knockdown of PTEN diminished the effect of CSIG on cellular senescence. Our findings indicate that CSIG acts as a novel regulatory component of replicative senescence, which requires PTEN as a mediator and involves in a translational regulatory mechanism

    Expressions of <i>p16<sup>INK4a</sup></i> mRNA and protein are inhibited by MTR treatment.

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    <p>Young (Y) and senescent (S) 2BS cells were either treated with 100 nM MTR (MTR) for 24 hr or left untreated, total RNA and protein were prepared and subjected to analyze the expression of indicated genes by Northern blotting (A) and Western blotting (B), respectively.</p