52 research outputs found

    Application of Principal Component Analysis to Characterize the Effect of Catching Ground on Post-mortem Quality Changes in Ice Stored Sea Bream (Sparus aurata, L.) and Bogue (Boops boops, L.)

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    Although limited, the existing literature indicates the significant difference in sensory and quality parameters of wild and farmed fish samples of the same species. Post-mortem quality changes of sea bream and bogue samples stored in ice were investigated by sensory (raw and cooked), physical (pH, dielectric properties) and chemical (lipid oxidation, volatile amines, proximate composition) analyses. Principal component analysis (PCA) was applied to study the relationships between the quality parameters during ost-mortem changes of farmed and wild sea bream and two “types” of bogues samples: samples aggregated around fi sh farm cages and natural control population. The PCA analyses showed distinct separation of wild and farmed/farm affected samples. The proportion of variance accounted for by the fi rst two principal components was 90.63 in sea bream and 89.35 % in bogue samples. Variations in storage time, sensory and chemical assessment were described by PC1, whereas variations in catching ground and proximate composition by PC2 in all investigated samples. Sensory evaluation, lipid oxidation index and volatile amine content of bogue samples showed high correlation with storage time; fat and moisture content, together with physical properties underwent the influence of the catching ground. Similar results were determined for sea bream, with exception for physical properties that showed higher correlation with the storage time in ice. Highest correlation with PC1 (>50 % of overall variance) were observed for sensory assessment (r>0.92) in both fish groups. Spoilage evolution over time given as the sum of all demerit points (quality index) showed higher correlation then any single parameters itself, indicating that the individual chemical and physical parameters could not replace the usage of sensory QIM scoring scheme in freshness assessment. PCA analyses were found useful in distinguishing the impact of fish farms on the wild fish populations

    Application of Principal Component Analysis to Characterize the Effect of Catching Ground on Post-mortem Quality Changes in Ice Stored Sea Bream (Sparus aurata, L.) and Bogue (Boops boops, L.)

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    Although limited, the existing literature indicates the significant difference in sensory and quality parameters of wild and farmed fish samples of the same species. Post-mortem quality changes of sea bream and bogue samples stored in ice were investigated by sensory (raw and cooked), physical (pH, dielectric properties) and chemical (lipid oxidation, volatile amines, proximate composition) analyses. Principal component analysis (PCA) was applied to study the relationships between the quality parameters during ost-mortem changes of farmed and wild sea bream and two “types” of bogues samples: samples aggregated around fi sh farm cages and natural control population. The PCA analyses showed distinct separation of wild and farmed/farm affected samples. The proportion of variance accounted for by the fi rst two principal components was 90.63 in sea bream and 89.35 % in bogue samples. Variations in storage time, sensory and chemical assessment were described by PC1, whereas variations in catching ground and proximate composition by PC2 in all investigated samples. Sensory evaluation, lipid oxidation index and volatile amine content of bogue samples showed high correlation with storage time; fat and moisture content, together with physical properties underwent the influence of the catching ground. Similar results were determined for sea bream, with exception for physical properties that showed higher correlation with the storage time in ice. Highest correlation with PC1 (>50 % of overall variance) were observed for sensory assessment (r>0.92) in both fish groups. Spoilage evolution over time given as the sum of all demerit points (quality index) showed higher correlation then any single parameters itself, indicating that the individual chemical and physical parameters could not replace the usage of sensory QIM scoring scheme in freshness assessment. PCA analyses were found useful in distinguishing the impact of fish farms on the wild fish populations

    Histamini i biogeni amini kao indikatori svježine ribe i ribljih proizvoda

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    Povecane koncentracije biogenih amina u hrane morskog porijekla predstavljaju toksikološki rizik. Uz histamin, ostali biogeni amini kao putrescin, kadaverin, tiramin, /-feniletilamin, su jednako znacajni u toksikološkom smislu, jer pojacavaju negativno djelovanje samog histamina. U sklopu ovog rada posebno su izdvojeni uzorci triju razlicitih šarži soljenih incuna (Engraulis encrasicolus, L.) pri cijoj je obradi došlo do reakcije na koži radnica tijekom finalizacije proizvoda. Koncentracije histamina u tri šarže iznosile su: 98.76 mg/kg, 81.07 mg/kg i 110.20 mg/kg i udovoljavale su važecem Pravilniku (NN 74/08). Utvr=ene su i povecane vrijednosti kadaverina (78.38 mg/kg, 79.70 mg/kg, 80.78 mg/kg), tiramina (47.90 mg/kg, 29.50 mg/kg, 21.61 mg/kg), putrescina (21.72 mg/kg, 8.94 g/kg, 13.64 mg/kg) i /-feniletilamina (18.80 mg/kg, 8.52 mg/kg i 13.55 mg/kg). Temeljem rezultata za biogene amine, za sve šarže, odre=eni su kemijski indeksi slijedecih vrijednosti: 35.99, 30.71 i 35.17

    Esteroides anabólicos en la producción de carne Efectos sobre los animales de granja y el peligro para la salud de los consumidores

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    Anabolici stimuliraju rast tkiva svojim utjecajem na metaboličke procese uključene u sintezu proteina i razgradnju masti te se njihovom uporabom u stočarskoj proizvodnji ostvaruju značajniji prinosi i prihvatljivija senzorska svojstva svježeg mesa. Međutim, ove tvari se kumuliraju i perzistiraju u jestivim tkivima, a budući da je za brojne iz ove skupine dokazana i toksičnost, Europska komisija zabranila je uporabu svih tvari sa anaboličkim djelovanjem, odnosno dozvoljena je primjena samo pojedinih tvari isključivo u terapeutske svrhe. Među njima, prirodni hormoni su ujedno i fiziološki prisutni u biološkim tekućinama i tkivima farmskih životinja, što otežava procjenu moguće anaboličke primjene odnosno prosudbe o zlouporabi ovih tvari. Zbog nedostatnosti podataka o fiziološkim razinama prirodnih hormona i njihovih metabolita u različitih životinjskih vrsta, potrebno je provoditi daljnja istraživanja u poveznici sa brojnim čimbenicima utjecaja na razine ovih hormona. S obzirom na stalni razvoj novih sintetskih tvari i moguću zlouporabu tzv. „koktela“ s niskim udjelima aktivnih tvari iz ove skupine, potreban je kontinuirani nadzor njihove primjene tijekom tova životinja i na klaonici, s konačnim ciljem proizvodnje zdravstveno ispravne hrane životinjskog podrijetla i zaštite zdravlja potrošača.Anabolics stimulate tissue growth through their influence on the metabolic processes involved in protein synthesis and degradation of fats and their use in livestock production generate significant yields and acceptable sensory characteristics of fresh meat. However, these substances accumulate and persist in the edible tissues, and since the number anabolic substances demonstrated the toxicity, the European Commission has banned the use of all substances with anabolic effect, and allowed the application of only certain substances exclusively for therapeutic purposes. Among them, the natural hormones are also physiologically present in biological fluids and tissues of farm animals, making it difficult to estimate possible anabolic application or judgment about the abuse of these substances. Due to insufficient data on physiological levels of natural hormones and their metabolites in different animal species, it is necessary to conduct further research into the link with a number of factors affecting the levels of these hormones. Due to the continuous development of new synthetic substances and possible abuse of the so-called “cocktails” with low ratios of active substances from this group, it requires a continuous monitoring during fattening and at slaughtering, with the ultimate goal of production of safe food of animal origin and protection of the consumers health.Anabolika fördern das Wachstum von Gewebe, indem sie sich auf die metabolischen Prozesse auswirken, die an der Eiweißsynthese und dem Fettabbau teilnehmen. Durch den Einsatz von Anabolika in der Viehzucht können bedeutendere Erträge und bessere sensorische Eigenschaften von frischem Fleisch erreicht werden. Da sich diese Stoffe jedoch im essbaren Gewebe akkumulieren und persistieren, und für zahlreiche Stoffe eine toxische Wirkung nachgewiesen wurde, hat die Europäische Kommission die Verwendung aller Stoffe mit einer anabolischen Wirkung verboten, bzw. ist nur der Einsatz einzelner Substanzen ausschließlich zu therapeutischen Zwecken zugelassen. Dabei sind die natürlichen Hormone physiologisch in den biologischen Flüssigkeiten und Geweben von Nutztieren vertreten, was die Einschätzung einer möglichen anabolischen Verwendung, bzw. die Einschätzung eines möglichen Missbrauchs dieser Substanzen erschwert. Infolge mangelnder Angaben über physiologische Konzentrationen von natürlichen Hormonen und deren Metaboliten bei diversen Tiersorten bedarf es an weiteren Untersuchungen in Zusammenhang mit den vielen Faktoren, die die Konzentration dieser Hormone beeinflussen. Die fortlaufende Entwicklung neuer synthetischer Substanzen und ein möglicher Missbrauch so genannter „Cocktails“ mit einer niedrigen Konzentration von aktiven Stoffen aus dieser Gruppe erfordern eine kontinuierliche Überwachung der Verwendung während der Tiermast und in den Schlachthäusern, um ein gesundheitlich unbedenkliches Nahrungsmittel tierischen Ursprungs zu gewährleisten und die Gesundheit der Verbraucher zu schützen.Gli anabolizzanti stimolano la crescita dei tessuti incidendo sui processi metabolici inclusi nella sintesi delle proteine e nel metabolismo dei grassi. Con il loro impiego nella produzione zootecnica, si realizzano significativi incrementi dal punto di vista del rendimento ed un miglioramento delle proprietà sensoriali della carne fresca. Tuttavia, queste sostanze si accumulano e persistono nei tessuti edibili e, giacché per numerose sostanze di questo gruppo è stata accertata la tossicità, la Commissione europea ha vietato l’uso di tutte le sostanze con azione anabolizzante, ossia è concesso l’uso soltanto di alcune di tali sostanze ma esclusivamente a fini terapeutici. Tra esse, gli ormoni naturali sono anche fisiologicamente presenti nei liquidi e nei tessuti biologici degli animali d’allevamento, il che complica la valutazione della possibile applicazione anabolizzante, ossia il giudizio sull’abuso di tali sostanze. A causa dell’insufficienza dei dati sui livelli fisiologici degli ormoni naturali e dei loro metaboliti in diverse specie animali, è necessario svolgere ricerche più approfondite in relazione ai numerosi fattori che incidono sui livelli di tali ormoni. Visto il costante sviluppo di nuove sostanze sintetiche ed il possibile abuso dei c.d. “cocktail” con una bassa percentuale di sostanze attive di questo gruppo, è necessario vigilare costantemente sulla loro applicazione sia durante la fase dell’alimentazione dell’animale, sia al macello, con l’obiettivo finale di produrre alimenti d’origine animale sani e di proteggere la salute dei consumatori.Los esteroides anabólicos estimulan el crecimiento del tejido mediante su efecto sobre los procesos metabólicos incluidos en la síntesis de proteínas y en la degradación de las grasas. Con su uso en la producción ganadera se realizan rendimientos significantes y calidades sensoriales aceptables de la carne fresca. No obstante, las sustancias se acumulan y persisten en los tejidos comestibles y visto que fue demostrada la toxicidad para muchas sustancias de este grupo, la Comisión Europea prohibió el uso de todas las sustancias con el efecto anabólico, es decir está permitido solamente el uso de sustancias individuales para el uso terapéutico. Las hormonas naturales son presentes fisiológicamente en los líquidos biológicos y en los tejidos de los animales de granja, lo que complica la evaluación de la posible aplicación anabólica, o sea la evaluación del abuso de estas sustancias. Por la falta de datos sobre los niveles fisiológicos de las hormonas naturales y sus metabolitos en diferentes especies de animales, es necesario continuar con la investigación de muchos factores que influyen sobre los niveles de estas hormonas. Teniendo en cuenta el desarrollo constante de nuevas sustancias sintéticas y posible abuso de lo que llamamos ‘’cóctel’’ con una baja proporción de sustancias activas de este grupo, es necesaria la vigilancia constante de su uso tanto durante la vida de los animales como en el matadero, con el fin de producir de la comida con seguridad sanitaria de origen animal y de protección de la salud de los consumidores

    Oksidacija masti u ribi i ribljim proizvodima

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    Oksidacija masti u ribi i ribljim proizvodima povezana je s razvojem užeglosti i produkata oksidacijskog kvarenja. Zbog visokog sadržaja višestruko nezasicenih masnih kiselina ribe su osjetljive na oksidaciju masti tijekom manipulacije, obrade i pohrane. Produkti oksidacije mogu promijeniti kvalitetu hrane: boju, teksturu, okus i miris te imati nepovoljno djelovanje na zdravlje covjeka. Najcešce korištena metoda za mjerenja stupnja oksidacije masti u ribi i ribljim proizvodima nastale tijekom prerade i/ili skladištenja je odreivanje sekundarnih produkata lipidne oksidacije npr. malondialdehida, tiobarbiturnim testom, tj. spektrofotometrijsko odreivanje ružicasto uorescentnog tiobarbiturna kiselina-malondialdehid kompleksa. Zbog svoje jednostavnosti metoda je zadržana unatoc nedostacima

    The effect of diff erent marinating baths on sensory properties and shelf life parameters of cold marinated anchovies (Engraulis encrasicolus, L.)

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    Sažetak Sinergijski učinak kiseline i soli ima ključnu ulogu u procesu mariniranja. Odabir pogodnih postupaka pripreme sirove ribe za mariniranje, sastava kupelji za mariniranje, sastava naljeva mariniranog proizvoda i uvijeta skladištenja, provode se u svrhu postizanja duže trajnosti, očuvanja kvalitete i postizanja dobrih senzorskih svojstava mariniranih proizvoda. U radu je provedeno istraživanje na 22 uzorka hladno mariniranih inćuna koji su sadržavali naljeve različitog sastava (različiti omjeri vinskog octa, alkoholnog octa, soli i vode), s kako bi se, tijekom zrenja, istražile promjene senzorskih svojstava i čimbenika koji određuju rok trajnosti. U tu svrhu određivana je pH vrijednost, aktivitet vode, udio NaCl i senzorska svojstva mariniranih fi leta inćuna, kao i sadržaj hlapljivih amina i indeks oksidacije masti. Dobiveni rezultati ukazali su da je za postizanje najboljih senzorskih svojstava najprikladnija kupelj pripravljena od 45% vode, 30% vinskog octa, 25% alkoholnog octa i 7% soli, čime se postiže pH vrijednost mesa od 3.09, udio NaCl od 3.60% i aktivitet vode od 0.84. Zabilježena je slaba akumulacija hlapljivih amina tijekom skladištenja mariniranih proizvoda (<20mg TVB-N /100g; <1mgTMA/100g) i statistički značajan porast TBA indeksa (6.41-7.36 malondialdehida/kg) tijekom zrenja, ali užeglost fi leta nije bila opisana kao intenzivno svojstvo.Synergistic eff ect of acid and salt content plays the most important role in the marinating process. Selection of suitable procedures for preparing raw fi sh material for marination, the marinating baths compositions and storage conditions, are carried out in order to achieve a longer shelf life, to maintain quality and achieve good sensory characteristics of marinated products. In this paper 22 samples of cold marinated anchovies containing marinating baths of diff erent composition (diff erent proportions of vine vinegar, alcoholic vinegar, salt and water) were investigated, in order to determine changes in sensory characteristics during maturation, as well as the shelf life parameters. For this purpose, pH values, water activity, NaCl content and sensory properties of marinated anchovy fi llets, the content of volatile amines and the index of fat oxidation were determined. The fi llets marinated in the marination bath prepared from 45% of water, 30% of vine vinegar, 25% of alcoholic vinegar and 7% of salt obtained the best sensory scores, a pH value of 3.09, 3.60% NaCl and water activity of 0.84. A weak accumulation of volatile amines during storage (<20mg TVB-N / 100g; <1mgTMA/100g) and statistically signifi cant increase of the TBA index (6.41 to 7.36 malondialdehyde / kg) were observed during ripening, but the rancidity was not described as an intensive sensory property of the marinated fi llets

    Utjecaj različitih uvjeta skladištenja na dielektrična i senzorska svojstva lubina (Dicentrarchus labrax, L.)

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    Dielectric properties and sensory assesment of sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax, L.) stored under six different conditions over a period of 75 hours were investigated. Declines of torrymeter values over time were established under all storage conditions, but showed variability. The correlations between torrymeter readings and Quality Index Method (QIM) results were studied. Significant negative correlations were found between QIM results and torrymeter readings for samples stored in sea water (20-22 oC), storage room (16-18 oC), refrigerated room (2-4 oC) and sea water (10-12 oC). QIM and torrymeter values in slurry ice and ice box samples were not in correlation.Promatrana su dielektrična i senzorska svojstva lubina (Dicentrarchus labrax,L.) pohranjenog u šest različitih uvjeta skladištenja kroz 75 stati od uginuća. U svim uvjetima skladištenja zabilježen je pad očitanih torimetar vrijednosti (TM) kroz vrijeme koji ukazuju na varijabilnost dielektričnih svojstava. Istraživana je korelacija između TM vrijednosti i senzorskih svojstava ocijenjenih metodom indeksa kvalitete (QIM). Između rezultata QIM metode i TM vrijednosti, u uzorcima skladištenim u morskoj vodi (20-22 oC), skladištu (16-18 oC), ohlađenom skladištu (2-4 oC) i morskoj vodi (10-12 oC), zamjećena je statistički značajna negativna korelacija. U uzorcima iz poleđene morske vode i leda QIM ocjene senzorskih svojstava i TM očitanja nisu u korelaciji

    The effect of diff erent marinating baths on sensory properties and shelf life parameters of cold marinated anchovies (Engraulis encrasicolus, L.)

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    Sažetak Sinergijski učinak kiseline i soli ima ključnu ulogu u procesu mariniranja. Odabir pogodnih postupaka pripreme sirove ribe za mariniranje, sastava kupelji za mariniranje, sastava naljeva mariniranog proizvoda i uvijeta skladištenja, provode se u svrhu postizanja duže trajnosti, očuvanja kvalitete i postizanja dobrih senzorskih svojstava mariniranih proizvoda. U radu je provedeno istraživanje na 22 uzorka hladno mariniranih inćuna koji su sadržavali naljeve različitog sastava (različiti omjeri vinskog octa, alkoholnog octa, soli i vode), s kako bi se, tijekom zrenja, istražile promjene senzorskih svojstava i čimbenika koji određuju rok trajnosti. U tu svrhu određivana je pH vrijednost, aktivitet vode, udio NaCl i senzorska svojstva mariniranih fi leta inćuna, kao i sadržaj hlapljivih amina i indeks oksidacije masti. Dobiveni rezultati ukazali su da je za postizanje najboljih senzorskih svojstava najprikladnija kupelj pripravljena od 45% vode, 30% vinskog octa, 25% alkoholnog octa i 7% soli, čime se postiže pH vrijednost mesa od 3.09, udio NaCl od 3.60% i aktivitet vode od 0.84. Zabilježena je slaba akumulacija hlapljivih amina tijekom skladištenja mariniranih proizvoda (<20mg TVB-N /100g; <1mgTMA/100g) i statistički značajan porast TBA indeksa (6.41-7.36 malondialdehida/kg) tijekom zrenja, ali užeglost fi leta nije bila opisana kao intenzivno svojstvo.Synergistic eff ect of acid and salt content plays the most important role in the marinating process. Selection of suitable procedures for preparing raw fi sh material for marination, the marinating baths compositions and storage conditions, are carried out in order to achieve a longer shelf life, to maintain quality and achieve good sensory characteristics of marinated products. In this paper 22 samples of cold marinated anchovies containing marinating baths of diff erent composition (diff erent proportions of vine vinegar, alcoholic vinegar, salt and water) were investigated, in order to determine changes in sensory characteristics during maturation, as well as the shelf life parameters. For this purpose, pH values, water activity, NaCl content and sensory properties of marinated anchovy fi llets, the content of volatile amines and the index of fat oxidation were determined. The fi llets marinated in the marination bath prepared from 45% of water, 30% of vine vinegar, 25% of alcoholic vinegar and 7% of salt obtained the best sensory scores, a pH value of 3.09, 3.60% NaCl and water activity of 0.84. A weak accumulation of volatile amines during storage (<20mg TVB-N / 100g; <1mgTMA/100g) and statistically signifi cant increase of the TBA index (6.41 to 7.36 malondialdehyde / kg) were observed during ripening, but the rancidity was not described as an intensive sensory property of the marinated fi llets

    Mergers of Supermassive Black Holes in Astrophysical Environments

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    Modeling the late inspiral and merger of supermassive black holes is central to understanding accretion processes and the conditions under which electromagnetic emission accompanies gravitational waves. We use fully general relativistic, hydrodynamics simulations to investigate how electromagnetic signatures correlate with black hole spins, mass ratios, and the gaseous environment in this final phase of binary evolution. In all scenarios, we find some form of characteristic electromagnetic variability whose pattern depends on the spins and binary mass ratios. Binaries in hot accretion flows exhibit a flare followed by a sudden drop in luminosity associated with the plunge and merger, as well as quasi-periodic oscillations correlated with the gravitational waves during the inspiral. Conversely, circumbinary disk systems are characterized by a low luminosity of variable emission, suggesting challenging prospects for their detection.Comment: 9 pages, 5 figures, 1 table, replaced with version accepted for publication in Ap

    Biogeni amini u trajnim kobasicama inokuliranima bakteriocinogenom kulturom Enterococcus faecalis eF-101 iz mlijeka

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    In this study, the dairy-originated bacteriocinogenic Enterococcus faecalis EF-101 strain was implemented in traditionally smoked Croatian home-made dry fermented sausages. During ripening, microbiological and physico- chemical changes were observed, and the biogenic amines were monitored. The Enterococcus faecalis EF-101 count remained constant during the sausage ripening (105 CFU/g). There was no positive correlation of enterococci counts with cadaverine, histamine, tyramine, biogenic amines index, or total biogenic amines content in the sausages with added E. faecalis. The histamine and tyramine content correlated moderately with the lactic acid bacteria count in the control sausages. The total biogenic amines content was significantly higher (P<0.05) in the experimental sausages, however only on day 14 of ripening. The bacteriocinogenic strain of E. faecalis EF-101 reduced the histamine and cadaverine content, probably by reducing the aminogenic lactic acid bacteria population.U ovom je istraživanju primijenjena bakteriocinogena kultura Enterococcus faecalis EF-101 iz mlijeka u proizvodnji trajnih kobasica u domaćinstvu. Tijekom zrenja praćene su mikrobiološke i fizikalno-kemijske promjene u nadjevu te sastav i količina biogenih amina. Broj E. faecalis ostao je stalan tijekom zrenja kobasica (105 CFU/g). Nije zabilježena povezanost broja enterokoka i količine kadaverina, histamina, tiramina, indeksa biogenih amina i ukupnih amina. U kontrolnim je kobasicama količina histamina i tiramina umjereno korelirala s brojem bakterija mliječne kiseline. Ukupna količina biogenih amina u pokusnim je kobasicama bila znakovito veća (P<0,05) tek 14. dan zrenja. Istraživanje je pokazalo da bakteriocinogena kultura E. faecalis EF-101 reducira količinu histamina i kadaverina, vjerojatno sistiranjem aminogene mikroflore