176 research outputs found

    Robot fault detection and remaining life estimation for predictive maintenance

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    Abstract In this work some possible solutions to implement a Robotics-oriented predictive maintenance approach are discussed. The data-driven methodology is described from the data collection to the design of an appropriate dataset and finally to the use of some of the most promising algorithms in the field of machine learning. The whole process is composed by several building blocks that can be combined to realize a data analysis on industrial robots. Some of the most promising techniques in Predictive Maintenance for Industrial machines were included in the proposed methodology, together with a Survival Analysis study, and then evaluated with proper performance metrics. Experimenting this methodology on a real use-case with Comau industrial robots showed the validity of the approach and opened to the inclusion of such a process in a service-oriented solution

    What's in the box? Explaining the black-box model through an evaluation of its interpretable features

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    Algorithms are powerful and necessary tools behind a large part of the information we use every day. However, they may introduce new sources of bias, discrimination and other unfair practices that affect people who are unaware of it. Greater algorithm transparency is indispensable to provide more credible and reliable services. Moreover, requiring developers to design transparent algorithm-driven applications allows them to keep the model accessible and human understandable, increasing the trust of end users. In this paper we present EBAnO, a new engine able to produce prediction-local explanations for a black-box model exploiting interpretable feature perturbations. EBAnO exploits the hypercolumns representation together with the cluster analysis to identify a set of interpretable features of images. Furthermore two indices have been proposed to measure the influence of input features on the final prediction made by a CNN model. EBAnO has been preliminarily tested on a set of heterogeneous images. The results highlight the effectiveness of EBAnO in explaining the CNN classification through the evaluation of interpretable features influence

    Characterizing Thermal Energy Consumption through Exploratory Data Mining Algorithms

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    Nowadays large volumes of energy data are continuously collected through a variety of meters from dierent smart-city environments. Such data have a great potential to influence the overall energy balance of our communities by optimizing building energy consumption and by enhancing people's awareness of energy wasting. This paper presents FARTEC, a data mining engine based on exploratory and unsupervised data mining algorithms to characterize building energy consumption together with meteorological conditions. FARTEC exploits a joint approach coupling cluster analysis and association rules. First, a partitional clustering algorithm is applied to weather conditions to discover groups of thermal energy consumption that occurred in similar weather conditions. Each computed cluster is then locally characterized through a set of association rules to ease the manual inspection of the most interesting correlations between thermal consumption and weather conditions. FARTEC also includes a categorization of the rules into a few groups according to their meaning. Each group is determined by the data features appearing in the rule. The experimental evaluation performed on real datasets demonstrates the effectiveness of the proposed approach in discovering interesting knowledge items to raise people's awareness of their energy consumption

    Discovering users with similar internet access performance through cluster analysis

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    Users typically subscribe to an Internet access service on the basis of a speciïŹc download speed, but the actual service may differ. Several projects are active collecting internet access performance measurements on a large scale at the end user location. However, less attention has been devoted to analyzing such data and to inform users on the received services. This paper presents MiND, a cluster-based methodology to analyze the characteristics of periodic Internet measurements collected at the end user location. MiND allows to discover (i) groups of users with a similar Internet access behavior and (ii) the (few) users with somehow anomalous service. User measurements over time have been modeled through histograms and then analyzed through a new two-level clustering strategy. MiND has been evaluated on real data collected by Neubot, an open source tool, voluntary installed by users, that periodically collects Internet measurements. Experimental results show that the majority of users can be grouped into homogeneous and cohesive clusters according to the Internet access service that they receive in practice, while a few users receiving anomalous services are correctly identiïŹed as outliers. Both users and ISPs can beneïŹt from such information: users can constantly monitor the ISP offered service, whereas ISPs can quickly identify anomalous behaviors in their offered services and act accordingly

    NetCluster: a Clustering-Based Framework for Internet Tomography

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    Abstract — In this paper, Internet data collected via passive measurement are analyzed to obtain localization information on nodes by clustering (i.e., grouping together) nodes that exhibit similar network path properties. Since traditional clustering algorithms fail to correctly identify clusters of homogeneous nodes, we propose a novel framework, named “NetCluster”, suited to analyze Internet measurement datasets. We show that the proposed framework correctly analyzes synthetically generated traces. Finally, we apply it to real traces collected at the access link of our campus LAN and discuss the network characteristics as seen at the vantage point. I. INTRODUCTION AND MOTIVATIONS The Internet is a complex distributed system which continues to grow and evolve. The unregulated and heterogeneous structure of the current Internet makes it challenging to obtai

    Explaining deep convolutional models by measuring the influence of interpretable features in image classification

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    The accuracy and flexibility of Deep Convolutional Neural Networks (DCNNs) have been highly validated over the past years. However, their intrinsic opaqueness is still affecting their reliability and limiting their application in critical production systems, where the black-box behavior is difficult to be accepted. This work proposes EBANO, an innovative explanation framework able to analyze the decision-making process of DCNNs in image classification by providing prediction-local and class-based model-wise explanations through the unsupervised mining of knowledge contained in multiple convolutional layers. EBANO provides detailed visual and numerical explanations thanks to two specific indexes that measure the features’ influence and their influence precision in the decision-making process. The framework has been experimentally evaluated, both quantitatively and qualitatively, by (i) analyzing its explanations with four state-of-the-art DCNN architectures, (ii) comparing its results with three state-of-the-art explanation strategies and (iii) assessing its effectiveness and easiness of understanding through human judgment, by means of an online survey. EBANO has been released as open-source code and it is freely available online

    Exploiting clustering algorithms in a multiple-level fashion: A comparative study in the medical care scenario

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    Clustering real-world data is a challenging task, since many real-data collections are characterized by an inherent sparseness and variable distribution. An appealing domain that generates such data collections is the medical care scenario where collected data include a large cardinality of patient records and a variety of medical treatments usually adopted for a given disease pathology. This paper proposes a two-phase data mining methodology to iteratively analyze dierent dataset portions and locally identify groups of objects with common properties. Discovered cohesive clusters are then analyzed using sequential patterns to characterize temporal relationships among data features. To support an automatic classication of a new data objects within one of the discovered groups, a classication model is created starting from the computed cluster set. A mobile application has been also designed and developed to visualize and update data under analysis as well as categorizing new unlabeled records. A comparative study has been conducted on real datasets in the medical care scenario using diverse clustering algorithms. Results were compared in terms of cluster quality, execution time, classication performance and discovered sequential patterns. The experimental evaluation showed the eectiveness of MLC to discover interesting knowledge items and to easily exploit them through a mobile application. Results have been also discussed from a medical perspective
