4 research outputs found

    Major practicum as a learning site for exercise science professionals: A pilot study

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    Exercise science is now an integral part of the allied health framework in Australia and graduates from accredited programmes are equipped with skills recognised as being important in the prevention and management of lifestyle-related diseases. This pilot study sought to determine the experiences of 11 final-year exercise science students in their major practicum and identify skills learned and developed while on placement. Analysis of the interview data established that the students worked with clients from a broad range of sociocultural and socioeconomic backgrounds, both within and between practicum sites; the students' experiences and their preparedness to engage with clients from different backgrounds varied as a result. Although the students generally reported being technically skilled for their major placement, many reported being underprepared to deal with people from different backgrounds. However, all participants held that their interpersonal skills greatly improved in response to their placement and several remarked that they developed their problem-solving skills through watching and assisting their supervisors work with clients. The present study confirms the practicum as a critical learning site for improving communication and problem-solving skills with exercise science and exercise physiology students


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    Effects of electrical muscle stimulation on oxygen consumption

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    Electrical muscle stimulation (EMS) devices are being marketed as weight/ fat loss devices throughout the world. Commercially available stimulators have the ability to evoke muscle contractions that may affect caloric expenditure while the device is being used. The aim of this study was to test the effects of two different EMS devices (Abtronic and Feminique) on oxygen consumption at rest. Subjects arrived for testing after an overnight fast, had the devices fitted, and then positioned supine with expired air measured to determine oxygen consumption. After a 10-minute acclimation period, oxygen consumption was measured for 20 minutes with the device switched off (resting) then 20 minutes with the device switched on (stimulated). There were no significant differences (p > 0.05) in oxygen consumption between the resting and stimulated periods with either the Abtronic (mean +/- SD; resting, 3.40 +/- 0.44; stimulated, 3.45 +/- 0.53 ml of O(2).kg(-1).min(-1)) or the Feminique (resting, 3.73 +/- 0.45; stimulated, 3.75 +/- 0.46 ml of O(2).kg(-1).min(-1)). In summary, the EMS devices tested had no effect on oxygen consumption during muscle stimulation

    Morphology-based interslice interpolation on manual segmentations of joint bones and muscles in MRI

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    This paper presents a validation study on the application of a novel interslice interpolation technique for musculoskeletal structure segmentation of articulated joints and muscles on human magnetic resonance imaging data. The interpolation technique is based on morphological shape-based interpolation combined with intensity based voxel classification. Shape-based interpolation in the absence of the original intensity image has been investigated intensively. However, in some applications of medical image analysis, the intensity image of the slice to be interpolated is available. For example, when manual segmentation is conducted on selected slices, the segmentation on those unselected slices can be obtained by interpolation. We proposed a two- step interpolation method to utilize both the shape information in the manual segmentation and local intensity information in the image. The method was tested on segmentations of knee, hip and shoulder joint bones and hamstring muscles. The results were compared with two existing interpolation methods. Based on the calculated Dice similarity coefficient and normalized error rate, the proposed method outperformed the other two methods