10 research outputs found

    Obtaining plants using in vitro micrografting method in some grapevine varieties (vitis vinifera l)

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    The aim of this study was to investigate the possibilities of application of in vitro micrografting method in vines. In the study, shoot tips with apical meristem and 1–2 leafprimordia of Early Cardinal and Yalova incisi were grafted on the cut surface of the hypocotyls of Dogridge, Salt Creek, 1613 C and 41 B American rootstocks under aseptic conditions. From all the grafting combinations tested grafted plants were produced at different rates of success. The best results were obtained from Early Cardinal/41 B and Early Cardinal/Salt Creek combinations with 80% and 71.4% grafting success rates, respectively. Considering the other characteristics Early Cardinal combinations produce better results than Yalova incisi. © 2003 Taylor and Francis Group, LLC

    Determination of phenolics, sugars, organic acids and antioxidants in the grape variety Kalecik Karası under different bud loads and irrigation amounts

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    Irrigation applications (IA) and increased bud load (BL) are fundamental practices that are used to achieve optimum yields in grape production, while maintaining fruit quality parameters. Two different irrigation amounts (IA-I and IA-II) based on growth stages, in addition to a non-irrigated (rain-fed) control, along with two different BL applications [normal bud load based on traditional pruning practices (1BL) and double bud load (2BL)] were evaluated over a two-year experiment for their effects on the biochemical composition of the berries. Berries from the rain-fed vines had higher sugar levels, whereas no significant change was detected in organic acid levels. The increased bud load (2BL) treatment yielded less sugar in the berries compared to the 1BL control in both years. The total non-colored phenolic compounds (NPC) were greater in the irrigated (especially IA-I) and 2BL treatments than in those of the rain-fed and 1BL control. However, total anthocyanin was greater in the non-irrigated and 1BL control than in the irrigated and 2BL treatments. The antioxidant contents of the berries also varied according to the treatments and years. Our results implied that implementing a higher bud load along with the IA-I irrigation application, in which irrigation applications were 50 and 75% of the cumulative evaporation from the Class A pan during berry set to veraison and veraison to harvest growth stages, respectively, can help in obtaining greater yields in high-plateau viticulture. Thus, if more buds are left on the vines, along with sufficient irrigation and rainfall, yield may increase while maintaining or increasing the biochemical composition of the berries. © 2016 Korean Society for Horticultural Science

    Tocopherol content in fifteen grape varieties obtained using a rapid HPLC method

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    The presence of a series of tocopherols, designated as delta, gamma, beta and alpha, was determined in the seeds, pomace, bagasse and stalks of fifteen grape varieties grown in Turkey using a rapid HPLC method. The alpha form was the predominant tocopherol fraction, and varied from 4.692. mg/kg dry weight in seeds to 108.5. mg/kg dry weight in stalks. It was followed by the gamma and delta tocopherol forms found in all parts of clusters for all cultivars. The amount of beta tocopherol in stalks was considerably higher than in the other parts of the clusters, for all varieties. The total tocopherol content ranged from 6.048 to 25.86. mg/kg dry weight in seeds, from 19.85 to 89.02. mg/kg dry weight in pomace, from 29.18 to 184.7. mg/kg dry weight in bagasse and from 33.65 to 110.7. mg/kg dry weight in grape stalks. The results obtained from this study showed that all parts of the grape clusters are potentially rich sources of tocopherols with uses as antioxidants in food and industrial applications. © 2010 Elsevier Inc

    Evaluation of fatty acid profiles and mineral content of grape seed oil of some grape genotypes

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    PubMedID: 17886077The grape seeds of seven grape cultivars (Alphonse Lavallee, Muscat of Hamburg, Alicante Bouschet, Razaki, Narince, Okuzgozu and Horoz karasi) and two rootstocks (Salt creek and Cosmo 2) were evaluated in terms of quality properties including protein, oil, moisture, ash, fatty acid composition and mineral contents. The oil contents were found to be different for each cultivar, which ranged from 10.45% (Razaki) to 16.73% (Salt creek). Saturated fatty acid values were less than the values of monounsaturated fatty acids and polyunsaturated fatty acids in all genotypes. Among the identified fatty acids, linoleic acid (C18:2) was the predominant fatty acid and followed by oleic acid (C18:1) and palmitic acid (C16:0) in all varieties. The results of mineral analysis showed that all varieties contained considerable amount of macro and micro elements. These grape seeds could be used as a food supplement to improve the nutritive value of the human diet

    Germination of artificial seeds obtained from somatic embryos of 41 b m.g. (v. vinifera l. cvs. chassellas x v. Berlandieri) american rootstock

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    High frequency somatic embryogenesis was induced from immature zygotic embryo explants of 41 B M.G. (V. vinifera L. cvs. Chassellas x V. berlandieri) American root-stock on B5 medium supplemented with 1 mg/l 2,4-D. The somatic embryos were encapsulated in calcium alginate gel using various concentrations of sodium alginate (3 and 4%) and calcium chloride (75, 100 and 125 mM) in order to determine the effect of rigidity of bead on the conversion frequency of somatic embryos. The optimal combination for encapsulation was found to be the mixture of 3% sodium alginate and 125 mM calcium chloride. The encapsulated somatic embryos were transferred to the hormone free medium for germination and germination rates between 54 and 74% were obtained. © 2004 Taylor and Francis Group, LLC

    Use of in vitro method to evaluate some grapevine varieties for tolerance and susceptibility to sodium bicarbonate-induced chlorosis

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    Nodal shoot segments of four grapevine genotypes well known for their Fe-chlorosis characteristic [Vitis vinifera x Vitis berlandieri Fercal, resistant; V. berlandieri x Vitis rupestris 1103 P, mid-resistant; Solonis (Vitis riparia x V. rupestris x Vitis candicans) x Othello (Vitis labrusca x V. riparia x V. vinifera) 1613 C, susceptible; V. vinifera L. cv. Perlette, resistant] were cultured in vitro. The effects of three levels of iron sodium ethylene-diaminotetraacetate (FeNaEDTA; 9, 18, 36 mg l-1) and three mixtures of iron and 840 mg l-1 NaHCO3 (sodium bicarbonate) in the Murashige and Skoog (MS) medium supplemented 4.9 µM indole-3-butyric acid (IBA) were compared. We assayed the chlorosis rating of leaves, total chlorophyll of leaves, dry shoot weights of the plantlets, and active and total Fe content of the leaves. The most suitable concentration in determining the reaction of genotypes to iron chlorosis was 9 mg l-1 FeNaEDTA. Bicarbonate addition had negative effects on the iron intake and development of plants. While all genotypes were affected by non-ferrous conditions, Fercal and Perlette were found to be the most resistant genotypes and 1613 C rootstock as the most susceptible. The chlorosis rating of the tested genotypes ranked according to their known degree of tolerance and susceptibility to lime-induced chlorosis. The results of this study showed that the in vitro technique could successfully be used in viticulture to get results in shorter times in the studies, aiming at breeding new rootstocks and varieties suitable to calcareous soil conditions and determining the reactions of existing genotypes to Fe chlorosis. © 2008 The Society for In Vitro Biology

    High efficiency somatic embryogenesis from immature zygotic embryos of Grapevine: The effect of genotype, media, 2,4-D, and incubation conditions

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    Immature zygotic embryos of 41 B grape rootstock (V. vinifera L. cv. 'Chasselas' × V. berlandieri) and Yalova incisi (V. vinifera L.) were cultured on MS, NN, and B5 media supplemented with 0.5, 1, 2, and 4 mg 1-1 2,4-D at 16/8 h light/dark photoperiod and complete darkness. For 41 B rootstock, the highest somatic embryo formation was obtained from dark condition on B5 media containing 0.5 and 1 mg 1-1 2,4-D with the rates of 30% and 28.9%, respectively. Yalova incisi zygotic embryos produced 5% somatic embryos only at 16/8 h light/dark photoperiod of MS supplemented with 1 mg 1-1 2,4-D, and also in 16/8 h light/dark photoperiod and complete darkness somatic embryos were produced at the rates of 6.3% and 2.3%, respectively, in cultures of NN containing 0.5 mg 1-1 2,4-D. After 8 months of culture, 559 embryos at torpedo stage were identified on B5 + 1 mg 1-1 2,4-D + dark cultures of 41 B and 912 embryos at torpedo stage were identified on NN + 0.5 mg 1-1 2,4-D + light cultures of Yalova incisi. The highest germination and plantlet conversion rates were obtained from 41 B on free NN medium (58% and 75%, respectively) and from Yalova incisi on free MS medium (77.4% and 45%, respectively). Of the regenerated somatic plantlets, 91.9% were successfully transferred to soil. © TÜBİTAK

    The effects of different irrigation levels on yield and quality of some early grape cultivars grown in greenhouse

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    Five years old grapevines of Early Cardinal, Trakya ilkeren, Ergin cekirdeksizi and Yalova Incisi grown in greenhouse were used. During three years, the effects of three different evaporation coefficient factors (kp1 = 1.0, kp2 = 1.3, kp3 = 1.6) on vines were investigated. Irrigation amounts calculated with respect to each evaporation factor were applied in 4-6 days intervals. In general, cluster weight and berry size were slightly increased with kp2 application while different irrigation levels had no significant effect on bud-break and berry ripening date both in cultivars and years. Considering earliness, grape yield, cluster and berry size, cultivars Early Cardinal and Yalova Incisi with irrigation level kp2 could be recommended for early grape production under greenhouse conditions. © 2007 Asian Network for Scientific Information

    Genetic analysis of grapevine cultivars from the eastern mediterranean region of Turkey, based on SSR markers [Türkiye Dogu Akdeniz Bölgesi Üzüm Ç?sitlerinin SSR Markörleri ile Genetik Analizi]

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    Turkey is one of the centres for grapevine diversity with many local grapevine cultivars with potentially desirable characteristics are still widely cultivated throughout several regions in the country. One of such regions is the Eastern Mediterranean region of the country. To characterize the grapevine germplasm of this region, we performed a genetic analysis of 59 grapevine cultivars using 14 simple sequence repeat (SSR) loci. The genetic relationships of the cultivars which did not appear to be linked to their ecogeographical distributions within the region were determined. Among the cultivars analyzed in this study, several synonymous and homonymous cultivars were identified, suggesting that some of the grapevine cultivars with different names might be genetically identical while some cultivars with the same names might be genetically different. This study represents a first step toward the genetic characterization of the grapevine genotypes of this region and will help promote more effective germplasm management and breeding programs