40 research outputs found

    A Portrait of the Transcriptome of the Neglected Trematode, Fasciola giganticaβ€”Biological and Biotechnological Implications

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    Fasciola gigantica (Digenea) is an important foodborne trematode that causes liver fluke disease (fascioliasis) in mammals, including ungulates and humans, mainly in tropical climatic zones of the world. Despite its socioeconomic impact, almost nothing is known about the molecular biology of this parasite, its interplay with its hosts, and the pathogenesis of fascioliasis. Modern genomic technologies now provide unique opportunities to rapidly tackle these exciting areas. The present study reports the first transcriptome representing the adult stage of F. gigantica (of bovid origin), defined using a massively parallel sequencing-coupled bioinformatic approach. From >20 million raw sequence reads, >30,000 contiguous sequences were assembled, of which most were novel. Relative levels of transcription were determined for individual molecules, which were also characterized (at the inferred amino acid level) based on homology, gene ontology, and/or pathway mapping. Comparisons of the transcriptome of F. gigantica with those of other trematodes, including F. hepatica, revealed similarities in transcription for molecules inferred to have key roles in parasite-host interactions. Overall, the present dataset should provide a solid foundation for future fundamental genomic, proteomic, and metabolomic explorations of F. gigantica, as well as a basis for applied outcomes such as the development of novel methods of intervention against this neglected parasite

    Neutralizing formaldehyde in chicken cadaver with urea and urea fertilizer solution

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    This study demonstrated the potential of using urea and urea fertilizer to neutralize formaldehyde (Fd) in chicken cadavers. Initially, in vitro Fd neutralization with various concentrations of urea solution (US) and urea fertilizer solution (UFS) was conducted; subsequently, 18% US and 27% UFS were selected for infusing into the formalinized chickens. The measurement at 48 hr after infusion showed that both solutions could effectively lower Fd in chicken cadavers to below a permissible exposure limit without affecting cadaveric and histological quality. In addition, neutralizing power of 18% US was approximately 1.3 times that of 27% UFS. This is the first demonstration of neutralizing potential of US and UFS against Fd both in vitro and in vivo

    Histological differences of skin among three body regions in male and female Hokkaido sika deer (Cervus nippon yesoensis)

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    The Hokkaido sika deer (Cervus Nippon yesoensis), the largest and most abundant of the sika deer subspecies in Japan, has recently attracted new attention as a target for leather production, in addition to its meat value. To provide fundamental data for facilitating the effective use of skin for leather, the histological properties of skin at the shoulder, back and abdominal regions of male and female deer were compared. The results showed that the thickness of the outer skin layer was not significantly different across all regions irrespective of sex. Regarding collagen composition, we found that large-diameter collagen fibrils were heavily distributed in the shoulder of male deer, whereas small-diameter collagen fibrils were largely confined to the abdomen of female deer. We hope this regional histological data will lead to more efficient processing of Hokkaido sika deer skin for leather production

    Histological differences of skin among three body regions in male and female Hokkaido sika deer (Cervus nippon yesoensis)

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    Fibrillar architecture at three different sites of the bovine superficial digital flexor tendon

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    Superficial digital flexor tendon (SDFT) of the bovine hindlimb originates from the caudolateral aspect of the distal femur and finally inserts onto the plantar aspect of the middle phalanges. In the present study, morphology and morphometry of the bovine SDFT at the muscle-tendon junction (MTJ), middle metatarsus (mM) and tendon-bone interface (TBI) were investigated. Cross-sectional morphology at the three regions of SDFT were oval, semioval and ring-formed, respectively. Significant difference in cross-sectional area was found only between MTJ-mM and mM-TBI (P<0.05). Functional compression and friction from the adjacent structures could be the most potential interactions affecting such appearances. Morphometric data of tenocyte number, water content, and glycosaminoglycan (GAG) length and angle were found increasing in the proximodistal direction, except the fibril diameter and collagen fibril index (CFI). Statistical analyzes could reveal significant differences in average number of tenocytes (P<0.0001), CFI (between MTJ-mM and MTJ-TBI, P<0.05), water content (between MTJ-TBI, P<0.05), length of GAG chains (between MTJ-TBI, P<0.05), and angle of GAG chains (P<0.0001), respectively. The fibrillar characteristics at the three different areas, including fibril diameter distribution and interfibrillar distance, existed in conforming to the tensional axes in situ. In addition, length and angle of GAG chains were relevant to moving directions of the collagen fibrils

    Decreased risk of cholangiocarcinogenesis following repeated cycles of Opisthorchis viverrini infection-praziquantel treatment: Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) and histopathological study in a hamster model.

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    It has been suggested that repeated infection of Opisthorchis viverrini followed by repeated treatment with praziquantel (PZQ) increases risk of development of cholangiocarcinoma (CCA). Evidence for the prediction has accumulated based on findings of indirect approaches involving molecular changes and epidemiological trends. By contrast, here we directly monitored the impact of repeated liver fluke infection and treatment with PZQ on cholangiocarcinogenesis in a rodent model of human opisthorchiasis, using magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and histopathology. Twenty five Syrian golden hamsters were assigned to five treatment groups: 1) infection with O. viverrini (OV group), 2) treatment with the carcinogen N-nitrosodimethylamine (NDMA) at 12.5 ppm (DMN), 3) O. viverrini infection in tandem with NDMA (OD), 4) O. viverrini infection, NDMA, and treatment with PZQ (ODP), and 5) uninfected, untreated control. The repeated infections were established by intragastric inoculation of 50 metacercariae of O. viverrini to the OV, OD and ODP hamsters at weeks 0, 5 and 10. PZQ at 300 mg/kg body weight was given to each hamster of the ODP group on weeks 4, 9 and 13 (four weeks after each infection). Imaging by MRI was undertaken on weeks 5, 10 and 14 (i.e. one week after each PZQ treatment). MRI revealed that the ODP hamsters did not develop CCA, whereas necropsy at week 40 revealed CCA in hamsters of the OD and DMN groups. Findings for histopathology and for proliferating cell nuclear antigen index conformed to the MRI findings. In overview, and notwithstanding that the immune response of individual hosts may play roles in cholangiocarcinogenesis, three cycles of the infection with O. viverrini followed treatment of the infection with PZQ did not increase the risk of bile duct cancer in this hamster model of liver fluke infection-induced CCA

    Immunolocalization and functional analysis of Opisthorchis viverrini-M60-like-1 metallopeptidase in animal models

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    Host mucins have crucial physical roles in preventing the parasitic establishment and maturation, and also in expelling the invading parasites. However, some parasites utilize mucinase enzymes to facilitate the infection. Recently, we have identified a mucinase enzyme of the liver fluke Opisthorchis viverrini, Ov-M60-like-1, which exhibits metallopeptidase activity against bovine submaxillary mucin substrate. Here, we aimed to study the localization of this enzyme in O. viverrini and the bile duct of hamsters using immunohistochemistry and functional analysis by mucin digestion in hamsters and mice tissues. The results showed that Ov-M60-like-1 was detected strongly in the tegument, tegumental cells, vitelline glands and mature eggs with miracidium. Expression in the gut, ovary and testis of the parasite was moderate while parenchyma showed slight colour intensity. In addition, the mucinase was also detected in the host biliary epithelial cells and goblet cells surrounding the worm. The mucinase assay revealed that the Ov-M60-like-1 could digest neutral mucin in the parenchyma, testis and seminal receptacle, but not the mucin in the tegument, tegumental cells and vitelline glands of the worm. The enzyme can also digest mucin in the cholangiocytes and modified the mixture type in the bile duct goblet cells of the infected hamsters, a susceptible host. In contrast, the enzyme was unable to digest neutral, acid and mixture mucin in the bile duct of the mice, a non-susceptible host. These findings indicate that Ov-M60-like-1 may have functions in both housekeeping tasks and host–parasite interactions, especially in modification of host susceptibility

    Crucial factor causing collapse and aggregation of cultured cells in epon resin

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    Ultrastructural artifacts regarding collapse and aggregation of cultured cells have been problematic, especially when investigated apoptotic cells. The infiltration process during sample preparation is considered to be the most crucial factor for this problem. This study was conducted using two culture systems: a suspension culture system of human T-lymphocyte Jurkat cells and rabbit mature dendritic cells and a monolayer culture system of human lung macrophages, human breast cancer cells (A-546 cells) and cat bone-invasive gingival cancer cells (sccf3 cells). Fixation was conducted prior to removing or detaching the cells from the culture dishes. Initial infiltration with a 1 : 3 volume ratio of epon resin : propylene oxide was found to be the most crucial step among these cultured cells. The improved epon-resin infiltration method could eliminate the artifacts. Thus, differentiation between artifactual images and true images is highly possible