9 research outputs found

    Sensing of endogenous nucleic acids by ZBP1 induces keratinocyte necroptosis and skin inflammation

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    Aberrant detection of endogenous nucleic acids by the immune system can cause inflammatory disease. The scaffold function of the signaling kinase RIPK1 limits spontaneous activation of the nucleic acid sensor ZBP1. Consequently, loss of RIPK1 in keratinocytes induces ZBP1-dependent necroptosis and skin inflammation. Whether nucleic acid sensing is required to activate ZBP1 in RIPK1-deficient conditions and which immune pathways are associated with skin disease remained open questions. Using knock-in mice with disrupted ZBP1 nucleic acid–binding activity, we report that sensing of endogenous nucleic acids by ZBP1 is critical in driving skin pathology characterized by antiviral and IL-17 immune responses. Inducing ZBP1 expression by interferons triggers necroptosis in RIPK1-deficient keratinocytes, and epidermis-specific deletion of MLKL prevents disease, demonstrating that cell-intrinsic events cause inflammation. These findings indicate that dysregulated sensing of endogenous nucleic acid by ZBP1 can drive inflammation and may contribute to the pathogenesis of IL-17–driven inflammatory skin conditions such as psoriasis

    Functions of the RIP kinase family members in the skin

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    The receptor interacting protein kinases (RIPK) are a family of serine/threonine kinases that are involved in the integration of various stress signals. In response to several extracellular and/or intracellular stimuli, RIP kinases engage signaling cascades leading to the activation of NF-κB and mitogen-activated protein kinases, cell death, inflammation, differentiation and Wnt signaling and can have kinase-dependent and kinase-independent functions. Although it was previously suggested that seven RIPKs are part of the RIPK family, phylogenetic analysis indicates that there are only five genuine RIPKs. RIPK1 and RIPK3 are mainly involved in controlling and executing necroptosis in keratinocytes, while RIPK4 controls proliferation and differentiation of keratinocytes and thereby can act as a tumor suppressor in skin. Therefore, in this review we summarize and discuss the functions of RIPKs in skin homeostasis as well as the signaling pathways involved.ISSN:1420-682XISSN:1420-907

    RIPK4 activity in keratinocytes is controlled by the SCF(beta-TrCP) ubiquitin ligase to maintain cortical actin organization.

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    RIPK4 is a key player in epidermal differentiation and barrier formation. RIPK4 signaling pathways controlling keratinocyte proliferation and differentiation depend on its kinase activity leading to Dvl2, Pkp1 and IRF6 phosphorylation and NF-kappaB activation. However, the mechanism regulating RIPK4 activity levels remains elusive. We show that cultured keratinocytes display constitutive active phosphorylated RIPK4 while PKC signaling can trigger RIPK4 activation in various non-keratinocyte cell lines, in which RIPK4 is present in a non-phosphorylated state. Interestingly, we identified the SCF(beta-TrCP) ubiquitin E3 ligase complex responsible for regulating the active RIPK4 protein level. The SCF(beta-TrCP) complex binds to a conserved phosphodegron motif in the intermediate domain of RIPK4, subsequently leading to K48-linked ubiquitinylation and degradation. The recruitment of beta-TrCP is dependent on RIPK4 activation and trans-autophosphorylation. beta-TrCP knock-down resulted in RIPK4-dependent formation of actin stress fibers, cell scattering and increased cell motility, suggesting that tight control of RIPK4 activity levels is crucial to maintain cell shape and behavior in keratinocytes

    Generation of a new Gateway-compatible inducible lentiviral vector platform allowing easy derivation of co-transduced cells

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    In contrast to most common gene delivery techniques, lentiviral vectors allow targeting of almost any mammalian cell type, even non-dividing cells, and they stably integrate in the genome. Therefore, these vectors are a very powerful tool for biomedical research. Here we report the generation of a versatile new set of 22 lentiviral vectors with broad applicability in multiple research areas. In contrast to previous systems, our platform provides a choice between constitutive and/or conditional expression and six different C-terminal fusions. Furthermore, two compatible selection markers enable the easy derivation of stable cell lines co-expressing differently tagged transgenes in a constitutive or inducible manner. We show that all of the vector features are functional and that they contribute to transgene overexpression in proof-of-principle experiments

    Keratinocyte-Specific Ablation of RIPK4 Allows Epidermal Cornification but Impairs Skin Barrier Formation

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    In humans, receptor-interacting protein kinase 4 (RIPK4) mutations can lead to the autosomal recessive Bartsocas-Papas and popliteal pterygium syndromes, which are characterized by severe skin defects, pterygia, as well as clefting. We show here that the epithelial fusions observed in RIPK4 full knockout (KO) mice are E-cadherin dependent, as keratinocyte-specific deletion of E-cadherin in RIPK4 full KO mice rescued the tail-to-body fusion and fusion of oral epithelia. To elucidate RIPK4 function in epidermal differentiation and development, we generated epidermis-specific RIPK4 KO mice (RIPK4 EKO). In contrast to RIPK4 full KO epidermis, RIPK4 EKO epidermis was normally stratified and the outside-in skin barrier in RIPK4 EKO mice was largely intact at the trunk, in contrast to the skin covering the head and the outer end of the extremities. However, RIPK4 EKO mice die shortly after birth due to excessive water loss because of loss of tight junction protein claudin-1 localization at the cell membrane, which results in tight junction leakiness. In contrast, mice with keratinocyte-specific RIPK4 deletion during adult life remain viable. Furthermore, our data indicate that epidermis-specific deletion of RIPK4 results in delayed keratinization and stratum corneum maturation and altered lipid organization and is thus indispensable during embryonic development for the formation of a functional inside-out epidermal barrier

    Co-activation of glucocorticoid receptor and peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor-γ in murine skin prevents worsening of atopic march

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    Children with atopic dermatitis show an increased risk to develop asthma later in life, a phenomenon referred to as "atopic march," which emphasizes the need for secondary prevention therapies. This study aimed to investigate whether relief of skin inflammation by glucocorticoids and peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor agonists might influence the subsequent development of asthma in a murine model for the atopic march in which mice were repeatedly exposed to house dust mite via the skin, followed by exposure to house dust mite in lungs. To abrogate atopic dermatitis, mice received topical treatment with glucocorticoid receptor/peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor-gamma agonists. Nuclear receptor ligand effects were assessed on primary keratinocytes and dendritic cells, as central players in skin inflammation. Prior house dust mite-induced skin inflammation aggravates allergic airway inflammation and induces a mixed T helper type 2/T helper type 17 response in the lungs. Cutaneous combined activation of glucocorticoid receptor/peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor-gamma reduced skin inflammation to a higher extent compared to single activation. Additive anti-inflammatory effects were more prominent in dendritic cells, as compared to keratinocytes. Alleviation of allergic skin inflammation by activation of glucocorticoid receptor/peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor-gamma appeared insufficient to avoid the allergic immune response in the lungs, but efficiently reduced asthma severity by counteracting the Th17 response. Glucocorticoid receptor/peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor-gamma co-activation represents a potent remedy against allergic skin inflammation and worsening of atopic march

    A novel RIPK4-IRF6 connection is required to prevent epithelial fusions characteristic for popliteal pterygium syndromes

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    Receptor-interacting protein kinase 4 (RIPK4)-deficient mice have epidermal defects and fusion of all external orifices. These are similar to Bartsocas-Papas syndrome and popliteal pterygium syndrome (PPS) in humans, for which causative mutations have been documented in the RIPK4 and IRF6 (interferon regulatory factor 6) gene, respectively. Although genetically distinct, these syndromes share the anomalies of marked pterygia, syndactyly, clefting and hypoplastic genitalia. Despite the strong resemblance of these two syndromes, no molecular connection between the transcription factor IRF6 and the kinase RIPK4 was known and the mechanism underlying the phenotype was unclear. Here we describe that RIPK4 deficiency in mice causes epithelial fusions associated with abnormal periderm development and aberrant ectopic localization of E-cadherin on the apical membrane of the outer peridermal cell layers. In Xenopus, RIPK4 depletion causes the absence of ectodermal epiboly and concomitant gastrulation defects that phenocopy ectopic expression of dominant-negative IRF6. We found that IRF6 controls RIPK4 expression and that wild-type, but not kinase-dead, RIPK4 can complement the gastrulation defect in Xenopus caused by IRF6 malfunctioning. In contrast to the mouse, we observed only minor effects on cadherin membrane expression in Xenopus RIPK4 morphants. However, gastrulation defects were associated with a virtual absence of cortical actin in the ectodermal cells that face the blastocoel cavity and this was phenocopied in embryos expressing dominant-negative IRF6. A role for RIPK4 in actin cytoskeleton organization was also revealed in mouse epidermis and in human epithelial HaCaT cells. In conclusion, we showed that in mice RIPK4 is implicated in cortical actin organization and in E-cadherin localization or function, which can explain the characteristic epithelial fusions observed in PPSs. In addition, we provide a novel molecular link between IRF6 and RIPK4 that unifies the different PPSs to a common molecular pathway