32 research outputs found

    Perencanaan Reed-bed dalam Pengolahan Air Limbah Domestik Menggunakan Tanaman Canna Indica (Studi Kasus: Rusunawa Penjaringan Sari 1 dan 2)

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    Rusunawa Penjaringan Sari 1 dan 2 merupakan rumah susun sederhana sewa yang terdapat di Surabaya dan terletak di Jalan Penjaringan Sari, Kecamatan Rungkut, Surabaya. Sebagai konsekuensi darikegiatan yang terdapat di rumah susun maka dihasilkan limbah domestik yang berupa black water dan grey water. Kualitas air limbah domestikyang berasal dari efluen tangki septik dan grey water memiliki konsentrasi BOD 191 mg/L, COD 311 mg/L, dan TSS 127 mg/L.Sedangkan kuantitas air limbahnya sebesar 258 m3/hari. Berdasarkan Pergub Jatim No 72 Tahun 2013 Baku Mutu Air Limbah Domestik [Permukiman (Real Estate), RumahMakan (Restoran), Perkantoran, Perniagaan, Apartemen, Perhotelan dan Asrama], kadar polutan di Rusunawa Penjaringan Sari 1 dan 2 masih melampaui baku mutu. Oleh sebab itu diperlukan suatu perencanaan unit pengolahan air limbah domestik dari efluen tangki septik dan grey water di Rusunawa Penjaringan Sari 1 dan 2 sebelum memasuki saluran drainase umum.Pada perencanaan ini digunakan reed-bed tipe sub-surface horizontal flow denganmenggunakan Canna indica (Tanaman kana) dan media gravelly sand. Unit pengolahan air limbah domestik di Rusunawa Penjaringan Sari 1 dan 2 akan dilengkapi dengan bak ekualisasi, reed-bed, dan bak penampung. Berdasarkan kualitas dan kuantitas air limbah diRusunawa Penjaringan Sari 1 dan 2 direncanakan dimensi dari 2 reed-bed masing-masing yaitu 9 m x 71 m,atau seluas 1278 m2. Hasil perencanaan menunjukkan efisiensi BOD,COD, dan TSS masing-masing sebesar 86%, 89%, dan 84% pada waktu detensi satuhari

    Uji Penurunan Kandungan COD, BOD Pada Limbah Cair Pewarnaan Batik Menggunakan Scirpus Grossus Dan Iris Pseudacorus Dengan Sistem Pemaparan Intermittent

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    Mostly, batik industrial wastewater is produced from batik coloring process. One of this batik industry is located in Jetis, Sidoarjo since 1675. The wastewater produced from the coloring process in this location is directly dumped to Jetis river or drainage system around the area. One of the effective, efficient, and not costly wastewater treatment is by using phytotreatment process.Plants used in this research are Scirpus grossus and Iris pseudacorus. Both of this plants can grow in polluted environment and suitable to be used in wastewater treatment process. Moreover, both of these plants are semi aquatic plant that can grow in both wet and dry condition. Intermittent exposure system can be applied to increase the efficiency of the phytotreatment process for batik industry wastewater. This system connects plant and wastewater periodically through flood and drain cycle (F/D). This exposure can increase redox condition, so it can increase removal efficiency.The study variables used in this research are species variation of plants Scirpus grossus and Iris pseudacorus (single plant or combined plant) and intermittent exposure system variation, which is F/D 2:1 and F/D 1:2. The Primary parameter of this research is the concentration reduction of BOD, COD, and color. The secondary parameter such as plant morphology, wet weight, and dry weight, pH, and temperature.Preliminary research that has been done for this research is plant acclimatization and range finding test to determine the wastewater concentration. Phytotreatment test is conducted for 18 days in intermittent phase. The result shows that the best variable to remove pollutant is combined plant reactor with intermittent exposure of F/D 2:1 is able to remove 89% of COD and 97% of BOD

    Kajian Kecukupan Ruang Terbuka Hijau Publik untuk Menyerap CO2 Udara Ambien dari Transportasi Darat di Jalan Perak Barat dan Jalan Perak Timur, Surabaya

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    Jalan Perak Barat dan Jalan Perak Timur adalah akses utama menuju Pelabuhan Tanjung Perak yang merupakan pelabuhan tersibuk kedua di Indonesia. Badan Pusat Statistik (BPS) Kota Surabaya mencatat bahwa pada tahun 2014 terdapat 32.155.740 kegiatan arus barang dan penumpang angkutan laut luar negeri serta dalam negeri di Pelabuhan Tanjung Perak. Angka tersebut mengindikasikan bahwa banyak kendaraan umum maupun kendaraan berat yang mengakses Jalan Perak Barat dan Jalan Perak Timur. Selain itu, Jalan Perak Barat dan Perak Timur juga merupakan jalan penting bagi pengendara transportasi darat yang berasal atau hendak menuju Jalan Tol Gempol – Surabaya. Banyaknya jumlah kendaraan di jalan ini mengakibatkan tingginya beban emisi CO2­­­ yang dihasilkan. Oleh karena itu perlu dilakukan kajian Ruang Terbuka Hijau (RTH) Publik pada median jalan dan pinggir jalan untuk mengetahui kecukupan RTH Publik dalam menyerap CO2 pada udara ambien yang berasal dari transportasi darat. Kajian dilakukan dengan melakukan traffic counting pada saat jam puncak untuk mengetahui beban emisi CO2 maksimum yang dihasilkan selama enam hari, lima hari weekday dan satu hari weekend. Selanjutnya dengan Metode Model Box diketahui CO2 yang terdapat pada udara ambien. Untuk mengetahui daya serap RTH Publik eksisting maka perlu didata jenis pohon dan semak pada median dan pinggir jalan. Jumlah kendaraan yang sejenis di setiap titik traffic counting saat weekday pada jam puncak tidak menunjukkan jumlah yang berbeda. Namun saat weekend jumlah kendaraan yang sejenis lebih sedikit terutama kendaraan berat. Dari hasil analisis data didapatkan bahwa dengan kondisi eksisting, RTH Publik sudah menyerap CO2 pada udara ambien dari transportasi darat secara optimal. Sampai tahun 2021, apabila kondisi RTH Publik tetap sama maka CO2 masih dapat terserap optimal

    The Degradation of BOD and COD of Batik Industry Wastewater Using Egeria Densa and Salvinia Molesta

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    Batik industry wastewater is derived from the coloring and wax removal (pelorodan) processes. The treatment for batik wastewater can be made simple and cheap using phytotechnology principle. One of phytotechnology principles is by treating the wastewater using plants as phytotreatment agents which will absorb the pollutants in wastewater. The plants used in this study were Egeria densa and Salvinia molesta and the study used a laboratory-scale reactor in batch systems. The first performed step was acclimatization and then continued by Range Finding Test (RFT). The RFT result would give the value of pollutant\u27s concentration to be used in the next step of the study, phytoremediation test. Phytoremediation test was conducted for 17 days. The studied parameters were Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) and Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD). The result showed that the single reactor of Egeria densa reached the highest efficiency to reduce BOD and COD from thecoloring wastewater, with the efficiency of 93% for BOD and 95% for COD or equal to 94.4 mg BOD/ L and 392.2 mg COD/L. For wax removal wastewater, the lowest concentrations of BOD and COD were reached in reactor with single species of Salvinia molesta within 17 days which were 99% or equivalent to 1693.1 mg BOD/L and 4338.5 mg COD/L

    The Effect of Light-Emitting Diodes Illumination Period and Light Intensity on High Rate Algal Reactor System in Laundry Wastewater Treatment

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    Wastewater that contains high concentration of nutrients can create instability in water ecosystem if left untreated. Laundry wastewater contains nutrients in high concentration. The nutrients that commonly found in laundry wastewater are nitrogen and phosphorus. This study had a purpose to determine the effect of illumination period and light intensity for the removal of Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD), Nitrogen-ammonia (NH3-N), and phosphate (P) content using Chlorella vulgaris in High Rate Algal Reactor (HRAR) treatment. Variables that used were exposure period of 12 and 24 hours and light intensity of 2000–3000 Lux, 4000–5000 Lux, and 6000–7000 lux. The parameters tested to determine the efficiency of nutrient removal were COD, Nitrogen-ammonia, phosphate and Chlorophyll α to determine the condition of algae development. The results showed that the highest nutrient removal were obtained by the reactor with 24 hours illumination period with light intensity of 6000–7000 Lux that was capable of removing 54.63% of COD, and 22.15% of P. The 12-hour illumination period was better in terms of NH3-N removal, up to 50.07%. On the basis of the of statistic test result, the illumination period did not significantly influence the removal efficiency of COD, NH3-N and P indicated by P-value >0.05, while the light intensity significantly affect the removal of COD and NH3-N showed by P value <0.05