49 research outputs found

    Cross-relation Cross-bag Attention for Distantly-supervised Relation Extraction

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    Distant supervision leverages knowledge bases to automatically label instances, thus allowing us to train relation extractor without human annotations. However, the generated training data typically contain massive noise, and may result in poor performances with the vanilla supervised learning. In this paper, we propose to conduct multi-instance learning with a novel Cross-relation Cross-bag Selective Attention (C2^2SA), which leads to noise-robust training for distant supervised relation extractor. Specifically, we employ the sentence-level selective attention to reduce the effect of noisy or mismatched sentences, while the correlation among relations were captured to improve the quality of attention weights. Moreover, instead of treating all entity-pairs equally, we try to pay more attention to entity-pairs with a higher quality. Similarly, we adopt the selective attention mechanism to achieve this goal. Experiments with two types of relation extractor demonstrate the superiority of the proposed approach over the state-of-the-art, while further ablation studies verify our intuitions and demonstrate the effectiveness of our proposed two techniques.Comment: AAAI 201

    Dancing Avatar: Pose and Text-Guided Human Motion Videos Synthesis with Image Diffusion Model

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    The rising demand for creating lifelike avatars in the digital realm has led to an increased need for generating high-quality human videos guided by textual descriptions and poses. We propose Dancing Avatar, designed to fabricate human motion videos driven by poses and textual cues. Our approach employs a pretrained T2I diffusion model to generate each video frame in an autoregressive fashion. The crux of innovation lies in our adept utilization of the T2I diffusion model for producing video frames successively while preserving contextual relevance. We surmount the hurdles posed by maintaining human character and clothing consistency across varying poses, along with upholding the background's continuity amidst diverse human movements. To ensure consistent human appearances across the entire video, we devise an intra-frame alignment module. This module assimilates text-guided synthesized human character knowledge into the pretrained T2I diffusion model, synergizing insights from ChatGPT. For preserving background continuity, we put forth a background alignment pipeline, amalgamating insights from segment anything and image inpainting techniques. Furthermore, we propose an inter-frame alignment module that draws inspiration from an auto-regressive pipeline to augment temporal consistency between adjacent frames, where the preceding frame guides the synthesis process of the current frame. Comparisons with state-of-the-art methods demonstrate that Dancing Avatar exhibits the capacity to generate human videos with markedly superior quality, both in terms of human and background fidelity, as well as temporal coherence compared to existing state-of-the-art approaches.Comment: 11 pages, 3 figure

    Consensus Graph Representation Learning for Better Grounded Image Captioning

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    The contemporary visual captioning models frequently hallucinate objects that are not actually in a scene, due to the visual misclassification or over-reliance on priors that resulting in the semantic inconsistency between the visual information and the target lexical words. The most common way is to encourage the captioning model to dynamically link generated object words or phrases to appropriate regions of the image, i.e., the grounded image captioning (GIC). However, GIC utilizes an auxiliary task (grounding objects) that has not solved the key issue of object hallucination, i.e., the semantic inconsistency. In this paper, we take a novel perspective on the issue above - exploiting the semantic coherency between the visual and language modalities. Specifically, we propose the Consensus Rraph Representation Learning framework (CGRL) for GIC that incorporates a consensus representation into the grounded captioning pipeline. The consensus is learned by aligning the visual graph (e.g., scene graph) to the language graph that consider both the nodes and edges in a graph. With the aligned consensus, the captioning model can capture both the correct linguistic characteristics and visual relevance, and then grounding appropriate image regions further. We validate the effectiveness of our model, with a significant decline in object hallucination (-9% CHAIRi) on the Flickr30k Entities dataset. Besides, our CGRL also evaluated by several automatic metrics and human evaluation, the results indicate that the proposed approach can simultaneously improve the performance of image captioning (+2.9 Cider) and grounding (+2.3 F1LOC).Comment: 9 pages, 5 figures, AAAI 202

    Visually-Prompted Language Model for Fine-Grained Scene Graph Generation in an Open World

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    Scene Graph Generation (SGG) aims to extract relationships in images for vision understanding. Although recent works have made steady progress on SGG, they still suffer long-tail distribution issues that tail-predicates are more costly to train and hard to distinguish due to a small amount of annotated data compared to frequent predicates. Existing re-balancing strategies try to handle it via prior rules but are still confined to pre-defined conditions, which are not scalable for various models and datasets. In this paper, we propose a Cross-modal prediCate boosting (CaCao) framework, where a visually-prompted language model is learned to generate diverse fine-grained predicates in a low-resource way. The proposed CaCao can be applied in a plug-and-play fashion and automatically strengthen existing SGG to tackle the long-tailed problem. Based on that, we further introduce a novel Entangled cross-modal prompt approach for open-world predicate scene graph generation (Epic), where models can generalize to unseen predicates in a zero-shot manner. Comprehensive experiments on three benchmark datasets show that CaCao consistently boosts the performance of multiple scene graph generation models in a model-agnostic way. Moreover, our Epic achieves competitive performance on open-world predicate prediction. The data and code for this paper are publicly available.Comment: Accepted by ICCV 202

    Degeneration-Tuning: Using Scrambled Grid shield Unwanted Concepts from Stable Diffusion

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    Owing to the unrestricted nature of the content in the training data, large text-to-image diffusion models, such as Stable Diffusion (SD), are capable of generating images with potentially copyrighted or dangerous content based on corresponding textual concepts information. This includes specific intellectual property (IP), human faces, and various artistic styles. However, Negative Prompt, a widely used method for content removal, frequently fails to conceal this content due to inherent limitations in its inference logic. In this work, we propose a novel strategy named \textbf{Degeneration-Tuning (DT)} to shield contents of unwanted concepts from SD weights. By utilizing Scrambled Grid to reconstruct the correlation between undesired concepts and their corresponding image domain, we guide SD to generate meaningless content when such textual concepts are provided as input. As this adaptation occurs at the level of the model's weights, the SD, after DT, can be grafted onto other conditional diffusion frameworks like ControlNet to shield unwanted concepts. In addition to qualitatively showcasing the effectiveness of our DT method in protecting various types of concepts, a quantitative comparison of the SD before and after DT indicates that the DT method does not significantly impact the generative quality of other contents. The FID and IS scores of the model on COCO-30K exhibit only minor changes after DT, shifting from 12.61 and 39.20 to 13.04 and 38.25, respectively, which clearly outperforms the previous methods

    Learning in Imperfect Environment: Multi-Label Classification with Long-Tailed Distribution and Partial Labels

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    Conventional multi-label classification (MLC) methods assume that all samples are fully labeled and identically distributed. Unfortunately, this assumption is unrealistic in large-scale MLC data that has long-tailed (LT) distribution and partial labels (PL). To address the problem, we introduce a novel task, Partial labeling and Long-Tailed Multi-Label Classification (PLT-MLC), to jointly consider the above two imperfect learning environments. Not surprisingly, we find that most LT-MLC and PL-MLC approaches fail to solve the PLT-MLC, resulting in significant performance degradation on the two proposed PLT-MLC benchmarks. Therefore, we propose an end-to-end learning framework: \textbf{CO}rrection →\rightarrow \textbf{M}odificat\textbf{I}on →\rightarrow balan\textbf{C}e, abbreviated as \textbf{\method{}}. Our bootstrapping philosophy is to simultaneously correct the missing labels (Correction) with convinced prediction confidence over a class-aware threshold and to learn from these recall labels during training. We next propose a novel multi-focal modifier loss that simultaneously addresses head-tail imbalance and positive-negative imbalance to adaptively modify the attention to different samples (Modification) under the LT class distribution. In addition, we develop a balanced training strategy by distilling the model's learning effect from head and tail samples, and thus design a balanced classifier (Balance) conditioned on the head and tail learning effect to maintain stable performance for all samples. Our experimental study shows that the proposed \method{} significantly outperforms general MLC, LT-MLC and PL-MLC methods in terms of effectiveness and robustness on our newly created PLT-MLC datasets