1,390 research outputs found

    Dynamics of Crossover from a Chaotic to a Power Law State in Jerky Flow

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    We study the dynamics of an intriguing crossover from a chaotic to a power law state as a function of strain rate within the context of a recently introduced model which reproduces the crossover. While the chaotic regime has a small set of positive Lyapunov exponents, interestingly, the scaling regime has a power law distribution of null exponents which also exhibits a power law. The slow manifold analysis of the model shows that while a large proportion of dislocations are pinned in the chaotic regime, most of them are pushed to the threshold of unpinning in the scaling regime, thus providing insight into the mechanism of crossover.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figures. In print in Phy. Rev. E Rapid Communication

    Optical band edge shift of anatase cobalt-doped titanium dioxide

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    We report on the optical properties of magnetic cobalt-doped anatase phase titanium dioxide Ti_{1-x}Co_{x}O_{2-d} films for low doping concentrations, 0 <= x <= 0.02, in the spectral range 0.2 to 5 eV. For well oxygenated films (d << 1) the optical conductivity is characterized by an absence of optical absorption below an onset of interband transitions at 3.6 eV and a blue shift of the optical band edge with increasing Co concentration. The absence of below band gap absorption is inconsistent with theoretical models which contain midgap magnetic impurity bands and suggests that strong on-site Coulomb interactions shift the O-band to Co-level optical transitions to energies above the gap.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures, 1 table; Version 2 - major content revisio

    A polarized atomic hydrogen beam

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    We describe the design and operating characteristics of a simple polarized atomic hydrogen beam particularly suitable for applications to crossed beams experiments. In addition to experimental measurements, we present the results of detailed computer models, using Monte-Carlo ray tracing techniques, optical analogs, and phase-space methods, that not only provide us with a confirmation of our measurement, but also allow us to characterize the density, polarization, and atomic fraction of the beam at all points along its path. As a subsidiary result, we also present measurements of the relative and absolute efficiencies of the V/G Supavac mass analyzer for masses 1 and 2

    Distinct modes of promoter recognition by two iron starvation σ factors with overlapping promoter specificities

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    OrbS and PvdS are extracytoplasmic function (ECF) σ factors that regulate transcription of operons required for the biosynthesis of the siderophores ornibactin and pyoverdine in the B. cepacia complex and Pseudomonas spp., respectively. Here we show that promoter recognition by OrbS requires specific tetrameric -35 and -10 element sequences that are strikingly similar to those of the consensus PvdS-dependent promoter. However, whereas P. aeruginosa PvdS can serve OrbS-dependent promoters, OrbS cannot utilise PvdS-dependent promoters. To identify features present at OrbS-dependent promoters that facilitate recognition by OrbS, we carried out a detailed analysis of the nucleotide sequence requirements for promoter recognition by both OrbS and PvdS. This revealed that DNA sequence features located outside of the sigma binding elements are required for efficient promoter utilisation by OrbS. In particular, the presence of an A-tract extending downstream from the -35 element at OrbS-dependent promoters was shown to be an important contributor to OrbS specificity. Our observations demonstrate that the nature of the spacer sequence can have a major impact on promoter recognition by some ECF sigma factors through modulation of the local DNA architecture

    Theory of Chiral Modulations and Fluctuations in Smectic-A Liquid Crystals Under an Electric Field

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    Chiral liquid crystals often exhibit periodic modulations in the molecular director; in particular, thin films of the smectic-C* phase show a chiral striped texture. Here, we investigate whether similar chiral modulations can occur in the induced molecular tilt of the smectic-A phase under an applied electric field. Using both continuum elastic theory and lattice simulations, we find that the state of uniform induced tilt can become unstable when the system approaches the smectic-A--smectic-C* transition, or when a high electric field is applied. Beyond that instability point, the system develops chiral stripes in the tilt, which induce corresponding ripples in the smectic layers. The modulation persists up to an upper critical electric field and then disappears. Furthermore, even in the uniform state, the system shows chiral fluctuations, including both incipient chiral stripes and localized chiral vortices. We compare these predictions with observed chiral modulations and fluctuations in smectic-A liquid crystals.Comment: 11 pages, including 9 postscript figures, uses REVTeX 3.0 and epsf.st

    A Rotating Disc Electrochemical Reactor to Produce Iron Powder for the Co2-Free Iron Fuel Cycle

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    Iron (Fe) is a promising candidate for energy carriers due to its high energy density, abundance, and transportability. Energy is released during the combustion of iron powder. Iron oxide particles are the product of combustion, which can be easily collected and reduced back to metallic iron, thus enforcing an iron fuel cycle. Electrochemical reduction of iron oxide in alkaline media is a promising approach for the reduction process as it is CO2-free and requires low temperature/energy. In the context of the iron fuel cycle, we promote electroreduction with dendrite-rich structures rather than compact deposit layers for easy harvesting and conversion of deposits to iron powder. This study presents the design and performance of an electrochemical reactor with a rotating disc system, designed for the continuous production of electrolytic iron powder. The reactor facilitates an integrated and automated process of electroreduction of iron oxide (from electroreduction to cleaning, drying, and dendrite/powder harvesting). Our proof of concept experiments show that iron deposits with dendritic structures can be produced in various conditions (anode configurations and rotating speeds), and are mainly located on the disc edge. The growth of dendrites at the edge of the disc favour harvesting and conversion to iron powder. Current efficiencies of more than 85-90 % are achieved in this study. Insights from the present study open new perspectives for the circularity of the iron fuel cycle. Furthermore, this technique provides a novel contribution to powder production in sustainable iron/steel-making technologies

    Ab initio and finite-temperature molecular dynamics studies of lattice resistance in tantalum

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    This manuscript explores the apparent discrepancy between experimental data and theoretical calculations of the lattice resistance of bcc tantalum. We present the first results for the temperature dependence of the Peierls stress in this system and the first ab initio calculation of the zero-temperature Peierls stress to employ periodic boundary conditions, which are those best suited to the study of metallic systems at the electron-structure level. Our ab initio value for the Peierls stress is over five times larger than current extrapolations of experimental lattice resistance to zero-temperature. Although we do find that the common techniques for such extrapolation indeed tend to underestimate the zero-temperature limit, the amount of the underestimation which we observe is only 10-20%, leaving open the possibility that mechanisms other than the simple Peierls stress are important in controlling the process of low temperature slip.Comment: 12 pages and 9 figure

    HIV Linkage to Care and Retention in Care Rate Among MSM in Guangzhou, China

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    Quantifying HIV service provision along the HIV care continuum is increasingly important for monitoring and evaluating HIV interventions. We examined factors associated with linkage and retention in care longitudinally among MSM (n = 1974, 4933 person-years) diagnosed and living in Guangzhou, China, in 2008–2014. We measured longitudinal change of retention in care (≥2 CD4 tests per year) from linkage and antiretroviral therapy initiation (ART). We examined factors associated with linkage using logistic regression and with retention using generalized estimating equations. The rate of linkage to care was 89% in 2014. ART retention rate dropped from 71% (year 1) to 46% (year 2), suggesting that first-year retention measures likely overestimate retention over longer periods. Lower CD4 levels and older age predicted retention in ART care. These data can inform interventions to improve retention about some subgroups

    To wet or not to wet: that is the question

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    Wetting transitions have been predicted and observed to occur for various combinations of fluids and surfaces. This paper describes the origin of such transitions, for liquid films on solid surfaces, in terms of the gas-surface interaction potentials V(r), which depend on the specific adsorption system. The transitions of light inert gases and H2 molecules on alkali metal surfaces have been explored extensively and are relatively well understood in terms of the least attractive adsorption interactions in nature. Much less thoroughly investigated are wetting transitions of Hg, water, heavy inert gases and other molecular films. The basic idea is that nonwetting occurs, for energetic reasons, if the adsorption potential's well-depth D is smaller than, or comparable to, the well-depth of the adsorbate-adsorbate mutual interaction. At the wetting temperature, Tw, the transition to wetting occurs, for entropic reasons, when the liquid's surface tension is sufficiently small that the free energy cost in forming a thick film is sufficiently compensated by the fluid- surface interaction energy. Guidelines useful for exploring wetting transitions of other systems are analyzed, in terms of generic criteria involving the "simple model", which yields results in terms of gas-surface interaction parameters and thermodynamic properties of the bulk adsorbate.Comment: Article accepted for publication in J. Low Temp. Phy

    W=0 Pairing in (N,N)(N,N) Carbon Nanotubes away from Half Filling

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    We use the Hubbard Hamiltonian HH on the honeycomb lattice to represent the valence bands of carbon single-wall (N,N)(N,N) nanotubes. A detailed symmetry analysis shows that the model allows W=0 pairs which we define as two-body singlet eigenstates of HH with vanishing on-site repulsion. By means of a non-perturbative canonical transformation we calculate the effective interaction between the electrons of a W=0 pair added to the interacting ground state. We show that the dressed W=0 pair is a bound state for resonable parameter values away from half filling. Exact diagonalization results for the (1,1) nanotube confirm the expectations. For (N,N)(N,N) nanotubes of length ll, the binding energy of the pair depends strongly on the filling and decreases towards a small but nonzero value as l→∞l \to \infty. We observe the existence of an optimal doping when the number of electrons per C atom is in the range 1.2÷\div1.3, and the binding energy is of the order of 0.1 ÷\div 1 meV.Comment: 16 pages, 6 figure
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