7 research outputs found

    High genetic connectivity in a gastropod with long-lived planktonic larvae

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    Genetic connectivity plays a crucial role in shaping the geographic structure of species. Our aim in this study was to explore the pattern of genetic connectivity in Bursa scrobilator, an iconic marine caenogastropod with long-lived pelagic larvae. Our study was based on the analysis of DNA sequence data for the 658-bp barcoding fragment of the mitochondrial cytochrome c oxidase subunit I (COI) gene. This is the largest DNA sequence dataset assembled to date for B. scrobilator. These data confirm that the two recently described subspecies B. scrobilator scrobilator (Linnaeus, 1758), from the Mediterranean and Macaronesia, and B. s. coriacea (Reeve, 1844), from West Africa, constitute two evolutionarily significant units (ESUs). We found that for the nominal subspecies, the variation in morphology (shell, radula and gross anatomy) and DNA sequences was not geographically structured, and this agrees with what we would expect in a species with high connectivity at the larval stage. The divergence between the two subspecies cannot be easily explained by isolation by distance, and we would argue that one or more extrinsic factors may have played a role in isolating the two ESUs and maintaining that isolation

    The bastard grunt Pomadasys incisus (Bowdich, 1825) (Teleostei: Haemulidae) in Cyprus (eastern Mediterranean Sea) - a late arrival or just a neglected species?

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    Pomadasys incisus is a thermophilous coastal subtropical fish species belonging to the family Haemulidae. Originally described from Gambia, this species is widely distributed in the Eastern Atlantic from Galicia to South Africa. It has also been recorded in the Mediterranean Sea since 1840, presumably expanding its distribution in the next decades, although the species could have been already present in the basin, but simply overlooked until the mid XIX century. In this study, we first record P. incisus from Cyprus (eastern Mediterranean Sea), based on two opportunistic observations obtained through a citizen-science project and review the distribution of this species in the Mediterranean Sea. The present sighting raises the question on whether this species is a late arrival in the country or its presence has just been neglected until now. Based on present data, the most likely hypothesis is the latter one, with P. incisus occurring in low densities and being overlooked due to the absence of field studies. Whatever is true, some intrinsic or extrinsic factors may have played a role in limiting its spread or wide establishment in the above-mentioned country.</jats:p

    Engagement of fishers in citizen science enhances the knowledge on alien decapods in Cyprus (eastern Mediterranean Sea)

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    The eastern Mediterranean Sea is facing an unprecedented crisis due to the introduction and spread of alien species through the Suez Canal. Early detection and distribution monitoring of these species has been recently facilitated using social media and citizen science. The project “Is it Alien to you? Share it!!!” recorded over 840 observations for about 100 marine species in Cyprus (eastern Mediterranean Sea) primarily via a dedicated social network group. Through the utilization of morphological and molecular approaches on materials posted by a local fisher, this study provides the first records of Ixa monodi and Myra subgranulata in Cyprus and additional records of Macrophthalmus indicus for the island. These sightings confirm the effectiveness of citizen science in monitoring species distribution shifts. The cooperation of scientists with fishers has the potential to enhance surveillance, while concurrently increase awareness and position citizens as conservation leaders

    Identification of the Marine Alkaloid Lepadin A as Potential Inducer of Immunogenic Cell Death

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    Natural products and their synthetic analogs and derivatives are a traditional source of bioactive molecules with potential development as drug candidates. In this context, Marine Natural Products (MNPs) represent a rich reservoir of diverse molecular skeletons with potential pharmacological activity that, so far, has been mostly explored in cancer and infectious diseases. Starting from the development of a novel bioassay‐guided screening platform for immunomodulatory compounds from an in‐house MNPs library, we report the identification of the alkaloid lepadin A as a new model compound for immune‐based anticancer activity with characteristics that suggest a possible mechanism as Immunogenic Cell Death inducer. The work describes the molecular‐based bioprospecting in the Gulf of Naples together with the bioassay-guided fractionation, the chemical characterization of the alkaloid, and the biological activity in mouse dendritic cells (D1)

    New records of introduced species in the Mediterranean Sea (November 2023)

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    This collective article presents new information about 15 introduced taxa belonging to five phyla: one Rhodophyta, one Chlo-rophyta, one Mollusca, one Annelida, two Arthropoda, and nine Chordata (one Ascidiacea and eight Osteichthyes). The records refer to eight Mediterranean countries and extend from the Alboran Sea to the Levantine Sea as follows: Spain: first record of the African hind Cephalopholis taeniops for the Alboran Sea, and a further record of the Monrovia surgeonfish Acanthurus monrovi-ae, extending its distribution northwards in the Western Mediterranean. Italy: an additional record of the squat lobster Scyllarus subarctus based on its nisto stage, new records of the lionfish Pterois miles in the north-western Ionian Sea, first records of the bivalve Fulvia fragilis for the Italian Adriatic coast, and a record of the amphipod Ptilohyale littoralis in the northern Adriatic Sea, also representing the first report for the Mediterranean Sea. Montenegro: first record of the non-indigenous ascidian Ciona robus- ta. Albania: first record of the red cornetfish Fistularia petimba. Greece: first record of the cryptogenic polychaete Alitta succinea in association with ship fouling, suggesting the possibility of a non-indigenous origin of Mediterranean populations of this species, and first record of the Seychelles dragonet Synchiropus sechellensis for the Saronikos Gulf. Turkiye: first record of the red alga Womersleyella setacea, report of an abundant population of the Indian twospot cardinalfish Cheilodipterus novemstriatus in the Turkish Aegean Sea, and first record of Synodus randalli, also corresponding to the first report for the Mediterranean Sea. Syria: first record of the blenny Istiblennius cf. meleagris. Israel: report of an algal bloom of the green alga Codium parvulum, and first record of Synchiropus sechellensis