4 research outputs found
The extraterritoriality of the principle of non-refoulement: a critique of the Sale case and Roma case
This post is the second of four articles to be published as part of this week’s intensive series on refugee and migration rights. Stay tuned for tomorrow’s article on seeking asylum in the European context
Status Kenegaraan (Statehood) Negara – Negara Kepulauan Berdataran Rendah (Low-lying Island Nations) yang Seluruh Wilayahnya Terendam Air Laut
Throughout the development of the International community, never before has a country vanished physically. However, the drastic climate change over the last few decades is threatening the occurrence of such phenomenon. Climate change has led to increased temperature in the earth and causes ice and snow to melt rapidly. However, the most alarming consequence is the rise of sea levels around the world. Rising sea levels will bring a serious impact, particularly on small low-lying island nations whose average height is merely a few meters above the sea. In fact, the territories of the states may even be completely submerged under sea water. This situation raises complex questions under International law, namely whether such states could still maintain their statehood in the aftermath of a complete submergence, considering the fact that in its Article 1, Montevideo Convention on the Rights and Duties of States requires territory, among others, as a condition of statehood. The present thesis delves into an overview of statehood and its criteria based on International law as well as the statehood of low-lying island nations whose territories are entirely submerged under sea water. The method employed in writing this thesis is library research technique, which is conducted by collecting materials from books, journals, internet, International legal instruments and other scientific papers that are closely related to the intent and purposes of the preparation of this thesis. Article 1 of Montevideo Convention, as acknowledged by numerous scholars, has indeed served as a benchmark in assessing statehood. However, throughout its development, there have been numerous instances in which countries do not meet some of the requirements stipulated under Montevideo Convention yet they do not lose their statehood and continue to be recognized. As it turns out, given the importance of ​​statehood, the International community has preferred to embrace the Doctrine of Presumption of State Continuity, whereby states retain their statehood despite any major changes that occur therein. In addition, as the entire submergence of a state has never happened before, the sui generis situation or unique situation of the low-lying island nations should call for a unique response too
Perencanaan usaha panna cotta bunga telang-compote rosela "Belle Panna Cotta" dengan kapasitas produksi 1000 cup (@100g)/hari
Produk “Belle Panna Cotta” adalah Panna Cotta bunga telang yang dilengkapi dengan compote rosela. Bahan baku Panna Cotta telang dan Compote rosela yaitu bunga telang kering, air, whipping cream, susu UHT, gelatin blooming, vanilli, rosela kering, gula, dan pektin. Tahapan proses produksi “Belle Panna Cotta” yaitu preparasi bahan penyusun (pembuatan ekstrak bunga telang, blooming gelatin, dan pembuatan adonan whipping cream), pembuatan panna cotta bunga telang, dan pembuatan compote rosela. Kemasan yang digunakan yaitu kemasan primer (panna cotta telang menggunakan cup plastik berbahan akrilik bervolume ± 130 mL dan compote rosela menggunakan cup saus plastik bervolume 25 mL) dan kemasan sekunder menggunakan box karton berukuran 9,5 x 6,5 x 11 cm. Kapasitas produksi “Belle Panna Cotta” sebesar 1000 cup/hari (@100 g/cup panna cotta dan @20 g/cup compote). Usaha “Belle Panna Cotta” terdiri atas 5 pekerja dengan jam kerja 8 jam/hari dan termasuk dalam struktur organisasi lini. Lokasi usaha “Belle Panna Cotta” berada di Jl. Doho No. 3, Keputran, Kec. Tegalsari, Kota Surabaya dengan luas area produksi sebesar 20 m2. Penjualan dan pemasaran dilakukan secara online (media sosial dan word of mouth) dan offline. Produk dijual dengan harga Rp. 13.000,- dan diperoleh keuntungan sebesar 33,18%. Usaha “Belle Panna Cotta” didirikan dengan modal industri (TCI) sebesar Rp 214.894.934,00; biaya produksi total (TPC) sebesar Rp 2.757.126.319,13; dan laju pengembalian setelah pajak (ROR) sebesar 161,60% dengan waktu pengembalian modal (POT) setelah pajak selama 7 bulan 12 hari. Titik impas usaha “Belle Panna Cotta” adalah sebesar 55,58%. Berdasarkan faktor teknis dan ekonomis, usaha “Belle Panna Cotta” layak didirikan dan dioperasikan
Perencanaan usaha panna cotta bunga telang-compote rosela "Belle Panna Cotta" dengan kapasitas produksi 1000 cup (@100g)/hari
Produk “Belle Panna Cotta” adalah Panna Cotta bunga telang yang dilengkapi dengan compote rosela. Bahan baku Panna Cotta telang dan Compote rosela yaitu bunga telang kering, air, whipping cream, susu UHT, gelatin blooming, vanilli, rosela kering, gula, dan pektin. Tahapan proses produksi “Belle Panna Cotta” yaitu preparasi bahan penyusun (pembuatan ekstrak bunga telang, blooming gelatin, dan pembuatan adonan whipping cream), pembuatan panna cotta bunga telang, dan pembuatan compote rosela. Kemasan yang digunakan yaitu kemasan primer (panna cotta telang menggunakan cup plastik berbahan akrilik bervolume ± 130 mL dan compote rosela menggunakan cup saus plastik bervolume 25 mL) dan kemasan sekunder menggunakan box karton berukuran 9,5 x 6,5 x 11 cm. Kapasitas produksi “Belle Panna Cotta” sebesar 1000 cup/hari (@100 g/cup panna cotta dan @20 g/cup compote). Usaha “Belle Panna Cotta” terdiri atas 5 pekerja dengan jam kerja 8 jam/hari dan termasuk dalam struktur organisasi lini. Lokasi usaha “Belle Panna Cotta” berada di Jl. Doho No. 3, Keputran, Kec. Tegalsari, Kota Surabaya dengan luas area produksi sebesar 20 m2. Penjualan dan pemasaran dilakukan secara online (media sosial dan word of mouth) dan offline. Produk dijual dengan harga Rp. 13.000,- dan diperoleh keuntungan sebesar 33,18%. Usaha “Belle Panna Cotta” didirikan dengan modal industri (TCI) sebesar Rp 214.894.934,00; biaya produksi total (TPC) sebesar Rp 2.757.126.319,13; dan laju pengembalian setelah pajak (ROR) sebesar 161,60% dengan waktu pengembalian modal (POT) setelah pajak selama 7 bulan 12 hari. Titik impas usaha “Belle Panna Cotta” adalah sebesar 55,58%. Berdasarkan faktor teknis dan ekonomis, usaha “Belle Panna Cotta” layak didirikan dan dioperasikan