12 research outputs found

    Three-photon electromagnetically induced transparency using Rydberg states

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    We demonstrate electromagnetically induced transparency in a four-level cascade system where the upper level is a Rydberg state. The observed spectral features are sub-Doppler and can be enhanced due to the compensation of Doppler shifts with AC Stark shifts. A theoretical description of the system is developed that agrees well with the experimental results, and an expression for the optimum parameters is derived

    Subnatural linewidths in two-photon excited-state spectroscopy

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    We investigate, theoretically and experimentally, absorption on an excited-state atomic transition in a thermal vapor where the lower state is coherently pumped. We find that the transition linewidth can be sub-natural, i.e. less than the combined linewidth of the lower and upper state. For the specific case of the 6P_{3/2} -> 7S_{1/2} transition in room temperature cesium vapor, we measure a minimum linewidth of 6.6 MHz compared with the natural width of 8.5 MHz. Using perturbation techniques, an expression for the complex susceptibility is obtained which provides excellent agreement with the measured spectra.Comment: 9 pages, 5 figure

    Microwave dressing of Rydberg dark states

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    We study electromagnetically induced transparency (EIT) in the 5s→\rightarrow5p→\rightarrow46s ladder system of a cold 87^{87}Rb gas. We show that the resonant microwave coupling between the 46s and 45p states leads to an Autler-Townes splitting of the EIT resonance. This splitting can be employed to vary the group index by ±105\pm 10^5 allowing independent control of the propagation of dark state polaritons. We also demonstrate that microwave dressing leads to enhanced interaction effects. In particular, we present evidence for a 1/R31/R^3 energy shift between Rydberg states resonantly coupled by the microwave field and the ensuing breakdown of the pair-wise interaction approximation.Comment: 12 pages, 5 figures and 1 tabl

    Enhanced electric field sensitivity of rf-dressed Rydberg dark states

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    Optical detection of Rydberg states using electromagnetically induced transparency (EIT) enables continuous measurement of electric fields in a confined geometry. In this paper, we demonstrate the formation of radio frequency (rf)-dressed EIT resonances in a thermal Rb vapour and show that such states exhibit enhanced sensitivity to dc electric fields compared to their bare counterparts. Fitting the corresponding EIT profile enables precise measurements of the dc field independent of laser frequency fluctuations. Our results suggest that space charges within the enclosed cell reduce electric field inhomogeneities within the interaction region