44 research outputs found


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     本研究の目的は大学病院で巻き込み力を発揮して活動する専門看護師・認定看護師がどのような特性を持っているのかを明らかにすることである。大学病院1 施設で巻き込み力を発揮して活動する専門看護師・認定看護師6 名に半構成的面接調査を実施し、質的記述的に分析した。結果より、巻き込み力を発揮して活動する専門看護師・認定看護師は《プライドを持って活動する》といった【自己イメージ】 をもち、 【 相手への関心】 を寄せ、《広い視点で全体をみる》といった【 思考】 で道筋や方法を模索し、《自己覚知》や《自己の体験の内省》という【内省】を行い、《交渉する時に有効なテクニックを持つ》といった【 巻き込む技術】 を駆使していた。巻き込み力を発揮し、持続的に質の高い看護を提供するには、意図的に内省の機会を持つことや、他看護師や多職種と関係を築き協働していくためにコミュニケーション・スキルの向上が必要であると言える


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     本研究の目的は、オストメイトおよび家族の困難を乗り越えるプロセスに機能する力(レジリエンス)の因子構造、及びレジリエンスに影響する要因を明らかにすることである。オストメイトと家族を対象に郵送法による質問紙調査を行った。回答のあったオストメイト164 名、家族104 名を分析対象とし、レジリエンス項目について因子分析を行った結果、オストメイトのレジリエンスが4 因子、家族のレジリエンスが3 因子で構成された。オストメイトは、家族の『問題解決力』、『支援認知力』、『前進的思考力』のうち『支援認知力』が『家族・社会支援認知力』と『医療者支援認知力』の別因子で抽出された。信頼性、妥当性の検討を行い、尺度として使用できることを確認した。重回帰分析の結果、オストメイトのレジリエンスはストーマ管理を自分で行っていること、家族のレジリエンスはオストメイトにかかわっていることが影響していると考えられた

    Relationship between the strength of craving as assessed by the Tobacco Craving Index and success of quitting smoking in Japanese smoking cessation therapy.

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    BackgroundWe previously developed the Tobacco Craving Index (TCI) to assess craving of smokers. In the present study, we validated the relationship between the TCI grade over the 5 sessions of Japanese smoking cessation therapy (SCT) and success of quitting smoking among 889 Japanese patients.MethodsThe Japanese SCT consists of 5 sessions of SCT (first session and sessions 2, 4, 8 and 12 weeks later). In the TCI questionnaire, patients are asked to rate their strength of craving and frequency of craving, each on a four-point Likert scale. Patients are classified into one of four grades based on their responses (0, I, II, III, with III indicating severe craving). The TCI questionnaire was administered to each participant at each session of the SCT. This study included participants of Japanese SCT who answered the TCI at the first session of the SCT at five Japanese smoking cessation clinics. Patients who dropped out of the SCT from the second to the fifth sessions were considered to have failed smoking cessation. To elucidate how much the TCI grade predicts smoking status at the last session, we performed multivariate logistic regression analysis with adjustment for confounding factors.ResultsParticipants who had higher TCI grade(III) in the 2nd through 5th sessions showed significantly lower probability for success of quitting smoking than those who had lower TCI grades(0 or I) (adjusted odds ratio: 2nd session: 0.30, 3rd session: 0.15, 4th session: 0.06, 5th session: 0.02).ConclusionsWe validated the usefulness of the TCI grade for assessing probability of quitting smoking by using a large number of smoking cessation settings

    The vision for public health dietitians’ skill improvement over the next 10 years in Japan: A qualitative study

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    Objectives: To obtain the basis for developing a new human resource development program. We examined the association between their position type and their vision for skill improvement in the profession in the next 10 years. Study design: This was a qualitative study. Methods: In 2021, we conducted an exhaustive survey of Japanese public health dietitians working in Japanese local governments. Using qualitative content analysis, we analyzed the participants’ descriptions of how the profession could improve their skills over the next 10 years. Results: Regardless of the participants’ organization of employment or their target position type, seven common categories were extracted; [goals], [health promotion activities], [organizational activities], [evaluation from others], [cooperation], [skills to be acquired], and [means for improving skills]. Depending on the organization type, 35–40 subcategories were extracted from those who wanted to be staff, 35–38 subcategories from those who wanted to be supervisors, and 20–37 subcategories from those who wanted to be managers. Different subcategories were extracted to describe the difference between specialists and generalists in [goals]. Participants described challenges with [evaluation from others] and [collaboration], regardless of the target position type or [goals]. Conclusion: The vision for Japanese public health dietitians’ skill improvement to achieve in the next 10 years describes challenges with business evaluation and collaborative work. However, participants differed across what skills they wanted to improve based on the direction of their careers. To offer public health dietitians learning content that connects with their desired direction, a new human resource development program needs to be considered

    Individual Learning Needs of Japanese Public Health Dietitians by Years of Experience in Health Promotion

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    Lifelong education for dietitians in Japan is based mainly on competencies according to years of experience. Because learning content differs depending on the desired position and specialty, training programs that reflect the individual learning needs of public health dietitians are needed. This study aimed to assess the individual learning needs of public health dietitians via years of experience in health promotion. In 2021, an online survey of public health dietitians involved in health promotion in prefectures, designated cities, and other municipalities throughout Japan was conducted. Years of experience in health promotion were categorized as early (<10 years), mid-career (10–19 years), and leadership (≥20 years) periods. To ascertain individual learning needs, the survey asked about respondents’ desired final position, career path, and skills they felt they needed to improve in the future. Of the 1649 public health dietitians analyzed, all administrative categories preferred to work as public health generalists in mid-career or leadership periods rather than in the early period. In municipalities, more public health dietitians across all experience categories selected “professional competence”, such as knowledge in specialized areas and nutritional guidance techniques. It was suggested that public health dietitians in the mid-career and leadership periods have individual learning needs, in both nutrition specialists and public health generalists

    Two-step differentiation of mast cells from induced pluripotent stem cells.

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    Mast cells play important roles in the pathogenesis of allergic diseases. They are generally classified into 2 phenotypically distinct populations: connective tissue-type mast cells (CTMCs) and mucosal-type mast cells (MMCs). The number of mast cells that can be obtained from tissues is limited, making it difficult to study the function of mast cells. Here, we report the generation and characterization of CTMC-like mast cells derived from mouse induced pluripotent stem (iPS) cells. iPS cell-derived mast cells (iPSMCs) were generated by the OP9 coculture method or embryoid body formation method. The number of Safranin O-positive cells, expression levels of CD81 protein and histidine decarboxylase mRNA, and protease activities were elevated in the iPSMCs differentiated by both methods as compared with those in bone marrow-derived mast cells (BMMCs). Electron microscopic analysis revealed that iPSMCs contained more granules than BMMCs. Degranulation was induced in iPSMCs after stimulation with cationic secretagogues or vancomycin. In addition, iPSMCs had the ability to respond to stimulation with the IgE/antigen complex in vitro and in vivo. Moreover, when iPSMCs generated on OP9 cells were cocultured with Swiss 3T3 fibroblasts, protease activities as maturation index were more elevated, demonstrating that mature mast cells were differentiated from iPS cells. iPSMCs can be used as an in vitro model of CTMCs to investigate their functions

    Effect of CNTNAP2 polymorphism on receptive language in children with autism spectrum disorder without language developmental delay

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    Abstract Aim The receptive language ability of individuals with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) seems to lag behind expressive language ability. Several autism‐related genes may influence this developmental delay. Polymorphism of one such gene, namely, the contactin‐associated protein‐like 2 gene (CNTNAP2), affects receptive language in individuals with language delay. However, the association between CNTNAP2 polymorphism and receptive language in individuals with no language delay remains unclear. Methods We included 59 children with ASD and 57 children with typical development in this study and investigated this association using coarse‐grained exact matching. Results We present the first evidence of an association between CNTNAP2 rs2710102 (A‐allele carrier) and reduced receptive language ability in children with ASD whose language development was not delayed. Similarly, among children with typical development, A‐allele carriers had lower receptive language ability, but the difference was non‐significant. Conclusions It is possible that the effect of rs2710102 on receptive language ability is larger in the presence of autism‐related genes. Consequently, we speculate that the effect of rs2710102 on receptive language ability would be exerted in combination with other genes. These findings provide new insights into the genetic interactions between mutations associated with common language disorders and ASD and identify molecular mechanisms and risk alleles that contribute to receptive vocabulary. These findings also provide practical guidance in terms of providing candidate genetic markers that may provide opportunities for targeted early intervention to stratify risk and improve prognosis for poor receptive language development in children with ASD