49,953 research outputs found

    Temperature-dependence of spin-polarized transport in ferromagnet / unconventional superconductor junctions

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    Tunneling conductance in ferromagnet / unconventional superconductor junctions is studied theoretically as a function of temperatures and spin-polarization in feromagnets. In d-wave superconductor junctions, the existence of a zero-energy Andreev bound state drastically affects the temperature-dependence of the zero-bias conductance (ZBC). In p-wave triplet superconductor junctions, numerical results show a wide variety in temperature-dependence of the ZBC depending on the direction of the magnetic moment in ferromagnets and the pairing symmetry in superconductors such as pxp_{x}, pyp_{y} and px+ipyp_{x}+ip_{y}-wave pair potential. The last one is a promising symmetry of Sr2_2RuO4_4. From these characteristic features in the conductance, we may obtain the information about the degree of spin-polarization in ferromagnets and the direction of the dd-vector in triplet superconductors

    A phenomenological theory of zero-energy Andreev resonant states

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    A conceptual consideration is given to a zero-energy state (ZES) at the surface of unconventional superconductors. The reflection coefficients in normal-metal / superconductor (NS) junctions are calculated based on a phenomenological description of the reflection processes of a quasiparticle. The phenomenological theory reveals the importance of the sign change in the pair potential for the formation of the ZES. The ZES is observed as the zero-bias conductance peak (ZBCP) in the differential conductance of NS junctions. The split of the ZBCP due to broken time-reversal symmetry states is naturally understood in the present theory. We also discuss effects of external magnetic fields on the ZBCP.Comment: 12 page

    Effect of the Vortices on the Nuclear Spin Relaxation Rate in the Unconventional Pairing States of the Organic Superconductor (TMTSF)2_2PF6_6

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    This Letter theoretically discusses quasiparticle states and nuclear spin relaxation rates T11T_1^{-1} in a quasi-one-dimensional superconductor (TMTSF)2_2PF6_6 under a magnetic field applied parallel to the conduction chains. We study the effects of Josephson-type vortices on T11T_1^{-1} by solving the Bogoliubov de Gennes equation for pp-, dd- or ff-wave pairing interactions. In the presence of line nodes in pairing functions, T11T_1^{-1} is proportional to TT in sufficiently low temperatures because quasiparticles induced by vortices at the Fermi energy relax spins. We also try to identify the pairing symmetry of (TMTSF)2_2PF6_6.Comment: 4+ pages, 4 figure

    Theory of magnetotunneling spectroscopy in spin triplet p-wave superconductors

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    We study the influence of a magnetic field HH on the zero-bias conductance peak (ZBCP) due to zero-energy Andreev bound state (ZES) in normal metal / unconventional superconductor. For p-wave junctions, ZBCP does not split into two by HH even for sufficiently low transparent junctions, where ZBCP clearly splits for d-wave. This unique property originates from the fact that for p-wave superconductors, perpendicularly injected quasiparticle form ZES, which contribute most dominantly on the tunneling conductance. In addition, we show that for pxp_{x}+ipyp_{y}-wave superconductor junctions, the height of ZBCP is sensitive to HH due to the formation of broken time reversal symmetry state. We propose that tunneling spectroscopy in the presence of magnetic field, i.e.i.e., magnetotunnelingmagnetotunneling, is an promising method to determine the pairing symmetry of unconventional superconductors.Comment: 4 pages, 6 figures, using jpsj2.cl


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    Nonlinear coupling between inter- and intra-element dynamics appears as a collective behaviour of elements. The elements in this paper denote symptoms such as a bacterium having an internal network of genes and proteins, a reactive droplet, a neuron in networks, etc. In order to elucidate the capability of such systems, a simple and reasonable model is derived. This model exhibits the rich patterns of systems such as cell membrane, cell fusion, cell growing, cell division, firework, branch, and clustered clusters (self-organized hierarchical structure, modular network). This model is extremely simple yet powerful; therefore, it is expected to impact several disciplines.Comment: 9 pages, 4 figure

    Temperature-dependent photoemission spectral weight transfer and chemical potential shift in Pr1x_{1-x}Cax_xMnO3_3 : Implications for charge density modulation

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    We have studied the temperature dependence of the photoemission spectra of Pr1x_{1-x}Cax_xMnO3_3 (PCMO) with x=0.25x=0.25, 0.3 and 0.5. For x=0.3x=0.3 and 0.5, we observed a gap in the low-temperature CE-type charge-ordered (CO) phase and a pseudogap with a finite intensity at the Fermi level (EFE_F) in the high-temperature paramagnetic insulating (PI) phase. Within the CO phase, the spectral intensity near EFE_F gradually increased with temperature. These observations are consistent with the results of Monte Carlo simulations on a model including charge ordering and ferromagnetic fluctuations [H. Aliaga {\it et al.} Phys. Rev. B {\bf 68}, 104405 (2003)]. For x=0.25x=0.25, on the other hand, little temperature dependence was observed within the low-temperature ferromagnetic insulating (FI) phase and the intensity at EFE_F remained low in the high-temperature PI phase. We attribute the difference in the temperature dependence near EFE_F between the CO and FI phases to the different correlation lengths of orbital order between both phases. Furthermore, we observed a chemical potential shift with temperature due to the opening of the gap in the FI and CO phases. The doping dependent chemical potential shift was recovered at low temperatures, corresponding to the disappearance of the doping dependent change of the modulation wave vector. Spectral weight transfer with hole concentration was clearly observed at high temperatures but was suppressed at low temperatures. We attribute this observation to the fixed periodicity with hole doping in PCMO at low temperatures.Comment: 5pages, 7figure