354 research outputs found

    Effects of Bridge Functions on Radial Distribution Functions of Liquid Water

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    In this report the radial distribution functions (RDFs) of liquid water are calculated on the basis of the classical density functional theory combined with the reference interaction site model for molecular liquids. The bridge functions, which are neglected in the hypernetted-chain (HNC) approximation, are taken into account through the density expansion for the Helmholtz free energy functional up to the third order. A factorization approximation to the ternary direct correlation functions in terms of the site-site pair correlation functions is then employed in the expression of the bridge functions, thus leading to a closed set of integral equations for the determination of the RDFs. It is confirmed through numerical calculations that incorporation of the oxygen-oxygen bridge function substantially improves the poor descriptions by the HNC approximation at room temperature, e.g., for the second peak of the oxygen-oxygen RDF.Comment: 2 figures, Interdisciplinary Sciences: Computational Life Sciences (2014

    Appearance of Thermal Time

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    In this paper a viewpoint that time is an informational and thermal entity is shown. We consider a model for a simple relaxation process for which a relationship among event, time and temperature is mathematically formulated. It is then explicitly illustrated that temperature and time are statistically inferred through measurement of events. The probability distribution of the events thus provides a mutual regulation between temperature and time, which can relevantly be expressed in terms of the Fisher information metric. The two-dimensional differential geometry of temperature and time then leads us to a finding of a simple equation for the scalar curvature, R = -1, in this case of relaxation process. This basic equation, in turn, may be regarded as characterizing the nonequilibrium dynamical process and having a solution given by the Fisher information metric. The time can then be interpreted so as to appear in a thermal way

    Psychosomatic problems and countermeasures in Japanese children and adolescents

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    In Japan there are a number of children and adolescents with emotion-related disorders including psychosomatic diseases (orthostatic dysregulation, anorexia nervosa, recurrent pains), behavior problems and school absenteeism. According to our previous report, the Japanese children had significantly higher score of physical symptoms and psychiatric complaints than did the Swedish children, and these were more strongly influenced by school-related stress than by home-related stress. To enforce countermeasures for psychosomatic problems in children, the Japanese Society of Psychosomatic Pediatrics (established in 1982) have started several new projects including multi-center psychosomatic researches and society-based activities. In this article, we present an outline of our study on mental health in Japanese children in comparison with Swedish children. Countermeasures including clinical guidelines for child psychosomatic diseases are reviewed and discussed


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    金沢大学医学部(1)ジャコウネズミの飼育条件の確立:ジャコウネズミを購入し、飼育条件を工夫し、確実な繁殖方法を考案した。ラットは妊娠日数20日であり、一匹の妊娠ラットから5-10匹の胎児を採取出来るが、ジャコウネズミの場合は妊娠日数が30日、一匹あたりの妊娠したジャコウネズミからはせいぜい2-4匹の胎児しか採れないので、十分な数のジャコウネズミ(とりわけ雌)を飼育していないと、発生学の研究はうまく行かないことが判明した。幸い、半年をかけてようやく飼育経験を積み、研究室で確実に繁殖させることが可能となり、飼育数も増し、この動物を使った発生学的実験を本格的に開始した。研究成果の一部はジャコウネズミの研究の先達である安井金也先生(現鹿児島大学歯学部口腔解剖学第一講座)との共著で発表した。(2)ニワトリ胚については心臓に分布する神経の発生の研究がようやく一段落した。抗ニューロフィラメント抗体、HNK-1抗体を使用し、とりわけ心臓の静脈門から入る神経を突き止めた。ニワトリ胚へのメルコックス樹脂の注入も確実に行えるようになった。目下、成果をまとめ論文を作成中である。一部は第98回日本解剖学会総会(札幌)で発表した。また、舌下神経と頸神経の発生において、頸部の舌骨上・下筋に分布する頸神経ワナの発生と頸部の皮神経の発生のからくりを明らかにしたので、これを第99回日本解剖学会総会(山形)で発表する。(3)ラットの胚にラテックスを注入し、下横隔静脈の発生を追跡した。教科書では泌尿生殖器の静脈血は、副腎静脈から肝臓の靜脈洞を経て心臓に注ぐと記載されているが、この下横隔静脈はそれの副行路となっていることを突き止めた。これについては田中が英文の論文を作成し、解剖学雑誌に投稿し、69巻第4号に掲載受理となった(本文末に当該科学研究の補助を受けた旨の謝辞を記させて頂いた)。研究課題/領域番号:05670004, 研究期間(年度):1993出典:研究課題「全胚免疫組織化学染色法と血管鋳型標本による神経・血管・筋の発生の三次元的研究」課題番号05670004(KAKEN:科学研究費助成事業データベース(国立情報学研究所)) (https://kaken.nii.ac.jp/ja/grant/KAKENHI-PROJECT-05670004/)を加工して作


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    人体発生学の研究はヒトの胚で研究するのが最も直接データが得られるが、今日では倫理的に許される状況にない。それ故、私たちはラットよりもヒトに近い実験動物であるジャコウネズミに注目し、これの飼育繁殖を続けて10年を経過し、その胚を充分に活用出来る研究環境にある。これまで、胚の中にラテックスを注入することにより血管を標識すると同時に、全胚的免疫染色方法をニワトリ、ジャコウネズミ、ラットとマウスの胚とジャコウネズミの成体の臓器に適用し、分布する臓性神経の形態形成を血管発生と同時に追跡して来た。ジャコウネズミにおいては、心臓と膵臓に分布する末梢神経と血管との関係を重視して研究した。副交感神経に関しては,動脈に伴行して心臓の動脈門と静脈門の双方に達する枝(心臓枝)の形態が比較的容易に解明された。本研究においては、これまで形態の解明が困難とされて来た交感神経由来の心臓の動脈門と静脈門、とりわけ静脈門に達する神経(心臓神経)の形態を成体と胚の双方において、明らかにすることが出来た。更には、静脈に伴行し、心臓の静脈門に到達する神経(心臓神経)の形態と形態形成をも明らかにした。膵臓に分布する神経に関しては、成体において形態の詳細を明らかにすることが出来た。この動物はヒトの胚における背側と腹側の膵臓原基の形態を成体においても維持しているという実験動物としての有用性があることが判明した。又、Langerhans islet細胞の局所分布を調べ、ヒトの背側と腹側の膵臓と同じ細胞分布様式を維持していることが判明した。以上の実験データに依拠し、臨床医学における十二指腸・総胆管温存膵頭部切除術(DPPHR)の適応性について検討した。ヒトの成体の末梢神経、とりわけ交感神経に関しては、精密な解剖が困難とされて来たが、0.001%アリザリンレッド含有95%アルコールで染色・脱脂肪を十分行った後に細部に亘って剖出するという手技を考案した。この研究手技により、ヒトの成体の心臓に分布する迷走神経と交感神経の形態の全体を明らかにすることが出来た。とりわけ、交感神経の枝に関しては、心臓静脈門から心臓に到達する新たな枝を見つけ、その形態を前例が無いほどに詳細に解明したところ、ジャコウネズミの成体と胚と同じ形態であることが判明した。これにより、ヒトと他の脊椎動物に心臓神経の名称に混乱しているため、全ての脊椎動物に通用する表現が困難であったが、これを解決することが出来た。The research of the human embryology is difficult to be permitted in the situation of now a day ethics. Therefore, we have paid attention to the musk shrew, the body of which is nearer to the human body than rat and mouse. Now, we are in the environment under which the embryo of this laboratory animal can be used enough for our research. Concretely, using a method of latex injection into the vessels and of whole-mount immunohistochemical staining of the peripheral nerves, we have researched into the morphogenesis of vessels and peripheral nerves distributed to the organs, including the heart and pancreas. As has been reported, the(parasympathetic) cardiac branches were observed without difficulty. Using the method described above, we have also elucidated the three dimensional structure of the(sympathetic) cardiac nerve in the adult body and also in embryo of this animal. The cardiac branches and nerves accompanying arteries and veins were clarified in our research. Regarding the pancre as, we clarified that this musk shrews maintains the ventral and dorsal pancreases even in the adult bodies. We investigated the localization of Langerhans islet cells of this animal, and inquired that these cells are located in the dorsal and ventral pancreas in the same way of humans. Based on this datum, we discussed from the viewpoint of the clinical medicine the method improvement of operation of the pancreas head, with keeping duodenum and bile duct.We invented a method of staining these nerve branches using 95% ethanol containing 0.001% alizarin red for dissection of the human cadavers. Using this method, we could exclude the fat surrounding these nerves, stained peripheral nerves in whole. We could elucidate in detail the morphology of the cardiac branches and nerves which accompanied the arteries and also veins and reached the arterial and venous portae of the heart. Consequently, these nerve morphology were found to be almost the same of those of musk shrew. Now, we consider the consistent naming of cardiac branches and nerves which is applicable to morphology and morpogenesis of all vertebrate.研究課題/領域番号:14570008, 研究期間(年度):2002–2003出典:「全胚免疫・分子組識化学的染色による神経系、血管系と内臓の形態形成の三次元的解明」研究成果報告書 課題番号14570008 (KAKEN:科学研究費助成事業データベース(国立情報学研究所))   本文データは著者版報告書より作

    Superficial brachial artery continuing as the common interosseous artery

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    金沢大学大学院医学系研究科臨床実践看護学The superficial artery of the arm with a course anterior to the median nerve is found at an incidence of [approximate]13%, and it continues as the radial artery twice as frequently than as the ulnar artery; less frequently it continues as both arteries (Bergman et al. 1988). We report a rare case in which the superficial brachial artery continued as the common interosseous artery only and the deep brachial artery continued as the radial and superficial ulnar arteries in the cubital fossa


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    心臓に分布する交感神経、即ち心臓神経の形態解明の研究を推進した。心臓神経は椎骨に接する交感神経幹から広範囲に亘り多数起こり、神経同士の結合が多く、走行が複雑であるので、内蔵直接伴行の迷走神経由来の心臓枝よりも形態解明は困難である。とりわけ、ヒトの心臓神経は実験脊椎動物よりも形態が大きく、脂肪が多いので形態解明は至難である。本研究では、アルコールによる脱脂、アリザリン・レッドによる神経染色、そしてエチレン・グリコールによる血管形態明示という方法を開発し、心臓神経と心臓・血管の詳細な形態を広領域に解明した。そして、ヒトのみの固有観点ではなく、脊椎動物総合形態学と発生学的観点をも加えての全貌的意義付けを学会講演にて発表し、掲載された(第8回臨床解剖研究会と第16回日本末梢神経学会)。又、心臓枝と心臓神経の形態に関する国際学術雑誌の投稿原稿を加筆・修正している。形態形成に関しては、マウスとラットよりもヒトの形態に近いジャコウネズミにおいて、心臓神経の形態と形態形成解明を全胚免疫染色を用いて行い、成果を第110回日本解剖学会で発表し、国際学術雑誌投稿準備中である(博士課程学生の提出論文)。ジャコウネズミ肝臓の発生と臨床医学的意味(Endoclinology 2004 : Aant. Enbryol. 2004)と口蓋帆挙筋分布神経と下顎神経の形態についても解明した(Clin Anat 2004 ; Surg Radiol Anat 2004)。肝鎌状間膜と肝円策、そして臍ヒダ経由の肝臓実質に分布する動・静脈と神経の形態と形態形成、そして胸骨剣状突起周囲のリンパ管と肝臓との関係解明をヒトとジャコウネズミにおいて行い、発生学意義の再検討と臨床医学との連携を深めている。又、骨異常の測定・診断と治療方法の解明の共同研究と頭・頚の筋形成に関しての分子組織化学的研究を進めている。Researches of elucidation of form and structure of the sympathetic nerve distributed in the heart, that is, cardiac nerves were furthermore promoted.The cardiac nerves were found to arise numerous in number from very broad areas of the sympathetic trunk, communicating each other very numerously.Furthermore, their patterns or forms of running were much more complicated than those of the cardiac branches of the vagus nerve.As a result, clarification of features of these cardiac nerves are difficult than the cardiac branches of the vagus nerve.Inter alia, human examples applicable for researches are exceedingly large as those of other vertebrate and further more, they communicate each other and their coursing figures are much more complicated than those of the cardiac branches of the vagus nerve. Therefore, the complete clarification of human cardiac nerves are difficult article.In order to resolve this difficulty, we applied new specific technology. Using this technology, we are able to grease alcohol by using alcohol, stain nerves with arizarin red S, and to elucidate blood vessels in all experimental examples of humans and other vertebrates.In consequence, the cardiac nerves were found to arise from the sympathetic trunk in a wide area from the cervical until the lowest thoracic level, i.e., ThI0 (and further more ThI2) in human examples.Furthermore, the three-dimensional structures of human cadavers have been clarified fundamentally not only from the human anatomical point of view, but also comprehensively from the vertebrate comparative anatomy and embryology.We have been made presentations of these results in academic conferences (the 8^ Meeting of Japanese Research Society of Clinical Anatomy and the 16^ Meeting of Japanese Research Society of Periphera Nerve).Therewithal, the contribution manuscripts of the international science magazine concerning the form of the cardiac nerves and branches are being to retouched and corrected.The clarification of morphology and morphogenesis of the cardiac nerves are performed by using methods for whole embryo immunity staining in muskrats which are nearer human\u27s form than the mouse and the rat for the form formation (doctor\u27s course student\u27s submitting thesis).These results of this research were presented in the 110th in Japanese Anatomy Association. Contribution to the international science magazine is also being prepared. The form of generation of the muskrat liver, clinical medicine meaning (Endoclinology 2004 : Anat.Enbryol. 2004) has been clarified. Furthermore, figures of the nerves innervating the levator palate muscle and mandibular nerve were elucidated (Clin Anat 2004 ; Surg Radiol Anat 2004).At the moment, we make exertions to advancing researches in order to analyze the intimate structures as well as morphogenesis of arteries, veins and nerves coursing in the falciform and teres hepatic ligaments and to clarify the morphological as well as functional relationships-of lymphatic vessel around the xiphoid process with the live in the human cadavers and also in muskrats. These structures and root meanings of these structures are being clarified from the embryological and clinical viewpoints, building up co-operation with clinical researchers. We are also making collaborative researches with doctors in order to open up new method of measurement, diagnosis and treatment of abnormal bones, and also the molecular and histochemical researches of genesis of head and neck muscles.研究課題/領域番号:16590139, 研究期間(年度):2004–2005出典:「全胚免疫染色と分子生物学的方法による内臓と四肢の神経・血管・筋の形成と再生の解明」研究成果報告書 課題番号16590139 (KAKEN:科学研究費助成事業データベース(国立情報学研究所))   本文データは著者版報告書より作

    A research about the automatic construction of Web/3D model house from 2D digital pictures

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    In recent years, the survey is performed for repair, such as a bridge and a building built in past, spending great expense. And it is anxious for the survey technique that doesn’t need cost and time more. Then, we made an idea of the technique of precise 3D model creation by 2D pictures. However, the technique of performing the improvement in accuracy of convergent photographing and automatic acquisition of corresponding points was not established. Therefore, in this research, we try to obtain a semi-automation of corresponding points acquisition from initial corresponding points and the improvement in accuracy of convergent photographing. Moreover, we applied the research to the used house of Japanese real estate, and the applicable field was selected as the high needs of the residence of 3D model. And we developed the system that everyone could create Web / 3D model house by VRML easily without requiring expensive apparatuses or expertise

    Development of a System for Making Guide Maps based on the Idea of the Cognitive Map

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    Digital maps are very easily applied as route guide maps. Route guide maps are provided through Web or a mobile phone services, and demand for such services is increasing. However, the production of a route guide map requires a great deal of time. Therefore, it is difficult for general users to make route guide maps. The purpose of the present research is the development of a system that can generate a route guide map using the Digital Map 2500 (Spatial Data Framework) published by the Geographical Survey Institute. This system will not require advanced equipment or expert knowledge. Therefore, anyone can produce route guide maps easily and quickly. By using the Digital Map 2500, the time and cost required in order to generate a map are reduced. Moreover, a useful route guide map can be created by simplifying the map form based on the human cognitive map