622 research outputs found

    Hydrologic activity during late Noachian and Early Hesperian downwarping of Borealis Basin, Mars

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    Pronounced global volcanism as well as fracturing and erosion along the highland/lowland boundary (HLB) during the Late Noachian (LN) and Early Hesperian (EH) led McGill and Dimitriou to conclude that the Borealis basin formed tectonically during this period. This scenario provides a basis for interpretation of the initiation and mode of formation of erosional and collapse features along the HLB. The interpretation, in turn, is integral to hypotheses regarding the development of ancient lakes (or an ocean) and their impact on the climate history of Mars. Hydrologic features of Mars are discussed along with their implications for paleolakes and climate history

    Geologic history and channeling episodes of the Chryse Planitia region of Mars

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    The study of the Chryse Planitia region of Mars is based on geologic mapping on a 1:5,000,000 scale shaded relief map. The map area includes Chryse and southern Acidalia Planitiae; the circum Chryse channels and chaotic terrains; Xanthe, southern Tempe, and western Arabia Terrae; Lunae Planum; and northeastern Valles Marineris. The aim of the study is twofold: (1) to obtain relative ages of the outflow channels by performing and compiling detailed stratigraphic analyses; and (2) to correlate channeling episodes with causative mechanisms (such as volcanism and tectonism) and resulting effects (such as climate change). The geologic history given based on this mapping, includes the documentation of a previously unproposed channeling episode in the region as well as the presently favored hypotheses concerning the nature and origin of the channeling events. It is concluded that the history of the Chryse region suggests that two major periods of tectonic activity resulted in two episodes of channeling in the highlands surrounding Chryse Planitia

    Late Noachian development of the Coprates rise, Mars

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    The Coprates rise forms a 900 km long, north to northeast trending ridge south of Coprates Chasma between long. 56 and 60 degs. Radar and stereo photogrammetric data indicate that the rise is 2 to 4 km above a neighboring trough to the east. The break in slope between the rise and this trough is well defined topographically and in Viking images. In turn, the trough is bordered to the to the east at long. 52 deg by a much gentler rise. West of the Coprates rise, the terrain dips about 0.2 deg to roughly long. 75 deg. The rise and flanking highs were previously interpreted to be tilted fault blocks formed by either Tharsis tectonism or an ancient impact. Results are now reported of a preliminary geologic study that documents Late Noachian growth of the Coprates rise as a asymmetric fold. More comprehensive work will lead to a mechanical analysis of the kinematic development of the rise. It is concluded that the Coprate rise formed during the Late Noachian by 2 to 4 km of asymmetric uplift (steeper on its east flank). The timing is inconsistent with an origin by an early impact, but it coincides in time with early Tharsis centered radial faulting at Syria Planum

    Channeling episodes of Kasei Valles, Mars, and the nature of ridged plains material

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    The geologic mapping compiled at 1:500,000 scale of the northern Kasei Valles area of Mars (MTMs 25062 and 25067) indicates (1) at least three periods of Kasei Valles channeling, (2) the development of Sacra Fossae (linear depressions on Tempe Terra and Lunae Planum) in relation to Kasei channeling episodes, and (3) the nature of ridged plains material dissected by Kasei Valles on northern Lunae Planum. (The three channeling periods consists of two flood events and a later, sapping related event). These findings suggest hydrologic conditions and processes that formed Kasei Valles and associated features and terrains. It is concluded that an early period of flooding, whose source is perhaps buried beneath lava flows of Tharsis Montes, may have eroded streamlined features in northern Lunae Planum. Also, later floods originating from Echus Chasma formed after the initial flooding and the mesas adjacent to the plateau. The Sacra Fossae formed after the initial flooding and during the second flooding by sapping, outbreak, scarp retreat, and collapse along joints and fractures in ridged plains materials

    History and morphology of faulting in the Noctis Labyrinthus-Claritas Fossae Region of Mars

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    The topographically high areas cut by Noctis Labyrinthus, Noctis Fossae, and Claritas Fossae were subjected to only minor resurfacing during and following local tectonic activity. Principal resurfacing materials consist of lava flows from Syria Planum and Tharsis Montes. Thus, these areas preserve much of the fault record produced by tectonism in this region. Although recent geologic maps of the area have been produced from Viking images, the only detailed fault histories available until now were described from Mariner 9 images. Much of the faulting in the Tharsis tectonic province was centered in Syria Planum; therefore, understanding the fault history in this region is critical to understanding the stress history and tectonism of Tharsis as a whole

    Eruptive history of the Elysium Volcanic Province of Mars

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    New geologic mapping of the Elysium volcanic province at 1:2,000,000 scale and crater counts provide a basis for describing its overall eruptive history. Four stages are listed and described in order of their relative age. They are also distinguished by eruption style and location. Stage 1: Central volcanism at Hecates and Albor Tholi. Stage 2: Shield and complex volcanism at Elysium Mons and Elysium Fossae. Stage 3: Rille volcanism at Elysium Fossae and Utopia Planitia. Stage 4: Flood lava and pyroclastic eruptions at Hecates Tholus and Elysium Mons. Tectonic and channeling activity in the Elysium region is intimately associated with volcanism. Recent work indicates that isostatic uplift of Tharsis, loading by Elysium Mons, and flexural uplift of the Elysium rise produced the stresses responsible for the fracturing and wrinkle-ridge formation in the region. Coeval faulting and channel formation almost certainly occurred in the pertinent areas in Stages 2 to 4. Older faults east of the lava flows and channels on Hecates Tholus may be coeval with Stage 1

    Strain accommodation beneath structures on Mars

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    A recent review of tectonic features on Mars shows that most of their subsurface structures can be confidently extended only a few kilometers deep (exceptions are rifts, in which bounding normal faults penetrate the entire brittle lithosphere, with ductile flow at deeper levels). Nevertheless, a variety of estimates of elastic lithosphere thickness and application of accepted failure criteria under likely conditions on Mars suggest a brittle lithosphere that is many tens of kilometers thick. This raises the question of how the strain (extension or shortening) accommodated by grabens and wrinkle ridges within the upper few kilometers is being accommodated at deeper levels in the lithosphere. Herein, the nonrift tectonic features present on Mars are briefly reviewed, along with their likely subsurface structures, and some inferences and implications are presented for behavior of the deeper lithosphere

    Martian seismicity through time from surface faulting

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    An objective of future Mars missions involves emplacing a seismic network on Mars to determine the internal structure of the planet. An argument based on the relative geologic histories of the terrestrial planets suggests that Mars should be seismically more active than the Moon, but less active than the Earth. The seismicity is estimated which is expected on Mars through time from slip on faults visible on the planets surface. These estimates of martian seismicity must be considered a lower limit as only structures produced by shear faulting visible at the surface today are included (i.e., no provision is made for buried structures or non-shear structures); in addition, the estimate does not include seismic events that do not produce surface displacement (e.g., activity associated with hidden faults, deep lithospheric processes or volcanism) or events produced by tidal triggering or meteorite impacts. Calibration of these estimates suggests that Mars may be many times more seismically active than the Moon

    Interactions of tectonic, igneous, and hydraulic processes in the North Tharsis Region of Mars

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    Recent work on the north Tharsis of Mars has revealed a complex geologic history involving volcanism, tectonism, flooding, and mass wasting. Our detailed photogeologic analysis of this region found many previously unreported volcanic vents, volcaniclastic flows, irregular cracks, and minor pit chains; additional evidence that volcanic tectonic processes dominated this region throughout Martian geologic time; and the local involvement of these processes with surface and near surface water. Also, photoclinometric profiles were obtained within the region of troughs, simple grabens, and pit chains, as well as average spacings of pits along pit chains. These data were used together with techniques to estimate depths of crustal mechanical discontinuities that may have controlled the development of these features. In turn, such discontinuities may be controlled by stratigraphy, presence of water or ice, or chemical cementation

    Hellas basin, Mars: Formation by oblique impact

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    Hellas, a 2,000-km-diameter, roughly circular multiring impact basin in the southern highlands of Mars, has a pronounced southeastern lobe of rim material that extends for some 1,500 km. This lobe and a system of ridges concentric to the southern part of the basin (including part of the lobe) were interpreted to be formed by an oblique impact that was inclined in the direction of the lobe. Our preliminary geologic mapping of the Hellas region (lat -20 to -65 deg, long 250 to 320 deg) at 1:5,000,000 scale gives this hypothesis additional supporting evidence, including a symmetric distribution of basin ejecta and volcanic centers across the inferred trend of the impact. Furthermore, measurements of relief indicate that the downrange ejecta may be about twice as thick as they are elsewhere around the rim