7 research outputs found

    A defense-centric taxonomy based on attack manifestations

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    Many classifications of attacks have been tendered, often in taxonomic form. A common basis of these taxonomies is that they have been framed from the perspective of an attacker – they organize attacks with respect to the attacker’s goals, such as privilege elevation from user to root (from the well known Lincoln taxonomy). Taxonomies based on attacker goals are attack-centric; those based on defender goals are defense-centric. Defenders need a way of determining whether or not their detectors will detect a given attack. It is suggested that a defense-centric taxonomy would suit this role more effectively than an attack-centric taxonomy. This paper presents a new, defense-centric attack taxonomy, based on the way that attacks manifest as anomalies in monitored sensor data. Unique manifestations, drawn from 25 attacks, were used to organize the taxonomy, which was validated through exposure to an intrusion-detection system, confirming attack detectability. The taxonomy’s predictive utility was compared against that of a well-known extant attack-centric taxonomy. The defense-centric taxonomy is shown to be a more effective predictor of a detector’s ability to detect specific attacks, hence informing a defender that a given detector is competent against an entire class of attacks

    Cyber Threat Assessment of Uplink and Commanding System for Mission Operation

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    Most of today's Mission Operations Systems (MOS) rely on Ground Data System (GDS) segment to mitigate cyber security risks. Unfortunately, IT security design is done separately from the design of GDS' mission operational capabilities. This incoherent practice leaves many security vulnerabilities in the system without any notice. This paper describes a new way to system engineering MOS, to include cyber threat risk assessments throughout the MOS development cycle, without this, it is impossible to design a dependable and reliable MOS to meet today's rapid changing cyber threat environment

    Security Bulletins

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    Practical software security measurements and metrics are critical to the improvement of software security. We propose a metric to determine whether one software system is more secure than another similar system with respect to their attack surface. We use a system’s attack surface measurement as an indicator of the system’s security; the larger the attack surface, the more insecure the system. We measure a system’s attack surface in terms of three kinds of resources used in attacks on the system: methods, channels, and data. We demonstrate the use of our attack surface metric by measuring the attack surfaces of two open source IMAP servers and two FTP daemons. We validated the attack surface metric by conducting an expert user survey and by performing statistical analysis of Microsoft Security Bulletins. Our metric can be used as a tool by software developers in the software development process and by software consumers in their decision making process.

    Taxonomy and Survey of Collaborative Intrusion Detection

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    The dependency of our society on networked computers has become frightening: In the economy, all-digital networks have turned from facilitators to drivers; as cyber-physical systems are coming of age, computer networks are now becoming the central nervous systems of our physical world—even of highly critical infrastructures such as the power grid. At the same time, the 24/7 availability and correct functioning of networked computers has become much more threatened: The number of sophisticated and highly tailored attacks on IT systems has significantly increased. Intrusion Detection Systems (IDSs) are a key component of the corresponding defense measures; they have been extensively studied and utilized in the past. Since conventional IDSs are not scalable to big company networks and beyond, nor to massively parallel attacks, Collaborative IDSs (CIDSs) have emerged. They consist of several monitoring components that collect and exchange data. Depending on the specific CIDS architecture, central or distributed analysis components mine the gathered data to identify attacks. Resulting alerts are correlated among multiple monitors in order to create a holistic view of the network monitored. This article first determines relevant requirements for CIDSs; it then differentiates distinct building blocks as a basis for introducing a CIDS design space and for discussing it with respect to requirements. Based on this design space, attacks that evade CIDSs and attacks on the availability of the CIDSs themselves are discussed. The entire framework of requirements