9 research outputs found

    Mucopolysaccharide histochemistry of the oviduct of the toad, Bufo melanostictus, before and during ovulation

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    In both non-ovulating and ovulating toads of the species, Bufo melanostictus, the fimbrium stained only weakly for mucopolysaccharides (MPs) whereas the infundibulum stained strongly for neutral MPs and also for glycogen. In the non-ovulating toad, only neutral and sulphated MPs were detected in the goblet cells of the upper magnum, whereas sulphated, neutral and sialomucins were detected in the glands. In the middle magnum, sulphated and sialic acid-containing carboxylated MPs were detected in both the goblet cells and glands. In the lower magnum, neutral, sulphated, and sialic acid-containing MPs were detected in the goblet cells and only sulphated and sialic acidcontaining MPs were detected in the glands. In the isthmus and ovisac, only sulphated MPs were present in the goblet cells. During ovulation, there was no change in the distribution of sulphated MPs throughout the oviduct. Sialic acid-containing MPs could not be detected in many of the goblet cells of the upper and lower magnum nor in most of the glands of the lower magnum

    A 1-year study to compare the efficacy and safety of once-daily travoprost 0.004%/timolol 0.5% to once-daily latanoprost 0.005%/timolol 0.5% in patients with open-angle glaucoma or ocular hypertension

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    European Journal of Ophthalmology172183-190EJOO

    The human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine and cervical cancer: Uptake and next steps

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    Overview of Current Immunotherapies Targeting Mutated KRAS Cancers

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