59,314 research outputs found

    A preliminary study on the affinities of Philippine, Bornean and New Guinean hepatics

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    The generic and specific affinities of the Philippine, Bornean and New Guinean hepatic floras were analyzed by calculating the Kroeber's percentage of similarity on the basis of recently published checklists. It is observed that the overall affinities parallel that exhibited by local moss floras except for one important difference. For the three areas, the number and distribution of species of large, actively evolving hepatic genera are noted to be disparate and with few shared taxa. Contrastingly, the large and actively evolving moss genera produce consistently large number of species in all three areas with an equally large number of shared taxa. The strong dependence of many hepatic taxa on asexual reproduction and the poor spore dispersability are accepted as the best explanation to this phenomenon

    Evolutionary L∞ identification and model reduction for robust control

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    An evolutionary approach for modern robust control oriented system identification and model reduction in the frequency domain is proposed. The technique provides both an optimized nominal model and a 'worst-case' additive or multiplicative uncertainty bounding function which is compatible with robust control design methodologies. In addition, the evolutionary approach is applicable to both continuous- and discrete-time systems without the need for linear parametrization or a confined problem domain for deterministic convex optimization. The proposed method is validated against a laboratory multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) test rig and benchmark problems, which show a higher fitting accuracy and provides a tighter L�¢���� error bound than existing methods in the literature do

    Star-forming accretion flows and the low luminosity nuclei of giant elliptical galaxies

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    The luminosities of the centers of nearby elliptical galaxies are very low compared to models of thin disc accretion to their black holes at the Bondi rate, typically a few hundredths to a few tenths of a solar mass per year. This has motivated models of inefficiently-radiated accretion that invoke weak electron-ion thermal coupling, and/or inhibited accretion rates due to convection or outflows. Here we point out that even if such processes are operating, a significant fraction of the accreting gas is prevented from reaching the central black hole because it condenses into stars in a gravitationally unstable disc. Star formation occurs inside the Bondi radius (typically ~100pc in giant ellipticals), but still relatively far from the black hole in terms of Schwarzschild radii. Star formation depletes and heats the gas disc, eventually leading to a marginally stable, but much reduced, accretion flow to the black hole. We predict the presence of cold (~100K), dusty gas discs, containing clustered H-alpha emission and occasional type II supernovae, both resulting from the presence of massive stars. Star formation accounts for several features of the M87 system: a thin disc, traced by H-alpha emission, is observed on scales of about 100pc, with features reminiscent of spiral arms and dust lanes; the star formation rate inferred from the intensity of H-alpha emission is consistent with the Bondi accretion rate of the system. Star formation may therefore help suppress accretion onto the central engines of massive ellipticals. We also discuss some implications for the fueling of the Galactic center and quasars.Comment: 13 pages, accepted to MNRA

    A heterotic sigma model with novel target geometry

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    We construct a (1,2) heterotic sigma model whose target space geometry consists of a transitive Lie algebroid with complex structure on a Kaehler manifold. We show that, under certain geometrical and topological conditions, there are two distinguished topological half--twists of the heterotic sigma model leading to A and B type half--topological models. Each of these models is characterized by the usual topological BRST operator, stemming from the heterotic (0,2) supersymmetry, and a second BRST operator anticommuting with the former, originating from the (1,0) supersymmetry. These BRST operators combined in a certain way provide each half--topological model with two inequivalent BRST structures and, correspondingly, two distinct perturbative chiral algebras and chiral rings. The latter are studied in detail and characterized geometrically in terms of Lie algebroid cohomology in the quasiclassical limit.Comment: 83 pages, no figures, 2 references adde

    Spectroscopic infrared extinction mapping as a probe of grain growth in IRDCs

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    We present spectroscopic tests of MIR to FIR extinction laws in IRDC G028.36+00.07, a potential site of massive star and star cluster formation. Lim & Tan (2014) developed methods of FIR extinction mapping of this source using Spitzer{\it Spitzer}-MIPS 24μm{\rm 24\mu m} and Herschel{\it Herschel}-PACS 70μm{\rm 70\mu m} images, and by comparing to MIR Spitzer{\it Spitzer}-IRAC 33--8μm{\rm 8\mu m} extinction maps, found tentative evidence for grain growth in the highest mass surface density regions. Here we present results of spectroscopic infrared extinction (SIREX) mapping using Spitzer{\it Spitzer}-IRS (14 to 38μm{\rm 38\mu m}) data of the same IRDC. These methods allow us to first measure the SED of the diffuse Galactic ISM that is in the foreground of the IRDC. We then carry out our primary investigation of measuring the MIR to FIR opacity law and searching for potential variations as a function of mass surface density within the IRDC. We find relatively flat, featureless MIR-FIR opacity laws that lack the 12μm\sim{\rm 12\mu m} and 35μm\sim{\rm 35\mu m} features associated with the thick water ice mantle models of Ossenkopf & Henning (1994). Their thin ice mantle models and the coagulating aggregate dust models of Ormel et al. (2011) are a generally better match to the observed opacity laws. We also find evidence for generally flatter MIR to FIR extinction laws as mass surface density increases, strengthening the evidence for grain and ice mantle growth in higher density regions.Comment: 12 pages, 12 Figures, 1 Table, Accepted to be published to Ap

    The Darkest Shadows: Deep Mid-Infrared Extinction Mapping of a Massive Protocluster

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    We use deep 8μm8\:\mu m Spitzer-IRAC imaging of a massive Infrared Dark Cloud (IRDC) G028.37+00.07 to construct a Mid-Infrared (MIR) extinction map that probes mass surface densities up to Σ1g cm2\Sigma\:\sim 1\:\rm{g~cm^{-2}} (AV200A_V\sim200\:mag), amongst the highest values yet probed by extinction mapping. Merging with a NIR extinction map of the region, creates a high dynamic range map that reveals structures down to AV1A_V\sim1\:mag. We utilize the map to: (1) Measure a cloud mass 7×104M\sim7\times10^4\:M_\odot within a radius of 8\sim8\:pc. 13^{13}CO kinematics indicate that the cloud is gravitationally bound. It thus has the potential to form one of the most massive young star clusters known in the Galaxy. (2) Characterize the structures of 16 massive cores within the IRDC, finding they can be fit by singular polytropic spheres with ρrkρ\rho\propto{r}^{-k_\rho} and kρ=1.3±0.3k_\rho=1.3\pm0.3. They have Σ0.10.4g cm2\overline{\Sigma}\simeq0.1-0.4\:\rm{g~cm^{-2}} --- relatively low values that, along with their measured cold temperatures, suggest magnetic fields, rather than accretion-powered radiative heating, are important for controlling fragmentation of these cores. (3) Determine the Σ\Sigma (equivalently column density or AVA_V) probability distribution function (PDF) for a region that is near complete for AV>3A_V>3\:mag. The PDF is well fit by a single log-normal with mean AV9\overline{A}_V\simeq9\:mag, high compared to other known clouds. It does not exhibit a separate high-end power law tail, which has been claimed to indicate the importance of self-gravity. However, we suggest that the PDF does result from a self-similar, self-gravitating hierarchy of structure being present over a wide range of scales in the cloud.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figures, 1 table, accepted to ApJ

    Parton and Hadron Correlations in Jets

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    Correlation between shower partons is first studied in high pTp_T jets. Then in the framework of parton recombination the correlation between pions in heavy-ion collisions is investigated. Since thermal partons play very different roles in central and peripheral collisions, it is found that the correlation functions of the produced hadrons behave very differently at different centralities, especially at intermediate pTp_T. The correlation function that can best exhibit the distinctive features is suggested. There is not a great deal of overlap between what we can calculate and what has been measured. Nevertheless, some aspects of our results compare favorably with experimental data.Comment: 28 pages in Latex + 13 figures. This is a revised version with extended discussions added without quantitative changes in the result