17 research outputs found

    Prikaz primera prvega uspešnega genskega zdravljenja slovenskega bolnika z mukopolisaharidozo tipa I v tujini

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    Mukopolisaharidoze so skupina lizosomskih bolezni kopičenja. Njihova skupna značilnost je pomanjkanje delovanja encimov, ki razgrajujejo glikozaminoglikane, polisaharide, ki se povezujejo s proteoglikani in tvorijo zunajcelični matriks. Ker ni encimov, ki bi glikozaminoglikane razgrajevali, se ti kopičijo v lizosomih in povzročijo njihovo okvaro in zato se okvarijo drugi celični organeli, celice in končno organi. Klinična slika je široka, od nevro-kognitivnega upada, skeletno-mišičnih deformacij in tipičnih obraznih sprememb. Ključno je zgodnje prepoznavanje bolezni, čeprav s trenutno dostopnimi načini zdravljenja bolezni ne moremo ozdraviti, lahko pa le upočasnimo njen potek, kar je najbolj učinkovito v fazi bolezni še pred pojavom simptomov. Obetavni način zdravljenja je gensko zdravljenje, ki nakazuje možnost ozdravitve bolezni. Predstavljamo primer dečka, pri katerem je bil prepoznan zgodnji kognitivni upad in za bolezen tipične spremembe. Napoten je bil v terciarno ustanovo, kjer je bila diagnoza potrjena. Deček je bil julija 2018 zdravljen z eksperimentalnim genskim zdravljenjem v tujini (bolnišnica San Raffaele, Milano, Italija). V opisanem primeru gre po našem vedenju za prvo uspešno izpeljano gensko zdravljenje pri slovenskih bolnikih ter za enega prvih primerov genskega zdravljenja mukopolisaharidoze tipa I v svetovnem merilu. Gensko zdravljenje s tem postaja del nove klinične stvarnosti, kar predstavlja pomemben mejnik za naš prostor. Zaradi naprednih zdravljenj bi bilo v prihodnosti smiselno uvesti presejalno testiranje novorojenčkov za MPS tipa I, ki se pri nas ali v Evropi doslej še ne izvaja. Do tedaj pa ostaja najpomembnejši predpogoj za uspešno zdravljenje zgodnja klinična prepoznava bolezni in napotitev v terciarno zdravstveno ustanovo

    Towards a comprehensive strategy for the management of rare diseases in Slovenia

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    Rare diseases (RDs), with distinctive and complex features, pose a serious public health concern and represent a considerable challenge for the Slovenian healthcare system. One of the potential approaches to tackling this problem and treating patients with RDs in a quality and effective manner is to form an RD ecosystem. This represents a functional environment that integrates all stakeholders, procedures, and relationships required for the coordinated and effective treatment of patients. This paper explores the current situation in the field of RDs, especially in light of the proposed ecosystemic arrangement, and provides an outline for the design of an RD ecosystem in Slovenia. The research applies a case-study design, where focus groups are used to collect evidence from the field, assess the state of affairs, and generate ideas. Structured focus group discussions were conducted with preeminent experts affiliated with the leading institutions in the field of RDs in Slovenia. Analyses and interpretations of the obtained data were carried out by means of conventional content analysis. Setting up an RD ecosystem in Slovenia would lead to significant benefits for patients, as it could promote the coordination of healthcare treatment and facilitate extensive monitoring of the treatment parameters and outcomes. A well-organized RD ecosystem could garner considerable systemic benefits for evidence-informed policymaking, a better utilization of resources, and technological innovation. Delivering quality healthcare in this complex field is largely reliant on the effective integration and collaboration of all entities within the RD ecosystem, the alignment of related systemic factors, and the direction of healthcare services to support the needs and well-being of patients with RDs

    Hypercholesterolemia in two siblings with resistance to thyroid hormones due to disease-causing variant in thyroid hormone receptor (THRB) gene

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    Resistance to thyroid hormone beta (RTHβ) is a syndrome characterized by a reduced response of target tissues to thyroid hormones. In 85% of cases, a pathogenic mutation in the thyroid hormone receptor beta (THRB) gene is found. The clinical picture of RTHβ is very diversethe most common findings are goiter and tachycardia, but the patients might be clinically euthyroid. The laboratory findings are almost pathognomonic with elevated free thyroxin (fT4) levels and high or normal thyrotropin (TSH) levelsfree triiodothyronin (fT3) levels may also be elevated. We present three siblings with THRB mutation (heterozygous disease-variant c.727C>T, p.Arg243Trp)two of them also had hypercholesterolemia, while all three had several other clinical characteristics of RTHβ. This is the first description of the known Slovenian cases with RTHβ due to the pathogenic mutation in the THRB gene. Hypercholesterolemia might be etiologically related with RTHβ, since the severity of hormonal resistance varies among different tissues and hypercholesterolemia in patients with THRB variants might indicate the relatively hypothyroid state of the liver. We suggest that cholesterol levels are measured in all RTHβ patients

    Data highlighting effects of ketogenic diet on cardiomyopathy and hepatopathy in glycogen storage disease type IIIa

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    Datasets highlighting effects of ketogenic diet (KD) in a glycogen storage disease type IIIa patient is presented with the longest patient follow up report to date. Now a 15-year old girl with GSD type IIIa, diagnosed at 1 year of age, had initially introduced treatment with diet high carbohydrates, according to the recommendations. Progressively she developed left ventricular obstructive hypertrophy, hepatomegaly and skeletal myopathy. At the age of 11 years, she was introduced KD and continuous ketosis has been maintained for over 4 years providing longest reported follow up to date. KD introduction lead to a normalization of left ventricular parameters and ventricular mass and to an improvement in hepatic injury markers and decrease in liver size. We provided a table with biochemical parameters, a table providing detailed diet composition, tables with cardiac and hepatic measures and figures depicting cardiac NMR imagesall the tables/figures are provided referring to the KD introduction (values prior/after). Interpretation of this data can be found in a case report article titled “Normalization of obstructive cardiomyopathy and improvement of hepatopathy on ketogenic diet in patient with glycogen storage disease (GSD) type IIIa”


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    Background. Graves disease is the most common cause of hyperthyrosis in children and adolescents. The optimal treatment for children with AH remains controversial. The patients are usually treated with antithyroid drugs in combination with thyroxine, followed by definitive treatment with either surgery or radio-iodine if stable remission with antithyroid drug can not be achieved.Patients and methods. Between 1991 and 2000, 45 children (41 girls) from 0.5 to 17.5 years were treated at the University Childrens Hospital Ljubljana.Results and conclusions. Fourteen (31.1%) patients achieved long-term remission with antithyroid drugs alone. 12 (26.7%) of children needed further therapy. Surgery was carried out in 6 (50%), ablation therapy with J131 was successfully used in other six patients.</p

    Precocious puberty in a girl with 3-methylglutaconic aciduria type 1 (3-MGA-I) due to a novel AUH gene mutation

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    3-methylglutaconic aciduria type 1 (3-MGA-I) (MIM ID #250950) is an ultra-rare, autosomal recessive organic aciduria, resulting from mutated AUH gene, leading to the deficient 3-methylglutaconyl-CoA hydratase (3-MGH). Only around 40 cases are previously reported, caused by a spectrum of 10 mutations. The clinical spectrum of 3-MGA-I in children is heterogeneous, varying from asymptomatic individuals to mild neurological impairment, speech delay, quadriplegia, dystonia, choreoathetoid movements, severe encephalopathy, psychomotor retardation, basal ganglia involvement. Early dietary treatment with leucine restriction and carnitine supplementation may be effective in improving neurological state in pediatric patients with 3- MGA-I. We presented a girl with 3-MGA-I due to novel AUH gene mutation (homozygous variant c.330 + 5G > A) and confirmed by almost undetectable 3-MGH-enzyme activity, who initially presented with central precocious puberty at an early age of 4.5 years. Precocious puberty might be associated with the 3-MGA-I, as is reported previously in some other metabolic disorders that result in pathologic accumulation of metabolites or toxic brain damage. Therapy with GnRH agonist triptorelin effectively arrested pubertal development

    Clinical and Molecular Cytogenetic Characterisation of Children with Developmental Delay and Dysmorphic Features = Klinična in Molekularna Citogenetska Obravnava Otrok Z Razvojnim Zaostankom in Displastičnimi Znaki

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    10siIntroduction Developmental delay and dysmorphic features affect 1 – 3 % of paediatric population. In the last few years molecular cytogenetic high resolution techniques (comparative genomic hybridization arrays and single-nucleotide polymorphism arrays) have been proven to be a first-tier choice for clinical diagnostics of developmental delay and dysmorphic features. Methods and results In the present article we describe the clinical advantages of molecular cytogenetic approach (comparative genomic hybridization arrays and single nucleotide polymorphism arrays) in the diagnostic procedure of two children with developmental delay, dysmorphic features and additional morphological phenotypes. Additionally, we demonstrate the necessity of fluorescent in situ hybridization utilisation to identify the localisation and underlying mechanism of detected chromosomal rearrangement. Conclusions Two types of chromosomal abnormalities were identified and confirmed using different molecular genetic approaches. Comparative genomic hybridization arrays and single nucleotide polymorphism arrays are hereby presented as important methods to identify chromosomal imbalances in patients with developmental delay and dysmorphic features. We emphasize the importance of molecular genetic testing in patients’ parents for the demonstration of the origin and clinical importance of the aberrations prior determined in the patients. The results obtained using molecular cytogenetic high resolution techniques methods are the cornerstone for proper genetic counselling to the affected families.openopenBertok, Sara; Žerjav Tanšek, Mojca; Kotnik, Primož; Battelino, Tadej; Volk, Marija; Pecile, Vanna; Cleva, Lisa; Gasparini, Paolo; Kovač, Jernej; Hovnik, TinkaBertok, Sara; Žerjav Tanšek, Mojca; Kotnik, Primož; Battelino, Tadej; Volk, Marija; Pecile, Vanna; Cleva, Lisa; Gasparini, Paolo; Kovač, Jernej; Hovnik, Tink

    Clinical and Molecular Cytogenetic Characterisation of Children with Developmental Delay and Dysmorphic Features / Klinična in Molekularna Citogenetska Obravnava Otrok Z Razvojnim Zaostankom in Displastičnimi Znaki

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    Uvod. Razvojni zaostanek in displastične znake ugotavljamo pri 1-3% otrok. Molekularne citogenetske tehnike z visoko ločljivostjo (CGH- in SNP-mikromreže) so v zadnjih letih postale ključna preiskava v rutinski klinični diagnostiki pri preiskovancih z razvojnim zaostankom, displastičnimi znaki in drugimi nepravilnostmi. Metode in rezultati. V prispevku želimo prikazati klinične prednosti molekularnega citogenetskega pristopa v diagnostičnem postopku dveh otrok z razvojnim zaostankom, displastičnimi znaki in drugimi nepravilnostmi. Potrditev kromosomske preureditve z metodo FISH je potrebna za opredelitev točne kromosomske lokacije in mehanizma nastanka kromosomske nepravilnosti. Zaključek. V prispevku predstavljamo dva tipa kromosomskih nepravilnosti, ki smo jih ugotovili in potrdili z različnimi molekularnimi metodami. Poudariti želimo pomen potrjevanja in analize pri starših za opredelitev izvora nastanka kromosomske preureditve. Rezultati genetske preiskave so ključni pri genetskem svetovanju prizadetim posameznikom in njihovim družinam