54 research outputs found

    Rancang Bangun Sistem Informasi Terapi Autisme dengan Metode Applied Behaviour Analysis (Studi Kasus: Sekolah Harapan Bunda Surabaya)

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    A childwith autismhas impairedresulting indelays inmentalageto agechronologically. One of themost important thingsin the process ofhealingchildrenwithautismisaroutinetreatmentthat takes a long time. The therapy that has been usedinthe Harapan BundaSchoolis a therapyusingAppliedBehaviorAnalysis (ABA). In the process oftherapyof autistic childrenaged2 to3years require2.5until3yearsof recording. Without orderly recording, there will be a lot offorgetfulness, bothprograms, therapy and outcomeof therapy. Thenumber of datarecordseach dayof therapythat is used toproducetherapeutic resultsbecome the problematicfortheschool database recordwhich is orderly,neatandaccurate informationis needed inthe process ofmonitoringthe child\u27s developmentto avoiderrorsin decidingthe propertreatmentprogramfor thechildren. Based ona problems survey above, it needs an information system that helpsthe schoolin monitoringchild development. Theproblem of BuildingInformation SystemsAutismtherapyusingthe ABAmethodishow to designandbuild information systems for autismtherapyusingAppliedBehaviorAnalysismethodtofacilitatetheobservingof child development. InformationSystems Design for Autismtherapyusing theABAmethodis a systemthat helpsthe schoolin monitoringchild development. So it canbe a solutionto theproblemin decidingthe appropriate treatmentprogramatHarapan Bunda SchoolofSurabaya

    MoLearn a Web-and Android-Based Learning Application as an Alternative for Teaching-Learning Process in High Schools

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    The purpose of this study is to develop a Web- and Android-based learning application for high school students, named MoLearn. To meet teacher needs, a preliminary study was conducted by conducting interviews and field observations. The design and development follow the ADDIE model, with stages namely (1) analysis of needs, (2) design of interface, (3) development / construction, (4) implementation and (5) evaluation. The research subjects were educators who were members of the Biology and Geography MGMP, along with their students. The evaluation was carried out to the educators representing the respective MGMP, carried out by distributing questionnaires, and triangulation using the UI/UX test. Data analysis was performed with qualitative descriptive technique and descriptive statistic. Based on data analysis, the results show that all educators agree that (1) MoLearn's appearance is attractive and convenient to use, (2) MoLearn can fulfill learning needs, and (3) MoLearn has fulfilled the requirements as a learning model that utilizes Information Technology

    Rancang Bangun Aplikasi Ppic dalam Manajemen Biaya dan Waktu Proyek Sistem Informasi (Studi Kasus STIKOM Surabaya)

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    Management becomes indispensable in this era. Project management was one of that. In the knowledge area, project management can be divided into cost and time management. The goals of cost and time management are to produce a calculation of an effective estimated cost and efficient time management. This system was built to produce an effective cost estimate calculation based on Cost of Quality method and good time management based on Critical Path method. After the implementation and evaluation, the system has success to created project cost estimate and time management based on Cost of Quality and the Critical Path method

    Prototype of Mobile Learning Application (MoLearn) by Utilizing the Gamification Concept

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    Mobile Learning (MoLearn) is a learning application created specifically to accommodate the learning needs of students with the goal of gaining more learning experiences with more effective mobile devices. Answering this challenge, MoLearn application that has been built previously with web-based and Android needs to be developed. In accordance with the lifestyle of its users, in this case high school students, the MoLearn application was developed using the concept of Gamification. In learning, gamification is an approach in the learning process that uses elements in the game with the aim to provide motivation, build comfort for learners, and interest in the learning process. By utilizing the concept of Gamification, a prototype of MoLearn application development was designed by giving attention to the three elements, i.e character, interactivity and feedback. The development of this application takes into account every student activity that focuses on goals, reward mechanisms, and progress tracking. Gamification, a key review of MoLearn's application development as a concept in the process of creating participative learning experiences and active learning

    Prototype of Automatic Essay Assessment and Plagiarism Detection on Mobile Learning “Molearn” Application Using GLSA Method

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    In evaluating the student’s learning outcomes, essay exams were commonly used by teachers to measure the level of student’s understanding of the learning material. However assessing essay answers was more difficult in reality because it contained teacher’s subjectivity and required a longer correction time. In addition, detecting similarity in essay answers between students also required more teacher’s efforts. In previous studies, a prototype of essay answer assessment and plagiarism detection had been successfully created. However, the prototype display still needed an improvement based on the evaluation results given by biology teachers in East Java Province as the application users. The previous prototype also still carried the Latent Semantic Analysis (LSA) method which had several weaknesses. Therefore, this study aimed to produce prototypes that had better display and text similarity methods. The Generalized Latent Semantic Analysis (GLSA) method was chosen because it was able to cover the weaknesses of the LSA method. GLSA was able to detect sentences that had syntactic errors or missing common words. Based on the evaluation results, this study succeeded in producing a prototype with a better display value. The level of user satisfaction increased by 6.12%. In addition, the study succeeded in using the GLSA method as a substitute for LSA for creating better prototype essay assessment and automatic plagiarism detection

    Sistem Informasi Monitoring Perkembangan Terapi Autisme pada Sekolah Inklusi

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    Seorang anak autisme memiliki gangguan sehingga terjadi keterlambatan usia mental dengan usia kronologinya. Salah satu hal terpenting dalam proses penyembuhan anak autisme adalah dengan sebuah terapi yang rutin dan dalam kurun waktu yang lama. Terapi yang selama ini sering digunakan pada sekolah inklusi adalah terapi perilaku dengan menggunakan metode Applied Behaviour Analysis (ABA). Dengan metode ini, seorang pendidik dalam melakukan proses terapi anak autis yang berusia 2 sampai 3 tahun memerlukan 2,5 sampai 3 tahun pencatatan. Pencatatan harus dilakukan dengan tertib, karena tanpa pencatatan yang tertib, akan terjadi banyak kelupaan, baik program terapi maupun hasil terapinya. Dari pencatatan yang didapat, maka pendidik dapat merencanakan materi untuk program terapi berikutnya bagi anak didiknya. Berdasarkan permasalahan tersebut maka dibuat suatu sistem informasi yang dapat membantu pihak sekolah dalam menyusun penjadwalan guru, menyusun program terapi, melakukan penilaian harian dan maintenance, dan menghasilkan laporan-laporan yang dibutuhkan dalam proses terapi agar memudahkan dalam memonitor perkembangan anak


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    Traffic lights for pedestrians are necessary to provide security and comfort for pedestrians and vehicle drivers in order to avoid accidents and traffic jams. During the design of the circuit, component selection analysis was performed for assembling the controller. The analysis showed that the industrial timer has the ease of setting intervals and ease of maintenance controller in the case of damage. The testing on the design showed that, aftercrossing demand button was pressed, the traffic lights worked well in one cycle to allow pedestrians and further provides the opportunity for passing vehicles until the crossing demand button was pressed again by a pedestrian.Lampu lalu lintas untuk penyeberang jalan, merupakan hal yang dibutuhkan untuk memberikan rasa aman dan nyaman bagi pejalan kaki maupun pengemudi kendaraan untuk menghindari terjadinya kecelakaan dan kemacetan lalu lintas. Dalam perancangan rangkaian dilakukan analisis pemilihan komponen untuk merakit kontroler. Analisis menunjukkan bahwa Timer industri memiliki kemudahan dalam melakukan pengaturanselang waktu dan kemudahan dalam perawatan kontroler jika terjadi kerusakan. Pengujian atas perancangan menunjukkan, setelah penekanan tombol permintaan menyeberang, lampulalu lintas bekerja baik sesuai satu siklus untuk memberi kesempatan penyeberang jalan, dan selanjutnya memberi kesempatan untuk kendaraan melintas sampai tombol permintaanmenyeberang ditekan oleh penyeberang selanjutnya

    Model Frame dalam Aplikasi MoLearn Berbasis Android dengan Perhatian pada Aspek Perangkat Siswa dan Sosial

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    Membangun sebuah aplikasi pembelajaran berbasis mobile hendaknya mempertimbangkan karakteristik teknis perangkat mobile yang akan digunakan, aspek pribadi siswa dan aspek pembelajaran sosial. Penelitian ini memanfaatkan model FRAME yang memfokuskan diri pada peranan teknologi dalam pembelajaran, perangkat mobile sebagai komponen aktif dalam pembelajaran, yang memiliki kedudukan yang sama untuk belajar dan juga dalam proses sosial. Aplikasi Molearn berbasis Android dibangun untuk menjawab tantangan yang ada. Dalam ujicoba terbatas pada pemanfaatan Aplikasi MoLearn dilakukan pengukuran dengan menggunan User Experience Questionnaire (UEQ). Dari hasil pencatatan dan pengolahan data yang ada, berdasar enam kategori yaitu daya tarik, kejelasan, efisien, ketepatan, stimulasi dan kebaharuan, kesemuanya menunjakkan nilai/ hasil excellen

    HAKI : Aplikasi Pembelajaran MoLearn berbasis Web

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    MoLearn atau Mobile Learning adalah media yang dibuat untuk menunjang kegiatan belajar mengajar di sekolah. MoLearn yang artinya adalah belajar dimanapun memiliki keunggulan dapat diakses dimanapun melalui media gadget (laptop, smartphone, tablet, komputer) dengan dukungan koneksi internet. Media pembelajaran ini memfasilitasi interaksi antara guru dan siswa untuk menyediakan dan mendapatkan materi pembelajaran, memberikan tugas dan mengumpulkan tugas, pelatihan mengerjakan ujian online, serta melakukan diskusi. Selain untuk guru dan siswa, MoLearn dibuat untuk MGMP (Musyawarah Guru Mata Pelajaran) untuk mengontrol materi pembelajaran sehingga dengan media ini diharapkan siswa tidak mendapatkan materi yang menyimpang. Gambar 1 dibawah ini merupakan desain arsitektur aplikasi MoLear
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