1,034 research outputs found

    Broadband NIR-emitting Te cluster-doped glass for smart light source towards night-vision and NIR spectroscopy applications

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    Broadband near-infrared (NIR)-emitting materials are crucial components of the next generation of smart NIR light sources based on blue light-emitting diodes (LEDs). Here, we report a Te cluster-doped borate glass, which exhibits ultra-broadband emission around 980 nm with a full-width at half-maximum (FWHM) of 306 nm under blue light excitation. We propose adjustments of glass chemistry and processing condition as a means for topo-chemical tailoring of the NIR photoemission characteristics in such materials. Through implementing strongly reducing conditions during glass melting, Te clusters with broad NIR photoluminescence can be generated and stabilized once the melt is vitrified to the glassy state. Tunability of the NIR emission peak over the wavelength range of 904 to 1026 nm is possible in this way, allowing for fine adjustments of spectral properties relative to the stretching vibrations of common chemical bonds, for example, in water, proteins, and fats. This potentially enables high sensitivity in NIR spectroscopy. We further demonstrate potential application of glass-converted LEDs in night vision.</p

    Resequencing And Nucleotide Variation Of Sucrose Synthase (Nmsusy1) Gene In A Tropical Timber Tree Neolamarckia Macrophylla

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    Sucrose synthase (SuSy) is a key enzyme that catalyses the reversible synthesis and degradation of sucrose. It provides greater impact in regulating the photosynthetic processes and environmental stresses in plants. Thus, the nucleotide variation of partial NmSusy1 genomic DNAs (750 bp) generated through PCR amplification was examined in this study, and this followed by resequencing from 15 selected Neolamarckia macrophylla clones. The consensus sequences were aligned to detect the presence of single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs). In total, five SNPs were detected at nucleotide 1, 2, 34, 35 and 397. Of these, four SNPs were located at the predicted coding region while one SNP was located at the predicted non-coding region. Interestingly, one single base pair InDel polymorphism was also detected at nucleotide 17. On average, one SNP at every 150 bp was detected based on the 15 NmSusy1 sequences. There was one non-synonymous mutation detected, whereby amino acid glutamic acid (E) was replaced by arginine (R) in one of the 15 samples tested. This non-synonymous SNP might change the structural, functional or biochemical properties of the enzyme being produced and therefore possibly lead to changes in phenotypic characteristic of the trees. Overall, this study has demonstrated that resequencing is an effective technique for classifying molecular diversity or nucleotide variation in the Susy gene of N. macrophylla. Those SNPs, once validated, could potentially be used as a tool in marker-assisted selection (MAS) that enables more precise and accurate in the selection and prediction of yield or performance at the early developmental stages, such as at the seedling stage

    Application of nonlinear methods to discriminate fractionated electrograms in paroxysmal versus persistent atrial fibrillation

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    Background and Objective: Complex fractionated atrial electrograms (CFAE) may contain information concerning the electrophysiological substrate of atrial fibrillation (AF); therefore they are of interest to guide catheter ablation treatment of AF. Electrogram signals are shaped by activation events, which are dynamical in nature. This makes it difficult to establish those signal properties that can provide insight into the ablation site location. Nonlinear measures may improve information. To test this hypothesis, we used nonlinear measures to analyze CFAE. Methods: CFAE from several atrial sites, recorded for a duration of 16 s, were acquired from 10 patients with persistent and 9 patients with paroxysmal AF. These signals were appraised using non-overlapping windows of 1-, 2- and 4-s durations. The resulting data sets were analyzed with Recurrence Plots (RP) and Recurrence Quantification Analysis (RQA). The data was also quantified via entropy measures. Results: RQA exhibited unique plots for persistent versus paroxysmal AF. Similar patterns were observed to be repeated throughout the RPs. Trends were consistent for signal segments of 1 and 2 s as well as 4 s in duration. This was suggestive that the underlying signal generation process is also repetitive, and that repetitiveness can be detected even in 1-s sequences. The results also showed that most entropy metrics exhibited higher measurement values (closer to equilibrium) for persistent AF data. It was also found that Determinism (DET), Trapping Time (TT), and Modified Multiscale Entropy (MMSE), extracted from signals that were acquired from locations at the posterior atrial free wall, are highly discriminative of persistent versus paroxysmal AF data. Conclusions: Short data sequences are sufficient to provide information to discern persistent versus paroxysmal AF data with a significant difference, and can be useful to detect repeating patterns of atrial activation

    Entanglement concentration of continuous variable quantum states

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    We propose two probabilistic entanglement concentration schemes for a single copy of two-mode squeezed vacuum state. The first scheme is based on the off-resonant interaction of a Rydberg atom with the cavity field while the second setup involves the cross Kerr interaction, auxiliary mode prepared in a strong coherent state and a homodyne detection. We show that the continuous-variable entanglement concentration allows us to improve the fidelity of teleportation of coherent states.Comment: 7 pages, 7 figure

    Physiologie appliquee, nutrition et metabolisme

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    This study examined whether expectancy of ergogenicity of a commonly used nutritional supplement (sodium bicarbonate; NaHCO3) influenced subsequent high-intensity cycling capacity. Eight recreationally active males (age, 21 ± 1 years; body mass, 75 ± 8 kg; height, 178 ± 4 cm; WPEAK = 205 ± 22 W) performed a graded incremental test to assess peak power output (WPEAK), one familiarisation trial and two experimental trials. Experimental trials consisted of cycling at 100% WPEAK to volitional exhaustion (TLIM) 60 min after ingesting either a placebo (PLA: 0.1 g·kg(-1) sodium chloride (NaCl), 4 mL·kg(-1) tap water, and 1 mL·kg(-1) squash) or a sham placebo (SHAM: 0.1 g·kg(-1) NaCl, 4 mL·kg(-1) carbonated water, and 1 mL·kg(-1) squash). SHAM aimed to replicate the previously reported symptoms of gut fullness (GF) and abdominal discomfort (AD) associated with NaHCO3 ingestion. Treatments were administered double blind and accompanied by written scripts designed to remain neutral (PLA) or induce expectancy of ergogenicity (SHAM). After SHAM mean TLIM increased by 9.5% compared to PLA (461 ± 148 s versus 421 ± 150 s; P = 0.048, d = 0.3). Ratings of GF and AD were mild but ~1 unit higher post-ingestion for SHAM. After 3 min TLIM overall ratings of perceived exertion were 1.4 ± 1.3 units lower for SHAM compared to PLA (P = 0.020, d = 0.6). There were no differences between treatments for blood lactate, blood glucose, or heart rate. In summary, ergogenicity after NaHCO3 ingestion may be influenced by expectancy, which mediates perception of effort during subsequent exercise. The observed ergogenicity with SHAM did not affect our measures of cardiorespiratory physiology or metabolic flux.University of Derby Departmental Teaching Budge

    Continuous-variable quantum teleportation of entanglement

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    Entangled coherent states can be used to determine the entanglement fidelity for a device that is designed to teleport coherent states. This entanglement fidelity is universal, in that the calculation is independent of the use of entangled coherent states and applies generally to the teleportation of entanglement using coherent states. The average fidelity is shown to be a poor indicator of the capability of teleporting entanglement; i.e., very high average fidelity for the quantum teleportation apparatus can still result in low entanglement fidelity for one mode of the two-mode entangled coherent state.Comment: 5 pages, 1 figure, published versio

    Performance analysis of brushless DC motors including features of the control loop in the finite element modeling

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    Primary recovery of lipase derived from Burkholderia sp. ST8 with aqueous micellar two-phase system

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    The partitioning and recovery of lipase derived from Burkholderia sp. ST8 strain was explored using temperature-induced aqueous micellar two-phase system (AMTPS) composed of single nonionic surfactant. Nonionic surfactant Triton X-114 and Pluronic series (triblock copolymer) were evaluated in terms of their clouding phenomenon (cloud-point temperature) and the performance of the lipase partitioning in these AMTPSs. Pluronic L81 showed the most optimum partition efficiency for the recovery of lipase to the micellar phase of the AMTPS. Based on the AMTPS which consisted of 24 (w/w) Pluronic L81 and 0.5 (w/w) potassium chloride (KCl), the selectivity of lipase partitioned to bottom phase has been enhanced to 0.035 and the lipase was purified 7.2 fold. Furthermore, the lipase from the micellar phase was consecutively extracted to a new aqueous solution, with an aim of removing the surfactant from the purified lipase. It was attained by replacing the aqueous top phase from the primary recovery of AMTPS with a new potassium thiocyanate (KSCN) solution. The lipase was then recovered in the newly formed bottom aqueous phase which culminated in the yield of 89 and partition coefficients of 0.34 and 4.50 for lipase and surfactant, respectively. AMTPS offers a convenient and efficient method for the primary recovery of lipase with low cost, large loading capacity and the potential of linear scale up. © 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved

    Using a whole genome co-expression network to inform the functional characterisation of predicted genomic elements from Mycobacterium tuberculosis transcriptomic data

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    A whole genome co-expression network was created using Mycobacterium tuberculosis transcriptomic data from publicly available RNA-sequencing experiments covering a wide variety of experimental conditions. The network includes expressed regions with no formal annotation, including putative short RNAs and untranslated regions of expressed transcripts, along with the protein-coding genes. These unannotated expressed transcripts were among the best-connected members of the module sub-networks, making up more than half of the ‘hub’ elements in modules that include protein-coding genes known to be part of regulatory systems involved in stress response and host adaptation. This dataset provides a valuable resource for investigating the role of non-coding RNA, and conserved hypothetical proteins, in transcriptomic remodelling. Based on their connections to genes with known functional groupings and correlations with replicated host conditions, predicted expressed transcripts can be screened as suitable candidates for further experimental validation